
  • 网络tapenade;olive paste
  1. 在面包里面涂些橄榄酱或香蒜酱会更好吃。

    Spread the inside of the loaf with olive paste or pesto sauce for extra flavour

  2. 请自便吧,这橄榄酱真是美妙极了!

    Help yourself . The tapenade is marvelous .

  3. 交账单、洗衣服、为晚餐做好番茄橄榄银鱼酱!

    Pay some bills , throw in a few loads of laundry , and whip up a hearty puttanesca sauce for dinner !

  4. 由于橄榄油使得蛋黄酱变得浓稠,但无论如何你也可以试着用红花油来制作出更加轻的质地。

    Olive oil makes a nice thick mayonnaise , however one can also try organic safflower oil for a lighter texture .

  5. 为了检验西红柿的护肤功效,研究人员让十位志愿者连续三个月每天食用五汤匙拌有橄榄油的西红柿酱。

    To test the fruit 's ability to protect the skin , ten volunteers were asked to eat five tablespoons of tomato paste mixed with olive oil every day for three months .

  6. 为了测试番茄的护肤功效,研究人员让十名志愿者每天食用五汤匙拌有橄榄油的番茄酱。

    To test the fruit 's ability to protect the skin , ten volunteers were asked to eat five tablespoons of tomato paste mixed with olive oil every day for three months . Another ten had a daily dose of olive oil - minus the tomato paste .