
ɡǎn lǎn sè
  • olive
  1. 他们乌黑闪亮的头发、橄榄色的皮肤和迷人的棕色眼睛令他们看上去非常帅气。

    They are handsome with dark , shining hair , olive skin and fine brown eyes .

  2. 她喜欢橄榄色因为它象征着和平。

    She likes olive because it symbolizes peace .

  3. 一顶橄榄色帐篷扎在树丛当中。

    An olive-coloured tent stood within a thicket of trees .

  4. 她喜欢橄榄色因为它象征着和平

    She likes olive because It'symbolizes peace .

  5. 研究人员发现在有一个RHC基因,一个NRHC基因和适度的橄榄色肤色的妇女中,患黑色素瘤的风险是最大的。

    Melanoma risk was greatest , the researchers found , among women with one RHC gene , one NRHC gene , and medium to olive skin .

  6. 颇有威严,橄榄色制服上挂满闪闪发亮的金星。

    Grung , his olive uniform festooned with flashing gold stars .

  7. 活珊瑚的颜色多为黄色、棕色、或橄榄色。

    Most living corals are yellowish , brownish , or olive .

  8. 美洲橄榄色小莺,胸部和喉部为黄色。

    Small olive-colored American warblers with yellow breast and throat .

  9. 这所学校的名字来自橄榄色的阿拉伯语说法。

    The name comes from the Arabic word for olives .

  10. 我建议你选择深棕色,这适合你橄榄色的肤质。

    I suggest you chose deeper-brown color to suit your olive tone skin .

  11. 北美洲东部森林地带橄榄色的小霸鹟。

    Small olive-colored woodland flycatchers of eastern North America .

  12. 分布在热带太平洋、印度洋和南大西洋的橄榄色的海龟。

    Olive-colored sea turtle of tropical Pacific and Indian and South Atlantic oceans .

  13. 确实,她的橄榄色的皮肤使人想起南方及其炽烈的热情。

    Her olive skin suggested , indeed , the South with its burning passion .

  14. 她有着完美的橄榄色的肌肤。

    She had this perfect olive skin .

  15. 明黄色混合着青橄榄色,具有迷人的微绿色。

    It shows a yellow color with olive , intense , very attractive green glints .

  16. 他那一身橄榄色国民警卫队制服。

    His olive National Guard uniform .

  17. 如果新娘的皮肤是橄榄色,头发是黑色,纯白色的新娘礼服效果更好。

    A pure white gown typically looks better on a bride who has olive skin and dark hair .

  18. 一个漂亮的水槽,线条简洁的橱柜和深橄榄色台面,赋予这个厨房以深厚的乡村风味。

    A charming apron sink , shaker-style cabinetry and dark oiled-soapstone counters infuse this kitchen with farmhouse style .

  19. 与此相反的是,如果你有橄榄色的皮肤,那么就远离棕色,选择红色。

    Conversely , if you have an olive skin tone , stay away from brown and go with red .

  20. 达塔说,他买的不锈钢凳子最后生锈了。他的橄榄色沙发则褪色成像鸟屎一样的绿色。

    Mr. Datta says his stainless-steel stools rusted and his olive couch faded to a ' bird-crap green . '

  21. 丝袜颜色包括橄榄色、青铜色以及咖啡色,还有更贴近肤色的浅褐色和蜂蜜色。

    Colours available include olive , bronze and coffee along with fairer skin tones such as beige and honey .

  22. 由于这位黑卷发、橄榄色皮肤的意大利裔教授受到盘问,导致仅有41分钟航程的航班推迟起飞两小时。

    The 41-minute flight was delayed by two hours as the olive-skinned , curly , dark-haired native Italian was questioned .

  23. 这位经济学家的有橄榄色的皮肤、黑色的头发和迷人的意大利口音。

    The economist has olive skin , curly dark hair and an intriguing foreign accent from his native country of Italy .

  24. 礼服的深蓝突出了她的橄榄色肌肤,而美人鱼裙摆完美展现了她的S型身材。

    The deep blue of this gown complements her olive skin tone , while the mermaid silhouette shows off her hourglass shape .

  25. 站在前头的那个男人显然是他们之中最美丽的,在那种典型的苍白的色调之下,他的肌肤是橄榄色的,他的头发乌黑发亮。

    The man in front was easily the most beautiful , his skin olive-toned beneath the typical pallor , his hair a glossy black .

  26. 首先,你的肤色如何?亮色皮肤总比暗色或橄榄色肌肤的人容易晒伤。

    First , how light is your skin tone ? Those with lighter skin will usually burn faster than those with darker or olive skin .

  27. 他是意大利本土人,因为他有深色的头发,橄榄色的皮肤和高挺的鼻子。

    His Italian heritage was evidenced by his dark hair , olive complexion , and strong nose . A neatly trimmed moustache adorned his upper lip .

  28. 中国人、朝鲜人、暹罗人和日本人的石陶器,加釉,其色调有各种绿、橄榄色、青和灰。

    Korean , Siamese , and Japanese stoneware decorated with glazes the colour range of which includes greens of various shades , olive , blue , and gray .

  29. 一种分布于北美东部地区的黄色和橄榄色的林莺(哀林莺),长有淡蓝灰色的羽冠,胸口衬有黑条纹。

    A yellow and olive warbler ( Oporornis philadelphia ) of eastern North America , having a bluish gray hood set off by a black band on its breast .

  30. 意大利美女极具地中海特色,她们拥有橄榄色肌肤,褐色的头发带着宜人的香气,加上她们自身的性格特点,这些无疑都使她们看起来光彩耀人。

    Italian beauty is defined by extremely pretty Mediterranean women who have olive tanned skin , brown hair with a nice aura and character which makes them truly gorgeous .