
  • 网络legal argument;Legal Argumentation;legal reasoning
  1. 这对于法律论证贯彻于司法实践有一定的积极意义。

    This legal argument and implement judicial practice has certain positive significance .

  2. 刑事法律论证的逻辑基础探析

    On Logical Foundation of Legal Argument in Criminal Trial

  3. 首先考察了法律论证的理论渊源:法律论证最古老的思想渊源在古希腊之修辞学(rhetoric)和论辩术(dialectic)中就能发现法律论证的雏形。

    Firstly , it reviews the theoretical origin of legal argumentation : the most ancient thought origin of the legal argumentation is the rhetoric and dialectics in ancient Greek where we discovered the embryonic form of it .

  4. 第一章主要介绍法律论证的合理性及其标准问题。

    The first chapter introduces the reasonable standards of legal reasoning .

  5. 法律论证相对合理性的原因分析

    An Analysis of the Causes of Relative Rationality in Legal Argumentation

  6. 分析学还是解释学&法律论证之知识属性辨析

    Analytics or Hermeneutics Differentiate and Analyze the Knowledge Attribute of Legal Argumentation

  7. 法律论证是反省性思维最主要的一种方法。

    Legal demonstration is the major way of introspective thinking .

  8. 从独白到对话&迈向法律论证理论

    From Monologue to Dialogue : Towards Theory of Legal Argumentation

  9. 行政裁量权行使之理由说明&以法律论证为分析视角

    Reasons-giving Under Discretionary Conditon & From Angle of Legal Argumentation

  10. 试论法律论证的源流与旨趣

    A Tentative Study on the Source , Evolution and Purport of Legal Demonstration

  11. 法律论证理论的兴起就是这种努力的一个结果。

    Legal argumentation is the one of the results .

  12. 而图尔敏的论证模型就是法律论证理论研究不能够绕过的一个高地。

    Toulmin 's model cannot be ignored by the learners of legal argumentation .

  13. 法律论证:概念架构与语义分析

    Legal proof : conceptual framework and pragmatic analysis

  14. 法律论证理论吸收了哲学和伦理学(道德哲学)的很多思想。

    Legal argumentation absorbed some theories of philosophy and ethics ( ethic philosophy ) .

  15. 法律论证的逻辑&试论法律逻辑的定位

    The Logic of the Legal Argument & on the orientation of the law logic

  16. 论刑事辩护中的法律论证

    On the legal argumentation carried during criminal defense

  17. 法律论证以及法律论证理论是理性主义法律思维方式的必然产物。

    Legal demonstration and its theory is an inevitable product of rationalism legal thinking mode .

  18. 她让我像做法律论证一样,简述雪莱的诗赋。

    She made me brief a Shelley ode as though it were a legal argument .

  19. 法律论证的正当性标准

    The Legitimate Criterion of Legal Argumentation

  20. 《法律论证原理》再批评

    Re-Criticism of Fundamentals of Legal Argumentation

  21. 然而不可否认的是,当前的法律论证研究仍然存在着缺陷。

    However it is undeniable that the current study to the legal argument has still shortcomings .

  22. 第四章分析法律论证内外标准之间的关系。

    The fourth chapter analyzes the relationship between the inside and outside standard of legal argumentation .

  23. 可以说,演绎模式的说理规则表达了对于法律论证最低限度的理性要求。

    The deductive rules of argument express the lowest requirement for rationality of legal argumenta - tion .

  24. 此外,本文所言的法律论证又不同于国外法律论证理论中的法律论证。

    But the legal argumentation in this article is different form that in the legal argumentation theory .

  25. 法律论证中的融贯论

    Coherentism in Legal Reasoning

  26. 本文首先分析了我国房地产融资需求中的法律论证需求。

    This paper firstly presents the legal approval requirement for the financing demand in China real estate market .

  27. 第二章分析探讨法律论证的要素及其合理性的四个内在标准。

    The second analysis to explore the elements of legal reasoning and its four inner standard of reasonableness .

  28. 政府在今天稍晚时候递交的诉书中将涉及何种法律论证目前还不清楚。

    What is still unknown is what legal argument the administration makes in the brief to be filed later today .

  29. 如何防止法官滥用利益衡量,防止恣意判决?加强法律论证是必须的,通过兼硕程序公正与实体公正,法官应在判决书中进行充分的说理论证。

    How to prevent judges from abusing balancing of interest and arbitrary decision ? Strengthening the legal argumentation is necessary .

  30. 通过这种区分,法律论证的范围和目标等基本理论要素大体上就确定下来。

    The division between discovery and establishment ascertains the basic theoretical elements such as the goal and scope of legal argumentation .