- 名Legal heir;heir apparent;heir at law;lawful heir;legal heir/heiress

Kim Jong-il , who it is thought suffered a stroke last year , was styled as heir apparent for more than a decade before his father , Kim Il-sung , died in 1994 .
Mr. Bakiyev 's son and heir apparent , Maksim , had been scheduled to take part in those meetings but didn 't , U.S. officials said .
And yet here he is , in negotiations involving the likes of James Murdoch , Rupert 's son and Fox 's heir apparent ; Robert A. Iger , chief executive of Disney ; and Jeffrey L. Bewkes , chief executive of Time Warner .
He is the only legal heir of the rich man .
The second part : The range of legal heirs .
The king 's oldest son is heir apparent to the throne .
Research on the Range and Order of the Legal Heirs
This would suggest that the heir apparent is short .
They adopted him as their legal heir .
The right of the owner-or that person 's lawful heir-to claim this property or money never expires .
The limits of heirs in statutory succession of China 's Law of Succession accord with the civilian choice .
The range and order of the legal heirs is the importance matter of the inheritance by operation of law .
Escheat : Reversion of land held under feudal tenure to the manOR in the absence of legal heirs OR claimants .
A citizen may , by making a will , designate one or more of the statutory successors to inherit his personal property .
Legitimate portion is the inherent rights enjoyed by the legal heir , a successor who to ensure production can be a share of the estate .
The Legitim system is defined by law as the proportion of assets that will be assigned to the legal heir when disposal of the estate occurs .
Mary was long in finding among the dashing representatives , or idle heir apparents , who were at the command of her beauty , and her20000 pounds .
First of all , the special leave of the establishment of the system can fully protect the legal heirs of the inheritance , to reduce the occurrence of succession disputes .
A citizen may , by making a will , donate his personal property to the state or a collective , or bequeath it to persons other than the statutory successors .
Two cases were the testator by his successor before property other than the statutory successors is donatives person is also triggered will free the court judgment , big difference is that difference .
And the heirs at law , especially the spouse , children , and parents , are entitled to the Special Portion , and in this way their interest of inheritance is partly protected .
No death in the group . In addition , the determination of the scope of heirs apparent and the order of the deceased 's spouse in the list of heirs at law also came under Soviet influence .
for to supply her loss , he invited and received into his house the family of his nephew Mr. Henry Dashwood , the legal inheritor of the Norland estate , and the person to whom he intended to
The common person inflicting injury who is not pursued for liabilities for legal reasons , heir at law of the criminal defendant who has died in the complicity and accomplice at large may be also defendants in incidental civil actions .
Subcontractor means the person named in the Agreement and the legal successors in title to this person , but not ( except with the consent of the Contractor ) any assignee .
On the Scope of Successors and Their Shares in Intestate Succession in China and Abroad : a Comparative Law Approach
Heirs : At common law , the person appointed by law to succeed to the estate in case of intestacy .
Bayin Naung had rendered invaluable service as commander-in-chief of the Myanmar forces , so Tabinshwe Hti appointed him heir apparent and Bayin Naung was formally declared successor to the throne .