
  • 网络Legal reservations;legal holds;reservation of law
  1. 论法律保留原则

    Consideration of the Principle of Reservation of Law in China

  2. 法律保留包括立法法律保留与行政法律保留。

    Reservation of Law includes reservation of law in legislation and administration .

  3. 论法律保留原则在给付行政中的适用

    On Application of the Doctrine of Legal Reservation in Service Administration

  4. 浅析高校学生管理依据的法律保留原则

    Brief Analysis on Legal Reservation Principles on University Student Management

  5. 与行政法治的基本原则&法律保留是根本冲突的。

    2 , It conflicts with the basic rule of administrative law-legal reservation .

  6. 法律保留原则是依法行政的重要内容。

    The law retainment principle is the substance of administration according to law .

  7. 论德国法律保留原则的要义

    On Main-point of Principle of Law Reservation in Germany

  8. 军事立法与法律保留原则

    Military legislation and the principle of law reservation

  9. 对行政法律保留原则的思考

    Consideration for the administrative law reservation principle

  10. 论我国宪法权利限制法律保留原则的完善

    On Improvement of the Principle of Legal Restraint of Restrictions on the Constitutional Rights in China

  11. 法律保留原则在我国已广泛地被立法实践所运用,并对我国立法产生了很大影响。

    It has already been widely applied in practice and had much influence on legislation in our country .

  12. 德国传统法律保留原则只具有规范行政的单面意义,是行政法律保留;而现代法律保留原则具有规范行政与立法的双面意义,既是行政法律保留,也是立法法律保留。

    The traditional principle of reservation of law in Germany only regulates administration , but it also regulates legislation nowadays .

  13. 解决这一问题的出路在于,参考法律保留原则,由最高权力机关以法律的形式设定高校处分权。

    The access to it is to definite college 's penalty right in the form of law by supreme power .

  14. 高校制定的内部规则应当遵守法律保留原则,不得与法律、法规相抵触。

    Any college 's inner regulations must submit to the law , and mustn 't contravene the law of state .

  15. 从法律保留原则角度讲,凡限制公民人身自由权利的强制措施和处罚均应以法律来规定。

    From remaining law principle , compulsive measure which limits free personal right and punishment are all ruled by law .

  16. 主要是通过比例原则、法律保留原则、正当程序原则和公正补偿原则来限制。

    Primarily , such restrictions are to be effectuated by means of the proportionality principle , due procedure principle and just compensation principle .

  17. 19世纪末德国行政法学者奥托·梅耶首创法律保留原则,意指一些特定事项必须由法律予以规定,行政行为若无法律依据,不得为之。

    At the end of the 19th century , Otto Mayer , Scholar of German administrative law , firstly created principle of law reservation .

  18. 法律保留原则源于德国行政法理论,该原则之最初确立旨在对行政权进行限制与规范。

    The Legal Reservation Doctrine ( calleddoctrine ) stemmed from the German administrative theory , which initially established to limit and regulate the administrative powers .

  19. 我国法律保留原则已经得以确立,但是还有需要加强之处,法律保留原则的实现也同样需要违宪审查或司法审查机制的保障。

    The doctrine of law reservation has be written in the laws and its effect should be strengthened . And it needs judicial review system .

  20. 承认基本权利在特殊权力关系中的适用,但却不适用法律保留原则的阶段;

    The phase acknowledging the applying of the constitutional rights in the special power nexus , and which does not apply the principle held by law ;

  21. 行政规定的制度建设是法治政府构建中的一项重要内容,须遵从依法行政核心原则法律保留的要求。

    System building in administration provisions is one important contents in the building of government by law , which must follow the request of the administrative provisions'core principle .

  22. 这就促成了当前通说应用的公益限制、法律保留、比例原则等一系列论调。

    This facilitated the current logically coherent argument application public welfare limit , the law retained , and the proportion principle and so on a series of views .

  23. 法律保留是行政法的一个基本原则,是依法行政和建立法治国家的基本要求。

    The principle of law reservation is a basic principle of administrative law , a basic requirement of administration by law and building a country of rule by law .

  24. 职位资格设置主要应遵循比例原则、不当联结禁止原则、平等原则与法律保留原则。

    The author thinks that , position qualification sets shall be mainly under the principles of proportionality , improper connection retention ban principle , equality principle and the law .

  25. 依法行政的内涵包括职权法定、法律保留、法律优先、依据法律和权责统一。

    The meaning of administration by law includes authority and responsibility designed by law , law retaining , the prevalence of law and the integrity of the authority and responsibility .

  26. 教育部将退学的条件标准交给高等学校设立违反了法律保留原则。

    The out of condition is given from the ministry of education school conditions of academic to high school , it is in violation of the principle of legal reservation .

  27. 警察进行实力强制调查应该遵循法律保留原则、正当程序原则和比例原则等三大原则。在实施调查时应该有明确的法律授权,并且要依照严格的程序。

    Implementing the enforced investigation , the police must follow three principles , namely , the principles of retain , due procedure and proportionality , also obey strict procedure with legal authorization .

  28. 但是,监听的适用是以侵害公民权利为前提的,因此监听在刑事侦查中的运用必须满足法律保留原则和比例原则的要求。

    But , the use of interception bases on the violation of the citizen rights , so it should be satisfactory of the principle of legal reservation and the principle of proportion .

  29. 强制性行政担保必须遵守相对法律保留原则,而依申请行政担保和通过行政合同设立的行政担保可以不遵守法律保留原则。

    Compulsory administrative guarantee must be in congruent with the principle of preservation of law , while the applied administrative guarantee and administrative guarantee created by administrative contracts are free from such principal .

  30. 第二部分探寻负担行政行为应当遵循的基本原则,在遵循行政法基本的法治原则和合理原则的前提下,本文重点阐述了比例原则、权利保障原则和法律保留原则。

    The second part of this paper is to introduce the basic principle interest-damaged administrative actions should follow , the principles includes proportion principle , right protection principle and the legal reservation principle .