
  • 网络olive juice
  1. 试验结果提示一定剂量的橄榄汁具有解酒护肝作用。

    This result indicated that certain amount of olive juice was effective on anti-alcohol and liver - protection .

  2. 在上面的录像片段里,我们会看到萨尔瓦不多利(2008年世界最棒的餐厅)的主人费兰亚德里亚正用橄榄汁和藻酸盐做“人造的”橄榄。

    In the video clip above , we see Ferran Adria , the owner of El Bulli ( ranked the best restaurant in the world in2008 ), making an " artificial " olive by using olive juice and alginate .

  3. 最近几个月里,人们发现橄榄汁可以防止其他几种癌症,甚至可以健脑。

    In recent months the juice of the olive has been found to protect against several other cancers , and even to boost brain power .

  4. 清晨,阳光强烈地照射在地平线上松树团团的绿雾上。天空晴朗,充满了生机。河水急匆匆地流着,直到被最后一些压碎的橄榄汁染成棕色。

    In the morning , the sun shines strong on the horizontal green cloud-puffs of the pines , the sky is clear and full of life , the water runs hastily , still browned by the last juice crushed olives .

  5. 酶法生产橄榄混浊汁

    Application of enzymatic maceration to production of cloudy Chinese olive juice

  6. 橄榄制汁技术的研究

    Study on the technique of the Chinese olive fruit drink processing

  7. 确定了酶法生产橄榄混浊汁的最佳工艺条件,研究了果胶酶对橄榄果汁的产量和提取率的影响。

    Investigations were conducted on the effect of pectinase maceration on Chinese olive juice yield and extraction rate so as to determine the optimum conditions for increased juice yield .

  8. 通过调配(添加稳定剂、抗氧化剂、调节糖酸比),可获得色、香、味俱佳的橄榄浑浊汁饮料。

    Through adjustment ( adding stabilizer and antioxidant agents , adjusting the ratio of sugar to acid ) a stable olive cloudy juice drink with a pleasant color 、 special olive scent was produced .

  9. 将羊肉放入烤肉盘中,倒入橄榄油和柠檬汁。

    Place it into a baking pan and pour the olive oil and lemon juice .

  10. 把酸奶,橄榄油,柠檬汁,蒜末和胡椒粉混合放到一个碗里。

    Combine yogurt , olive oil , lemon juice , garlic and pepper in a bowl .

  11. 最后只需加入少许盐、胡椒、橄榄油和柠檬汁调味即可。

    A simple seasoning of salt , pepper , olive oil and lemon juice adds the final touch .

  12. 加入1杯水,橄榄油,柠檬汁,干牛至,盐,辣椒。

    Add 1 cup water , olive oil , lemon juice , dried oregano , salt , and pepper .

  13. 同时,另备一个小碗,放入橄榄油、柠檬汁、蒜碎、盐和胡椒,搅拌均匀。

    Meanwhile , in a small bowl , whisk together the oil , lemon juice , garlic , salt , and pepper .

  14. 涂有鳄梨泥和沙司的玉米饼,以及用橄榄油和柠檬汁搅拌,上面撒上核桃的蔬菜豆类混合沙拉都是不错的选择。

    Try corn tortillas topped with avocado and salsa or walnuts on a mixed-greens and beans salad tossed with olive oil and lemon juice .

  15. 把吞拿鱼粒、小洋葱粒、芫荽、香葱、橄榄油、柠檬汁、日本白豉油放于碗中拌匀,加入盐及胡椒粉调味。

    Put chopped fresh tuna , chopped shallot , chopped coriander , chopped chive , olive oil , lemon juice and white soy sauce in a bowl , add salt and pepper , then mix well .

  16. 向喷瓶中倒入一杯橄榄油,彻底混合喷瓶中的橄榄油和柠檬汁。

    Pour one cup of olive oil into the spray bottle . Thoroughly mix the olive oil and lemon juice together in the spray bottle .

  17. 若有几根枝子被折下来,你这野橄榄得在其中接上去,一同有分于橄榄根的肥汁。

    But if some of the branches were broken off , and you , being a wild olive tree , were grafted in among them and became a fellow partaker of the root of fatness of the olive tree .