
fǎ shè huì xué
  • sociology of law
  1. 对平等与身份的法社会学分析

    The Equality and Status in the View of Sociology of Law

  2. 彝族纠纷解决群体性的法社会学解读

    Yi Nationality Dispute Resolution Group of Sociology of Law Interpretation

  3. 韦伯的法社会学思想探析

    Analysis on Weber ' Theory of Ruling the Society by Law

  4. 手机短信诈骗犯罪的预防与控制&从法社会学的视角思考

    The Prevention and Control of Crime of Fraud by Mobile-phone Message

  5. 国家法律与民间规范的冲突和互动&关于社会转型过程中的一项法社会学实证研究

    Collision and Mutual Drive between the National Law and Folk Regulations

  6. 布莱克纯粹法社会学理论探析

    The Study on Black 's Pure Sociological Theory of Law

  7. 法社会学思想对旧中国民法的影响

    The Impact of Legal Sociology on Civil Law of Republic of China

  8. 法社会学视野中的传媒与法关系论

    Law Sociological Perspective of the Relation between Media and Law

  9. 司法审判的法社会学分析

    An Analysis of the Trial in the Way of Sociology of Law

  10. 中国法社会学研究现状与后现代转向

    Research Status of China 's Legal Sociology And the Diversion to Post-Modernity

  11. 律师执业活动的法社会学分析

    A Social Jurisprudential Analyze on Lawyers ' Practicing Activities

  12. 公司权力的法社会学研究路径

    Corporate Power in the View of Sociology of Law

  13. 本文的第四章就是对盗版现象的法社会学分析。

    The fourth part is the law and sociology analysis of piracy problem .

  14. 私了现象的法社会学思考

    A Law Sociological Approach to the Phenomenon of Private Settlement of Legal Problems

  15. 法社会学视野中的刑罚理念及制度

    View of Penalty and Penalty System in Legal Sociology

  16. 二是方法创新。运用法社会学,进行法律制度的规范性研究的问题。

    Second , sociology of law is used to study the legal systems .

  17. 本文则主要评述迪尔凯姆法社会学思想中的功能主义分析。

    This text mainly comments the functionalism analysis in Durkheim 's law-sociology thought .

  18. 以法律为准绳的法社会学思考

    The Consideration of " Take the Law as the Criterion " in Legal Sociology

  19. 三是法社会学依据,建筑物区分所有权的行使是在社会分层中寻求平衡;

    Third , we try to reach balance in hierarchical society in law sociology .

  20. 程序正义论&一种法社会学的反思

    Analysis of Sociology of Law of Procedural Justice

  21. 我国民事审判终审不终的法社会学视角

    On " Final Adjudication Not Final " of Civil Adjudication at Law Sociology Respective

  22. 本文从法社会学的角度肯定法律是存在漏洞的。

    Certain the existence of legal loopholes from the perspective of sociology of law .

  23. 农民工权益保障的法社会学思考

    A Consideration of the Peasant Workers ' Right and Interest in View of Sociology

  24. 双倍赔偿制度社会客观效果的法社会学调查构思

    An Attempt to Test the Effects of " Double Indemnity " System in Society

  25. 法社会学视角下的中国法官角色

    Chinese Judges at the Law and Sociological Perspective

  26. 法社会学视野中的法官造法

    Making of Law by Judges in the Field of Vision of Sociology of Law

  27. 传统与现代:基层纠纷解决机制的法社会学分析

    Tradition and Modernity : the Study on Conflict Solution System in Law Sociology Perspective

  28. 乙肝病毒携带者就业歧视的法社会学思考

    The thoughts on legal sociology of HBV discrimination

  29. 论法社会学视野中的律师角色

    The Research on the Role of the Lawyer in the View of Legal Sociology

  30. 法社会学视角下的乞讨权

    Right of Begging Viewed from Sociology of Law