
sī fǎ ɡuǎn xiá
  • judicial jurisdiction;jurisdiction of courts
  1. 中国加入WTO就意味着接受国际司法管辖。

    China 's entry into the WTO means accepting international judicial jurisdiction .

  2. 论电子合同案件的司法管辖权

    Comments on the Judicial Jurisdiction of Disputes on Electronic Contract

  3. 谋杀案发生在英国司法管辖范围外,故国防部无须对其负责。

    As the killings took place outside British jurisdiction , the Ministry of Defence could not be held liable .

  4. 必和必拓和力拓已向澳大利亚和欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)递交了反垄断文申报件,预计很快会在其它相关司法管辖区递交申报文件。

    BHP and Rio have submitted antitrust filings in Australia and to the European Commission and expect to submit filings in other relevant jurisdictions shortly .

  5. 请从列表关闭VI设计避税天堂的VI设计司法管辖区将更好地满足您的需求。

    Please choose from the list off offshore tax havens which offshore jurisdiction will better suit your needs .

  6. 对中国投资者而言,与别的司法管辖区相比,监管框架内的成熟P2P平台提供了一条投资于该行业的稳健途径。

    For Chinese investors , established peer-to-peer platforms growing within a regulatory framework offer a robust way to invest in the sector compared with other jurisdictions .

  7. 不同于使用一个中央枢纽的大部分消息应用,Telegram的服务器网络分布在好几个不同司法管辖区。

    Telegram uses a distributed network of servers in several different jurisdictions , rather than a central hub like most other messaging apps .

  8. 微软税务专家崔西内博斯(tracyneighbors)表示,目前据悉,数字交易的征税地是服务器所在的司法管辖区。

    It is currently understood that digital transactions are taxed in the jurisdiction where the servers are located , says Tracy neighbors , tax expert at Microsoft .

  9. 此次收购有待各司法管辖区反垄断当局以及美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)的批准。

    The acquisition is subject to approval from competition authorities in various jurisdictions as well as clearance from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States .

  10. 一位知情人士表示,汇丰银行员工曾解释说,汇丰的风险体系在全球整合过程中存在一定问题,这导致涉及多个司法管辖区的BVI交易多次陷入停滞。

    One person familiar with the issue said HSBC staff had explained that there were some problems integrating its risk systems globally , which meant that one BVI transaction involving multiple jurisdictions could end up being flagged several times .

  11. 因此,在某一司法管辖区内结婚或民事结合(civillypartnered)的员工可能会发现,其他地方的移民当局不承认他们的结合,拒绝给他们的配偶发放签证,并且可能会质疑他们与任何孩子的亲子关系。

    Consequently , employees who are married or civilly partnered in one jurisdiction may find that immigration authorities elsewhere do not recognise their union , refuse their partner a visa , and may dispute their parental relationship with any children .

  12. 国际律所PinsentMason的菲奥娜•弗尼(FionaFernie)表示:“许多银行撤出离岸司法管辖地。它们正在评估业务模式以及业务所在地的风险。”

    Fiona Fernie of Pinsent Mason , an international law firm , said : " There are a number of banks withdrawing from offshore jurisdictions . They are risk - assessing their business models and where they do business . "

  13. 香港金管局新的反洗钱规定是2012年设立的。不过该机构表示,并未要求银行不要为在特定司法管辖区比如BVI或开曼群岛驻留、创办或开展交易的企业创建账户。

    HKMA introduced new anti-money laundering guidelines in 2012 but said it had not asked banks not to open accounts for corporate customers that are domiciled , incorporated or trade in a particular jurisdiction , such as the British Virgin Islands or Cayman Islands .

  14. 网络空间司法管辖理论的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Legal Administrative Theories of Cyber Space

  15. 第二节研究涉外刑事案件的司法管辖,分别讨论了上述三类犯罪案件的司法管辖情况。

    The second section discusses the jurisdiction of foreign-related criminal cases .

  16. 法院的家事司法管辖权包括处理离婚、子女管养及领养事宜。

    Its family jurisdiction involves divorce , custody and adoption matters .

  17. 第三、合法有效的仲裁条款排除司法管辖原则。

    Third , legal and effective arbitral clauses exclude judicial domination .

  18. 多个司法管辖地的法官们也加入了抨击行列。

    Judges , too , have joined the fray in several jurisdictions .

  19. 因特网民事司法管辖权探析

    How to Establish Civil Judicial Jurisdiction System for Internet

  20. 网络犯罪之司法管辖辨析

    A Discrimination and Analysis on Jurisdiction of Network Crimes

  21. 在该司法管辖区,矿业权益不能用作按揭贷款。

    Mineral rights are not mortgage in this jurisdiction .

  22. 三是国家及其财产司法管辖豁免权的理论与实践。

    The theory and practice of jurisdictional immunities of States and their property .

  23. 的活动,构成非法腐败有所不同的国家或司法管辖区。

    The activities that constitute illegal corruption differ depending on the country or jurisdiction .

  24. 国际网络版权贸易的司法管辖问题

    Judicial Jurisdiction Over International Internet Work Copyright Trade

  25. 军事民事司法管辖研究

    The Study of Civil Jurisdiction Concerning Military Affairs

  26. 有些司法管辖区规定了此种侵权行为,目的是对恶意行为受害人提供救济。

    Some jurisdictions have established this tort to provide a rimedy for malicious deeds .

  27. 本保险单受中华人民共和国的司法管辖。

    This policy is governed by law of the people 's Republic of china .

  28. 很难确定巴比伦和亚述的司法管辖权。

    It is difficult to discuss the administration of justice in Babylonia and Assyria .

  29. 盛德还面临司法管辖区的问题。

    The firm also faced a jurisdictional problem .

  30. 美国地区法院是美国主要的审判级法院,它拥有刑事和民事司法管辖权。

    The second tier of federal courts with general appellate jurisdiction consists of the U.