
  1. 目前,我国已经引进了国外成熟的DNA检测技术、DNA检测设备以及试剂,各种司法鉴定机构、医院甚至民营生物技术企业也纷纷介入了这一服务领域。

    At present , our country has introduced foreign mature DNA testing technology , DNA testing equipment and reagents , all sorts of judicial authentication institutions , hospitals and even private biotech firms are intervention in the service sector .

  2. 司法鉴定机构管理和改革探讨

    Exploration on the Administration of Judicial Forensic Institutions and its Reform

  3. 论我国司法鉴定机构管理制度的完善

    Improving the Administrative System of China 's Judicial Expertise Organs

  4. 社会服务型司法鉴定机构执业环境透析

    Analysis to the Working Environment of Society-oriented Expert Identification Institutions

  5. 面向社会服务的司法鉴定机构在我国有着生存发展的现实基础、法律基础和科学基础。

    The society-oriented expert identification institutions develop with their practical , legal and scientific foundation .

  6. 在这场改革中,尤以司法鉴定机构管理体制的改革为重,这是改革的基础性工作。

    The reform of the distribution and management of the judicial expertise institution is particularly important .

  7. 社会司法鉴定机构是为三类诉讼活动提供鉴定服务的公益性组织。

    The non-governmental judicial expertise units are public organizations that provide identification services for three certain litigant activities .

  8. 第二部分主要是对国外司法鉴定机构的管理体制进行考察。

    At the second part , the writer introduces the manage system of judicial expertise institution of other countries .

  9. 试论民营司法鉴定机构的发展&兼论南天、太太经验的借鉴

    On the Development of Private Forensic Institutions & Learn from the Experience of " Nantian " and " Taitai "

  10. 建议成立各级森林案件司法鉴定机构,提高鉴定结果的权威性。

    Meanwhile , it recommends the establishment of forensic sciences institutions of forest cases at all levels to enhance the authority of identification results . 9 .

  11. 为面向社会服务的司法鉴定机构创造良好的执业环境,不仅需要广泛宣传,理顺关系,严格管理,还需要建立和完善司法鉴定启动制度、法律援助制度。

    To create a sound-working environment , we need not only extensive publicity , coordinate relationship and strict management but also the setting up of perfect expert identification system and the system of acquiring aid from law .

  12. 在分析了改革的指导思想与原则的基础上,提出了我国司法鉴定机构管理体制改革的建议方案,即我们应建立一元为主,多元结合,专门辅助的司法鉴定机构管理体制。

    On the analysis of the reform guideline and principle was put forward on the basis of Chinese judicial authentication institutions management system reform proposal that we shall establish " one situations is given priority to , many situations union , special assistant " judicial authentication institutions management system .

  13. 再次,针对我国目前法务会计执行机构较为混乱的情况,在分析现行的会计事务所和司法鉴定机构两种模式并存的弊端后,提出我国目前可以另建一种趋利避害的模式。

    Thirdly , aiming at the comparatively confused situation of executive organization of forensic accounting in our country at present , the author proposes another kind of mode of going after profits and avoiding disadvantages separately after investigating the drawbacks of coexistence of the accountant office and judicial appraisal organization .

  14. 试从完善我国司法鉴定立法、机构设置、鉴定程序、监督体系等几方面作一探讨。

    In this article , the author tries to probe into the improvment of our nation 's judicial identification legislation , machinery setting , the procedure of identification , supervision system .

  15. 结论对精神疾病的司法鉴定,各级鉴定机构应当特别慎重,如果存在疑异,提请复核鉴定是有必要的。

    Conclusion In judicatory authentication of mental illness cases , authenticating organizations at various levels should be careful and apply for to re-authentication if some people had different opinion .

  16. 司法鉴定人应当在一个司法鉴定机构中执业。

    A judicial authenticator shall undertake his practice in a judicial authentication institution .

  17. 司法鉴定是指在依法设立的司法鉴定机构中,执业的鉴定人运用科学技术知识或专门知识,对涉及诉讼、仲裁中的某些待证事实进行鉴别、认定的科学证明活动。

    Judicial expertise is a kind of scientific attestation done by the licensed expert witness serving in the legal judicial expertise organizations who is to identify and recognize some pending factual issues involved in the litigation and arbitration by use of technological or professional knowledge .

  18. 取证主体应当包括司法人员、电子技术专家和电子司法取证鉴定认证机构以及辩护律师。取证规则包括关联性规则、搜查扣押规则和可靠性规则。

    The judicial personnel , electronic technical expert , organ identifying and authenticating electronic evidence and defense attorney could obtain evidence according to relevant rule , search and attachment rule and reliability rule .

  19. 对我国目前司法鉴定立法存在的主要问题进行了分析,提出通过司法鉴定机构和司法鉴定人的独立和中立实现司法鉴定公正的价值观念。

    The paper analyzes the main problems existing in our legislation of expert testimony and puts forward the values of realizing the impartiality of expert testimony by the independence and neutrality of expert testimony organization and expert witness .

  20. 在这场实现司法公下与效率为目标的司法鉴定制度改革中,司法鉴定机构管理体制的改革显得十分重要,这也是改革的基础。

    In the judicial justice and efficiency as the goal of judicial authentication system reform , the judicial authentication institutions management system reform is very important ; this also is the foundation of the reform .

  21. 近年来,随着我国司法制度的改革,过去基本上由公、检、法部门或政府机构承担的司法鉴定工作正逐步转由独立的司法鉴定机构完成。

    Recently , along with the innovation of judicial system in China , the independent judicial expertise agencies are taking the responsibility of identification from the police , the procuratorate , the court and other government departments .