
fǎ yuàn wěi tuō
  • commission of court;judicial commission;service for foreign court
  1. 法院选聘社会人士组成特邀调解员,接受法院委托进行调解。

    Court selections engages the society personage is composed of the member who specially invites mediation , accept commission of court carrying out mediation .

  2. 本文从一案例出发,剖析了法院委托拍卖的性质等同于一般民事委托行为。

    The article analyzes the quality of commission auction by using a case .

  3. 法院委托调解具有值得信任的一面,也有不值得信任需要警惕的一面。

    The court request mediation , has one side which is worth trusting , also has another side which is not worth trusting .

  4. 受委托人民法院收到委托书后,应当在三十日内完成调查。

    The entrusted people 's court shall complete the investigations within 30 days after receiving the commission in writing .

  5. 受委托人民法院收到委托函件后,必须在十五日内开始执行,不得拒绝。

    The entrusted people 's court shall begin the execution within 15 days after receiving a letter of entrustment and shall not refuse to do so .

  6. 法院的委托执行制度,有助于提高执行工作的效率,尽快实现公正判决。

    Court delegated system will help enhance the efficiency of the implementation as soon as possible to achieve a just verdict .

  7. 医患双方委托、卫生行政部门委托、法院途径委托鉴定的撤消率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);

    The differences of withdrawal rates of identified cases among three ways including consignations by both hospital and patient , by health administration , and by court were significant ( P < 0.05 ) .

  8. 在英格兰,Solicitor是指其业务主要为充当法律代理的律师,在低级法院中代表委托人,在高级法院审理中作为出庭律师准备案卷。

    In England a solicitor is a lawyer whose practice is devoted largely to serving as a legal agent , representing clients in lower courts , and preparing cases for barristers to try in superior courts ;

  9. 委托他人代为申请的,必须向人民法院提交由委托人签名或者盖章的授权委托书。

    If the application is made by proxy , a power of attorney affixed with the client 's signature or seal must be submitted to the people 's court .

  10. 指定辩护是指遇有法律规定的特定情况时,法院为没有委托辩护人的被告人指定辩护律师为其辩护。

    Specifies the defence refers to cases where the law of a particular situation , Court did not delegate defenders accused the assignment of defence counsel for his defence .

  11. 受委托人民法院自收到委托函件之日起十五日内不执行的,中国银行托收委托书

    If the execution is not performed by the entrusted people 's court within 15 days of receiving the letter of entrustment , " Application for collection , Bank of China "

  12. 然后经人民法院审查同意,委托代理即告成立。

    Examine via people court next agree , entrust a representative to be accused namely hold water .

  13. 委托人民法院可以请求受委托人民法院的上级人民法院指令受委托人民法院执行。

    The trustor people 's court may request the higher-level people 's court of the entrusted people 's court to order the latter to perform the execution .

  14. 企业破产清算组可根据法院宣告,直接委托符合条件的资产评估机构对破产企业全部财产进行评估。

    Enterprise bankruptcy liquidation groups may , in accordance with the adjudications of the courts , directly entrust qualified assets assessment institutions to assess all the assets of the bankrupt enterprises .

  15. 第三章当前国内法院的诉前委托调解,对上海、江苏、陕西三个法院的诉前委托调解进行分析说明。

    Chapter 3 describes the current appeal before the domestic courts of the mediation commission of Shanghai , Jiangsu , Shaanxi , three courts of appeal before the commission for mediation analysis shows .

  16. 公司在注销其法人格之前必须进行清算,以了结公司存续期间的法律关系。对法院强制执行的性质的不同理解,在法院撤回委托时,其损失的赔偿将会产生不同的法律后果。

    Liquidation is an important procedure in cleaning up a disbanded company 's credit , debt and residual properties when a company withdraws from the market . Different comprehension of compulsory execution will cause different legal compensation when the law court withdraws the commission .