
  • 网络OLIVE;Olive Leaf
  1. 一项研究表明,病人吃这种橄榄叶药丸8周对降低血压指数和甘油三酸酯水平有明显效果。

    In a study , patients who took the olive leaf pill for eight weeks saw a significant decline in blood pressure readings and triglyceride levels .

  2. 如果进一步证明这种橄榄叶药丸的强大效果,就可用它们帮助那些由于有副作用而挣扎着吃血压药的患者。

    If further studies confirm the powerful effects of olive leaf tablets , they could be used to help patients who struggle to take blood pressure drugs because of their side-effects .

  3. 成份:橄榄叶萃取精华、旋vc、山药提炼精华、荟因子、树精华。

    Ingredients : olive leaves extract , levorotatory VC , wild yam extract , aloe essence , mulberry essence .

  4. D-101大孔树脂富集橄榄叶中橄榄苦苷的研究

    Study on the enrichment of oleuropein from Olea europaea leaves with macroporous resin D-101

  5. 橄榄叶黄酮类抗氧化物质的结构分析研究

    Study on the Analysing Structure of Flavonoids Antioxidants from Olive Leave

  6. 油橄榄叶中多酚和黄酮的含量分析

    Analysis of the Contents of Polyphenols and Flavonoids in Olive Leaf

  7. 成份:萃取精纯橄榄叶等天然植物精油。

    Ingredients : Olive Essential Oil , Natural Herbal Essential Oils , etc.

  8. 这个徽章显示出一只鸽子四周一圈橄榄叶。

    The badge shows a dove in a wreath of olive leaves .

  9. 通常有西红柿,凤尾鱼并装饰了黑色橄榄叶和马槟榔的沙拉。

    Typically containing tomatoes and anchovies and garnished with black olives and capers .

  10. 橄榄叶是和平的象征。

    The olive leaf is a badge of peace .

  11. 结论:橄榄叶提取物具有降血糖和调节血脂的作用。

    Conclusion Olive leaf extract can regulate blood glucose and the blood lipids .

  12. 橄榄叶可治疗高血压?

    Olive Leaf to Treat Hypertension ?

  13. 顺势疗法从业医生还建议使用橄榄叶油等草药精华来抵抗真菌。

    Homeopathic practitioners also recommend herbal extracts such as olive leaf oil for their anti-fungal agents .

  14. 傍晚时分,鸽子回来了,嘴里衔着一片刚啄下的橄榄叶。

    She came back to him towards evening with a newly plucked olive leaf in her beak .

  15. 橄榄叶提取物对正常及糖尿病小鼠血糖和血脂水平的影响

    Effects of olive leaf extract on glycemia and lipidemia in normal and diabetic mice induced by streptozocin

  16. 高浓缩精纯橄榄叶萃取精华,其活性成份能对皮肤提供保护及修补功效。

    AGE FITNESS has used the olive leaf and extracted a pure concentrate with unique protective and repairing powers .

  17. 盛会结束以后,获胜的运动员戴上由野生橄榄叶编成的花环,荣归故里。

    After the festival , winning athletes wore Olympic wreath of wild olive leaves and went back to their hometown .

  18. 上海一家报纸报道说,她倒是有几片“橄榄叶”可以奉献给美国领导人;

    Shanghai newspaper reported that she had a number of " olive leaves " to hold out to American leaders : 1 .

  19. 好吧,那用这个,把这个花生酱倒进去,还有食用油,还有橄榄叶。

    SUSAN : Here , here , look . Put in this peanut butter . And this cooking oil . And these olives !

  20. 高温或阳光能降低黄酮和多酚的含量,采用大孔树脂精制油橄榄叶提取物,可获得多酚含量在80%以上的油橄榄叶提取物。

    The extract of olive leaf was purified by macroporous resin . The content of total polyphenols of purified extract was over 80 % .

  21. 个别老年癌症患者亲临现身于节目中,大肆细说了一番他们是如何用新采摘的橄榄叶加水来治愈绝症的。

    Several elderly cancer sufferers have been paraded on screen to recount how the mixture of raw olive leaves and water had healed them .

  22. 成份:橄榄叶萃取精华、蛇床子、没药、红参、维生素A醇、熊果苷、深海鱼油等。

    Ingredients : olive leaves extract , common cnidium fruit , myrrh , red ginseng , vitamin A , arbutin , deep sea fish oil etc.

  23. 科学家称,用橄榄叶做成的药丸是对抗心脏病的一种强力武器。

    A pill made from the leaves of the olive tree could be a powerful weapon in the fight against heart disease , scientists say .

  24. 但由于目前橄榄叶基本没被利用起来,处于废弃闲置状态,因此,就累积产生了大量的橄榄落叶废弃物,造成了巨大的资源浪费和环境污染。

    However , nearly all the Canarium album leaves are discarded . Therefore , a lot of discarded Canarium album defoliation was produced , which result in huge waste of resources and environmental pollution .

  25. 结果表明:3年生油橄榄叶中黄酮和多酚的含量明显高于20年以上树龄的油橄榄叶。

    The results showed that the contents of polyphenols and flavonoids in 3 year old olive leaf were more high than that in 20 year old olive leaf of and high temperation or sunlight can reduce their contents .

  26. 阿尔巴尼亚的主要餐食是午餐,它经常和新鲜的蔬菜沙拉,如西红柿,黄瓜、青椒、橄榄叶、橄榄油,醋和盐搭配在一起吃。

    The main meal of the Albanians is lunch and it is usually accompanied by a salad of fresh vegetables , such as tomatoes , cucumbers , green peppers , olives , olive oil , vinegar and salt .

  27. 孵化的幼虫停息在卵块上3-4天后爬到枝梢取食橄榄新叶。

    After 3-4 days staying on egg mass , the hatching larvae move to shoots and eat new leaves .

  28. 将葡萄柚,橙和柠檬去皮切片,接着用橄榄油和香草叶快炒。

    Peel and segment the grapefruit , orange and lemon . Saut é lightly with olive oil and vanilla pod on a non-stick pan .