
fǎ dìnɡ hūn línɡ
  • legal age of marriage
  1. 由于世界各国在历史文化传统、风土人情和社会经济发展等方面存在一定的差异,各国民法对于成年年龄以及法定婚龄的规定有所不同。

    In terms of the differences of historical and cultural traditions , customs and socio-economic developments of the countries all over the world , the provisions about the age of majority and the legal age of marriage are also vary .

  2. 关于我国现行法定婚龄的法律思考

    Contemplation on the operating law of statutory marriageable age in our state

  3. (四)未到法定婚龄的。

    If the legally marriageable age is not attained .

  4. 迄至80年代初,尽管各个时期都有一定比例低于法定婚龄结婚者,但多数民众却遵循了这一原则。

    In the early 1980 's , most of the young people followed the marriage law but some of them still got married below the legal marriage age .

  5. 报道说,此项欲提高女性法定婚龄的提案得到司法部长多米尼克·佩尔邦的大力支持,他说,很明显,允许女孩15岁就结婚“是一种假自由”。

    The amendment , approved by an overwhelming cross-party majority , is also backed by the justice minister , Dominique Perben , who said allowing girls to marry at15 was " manifestly a false freedom " .

  6. 这给情路坎坷的单身族带来不可承受之重,尤其是年轻女性,对她们来说,结婚压力在刚达到20岁的法定婚龄时就开始了。

    That places unbearable pressure on people who have been unlucky in love and especially on young women , for whom the pressure to marry may begin as young as 20 , the legal marrying age for women .

  7. 文章依据第五次全国人口普查长表数据和地方文献资料考察20世纪30年代以来法定婚龄、政策婚龄对农民初婚行为的约束作用。

    Based on the data of the fifth census in China and the local literatures , this paper examines the restriction placed by the legal marriage age and late-marriage policy on peasants ' behavior at their first marriage since the 1930s .