
ɡù yì xínɡ wéi
  • intentional act;willful act;willful and wanton act
  1. 被保损失必须是由意外事件引起的,而不是被保险人的故意行为所致。

    It must result from an accident , not from an intentional act by the policyholder .

  2. 被保险人及其代表的故意行为或重大过失引起的任何损失和费用;

    Loss of or damage to the insured property or expenses caused by intentional act or gross negligence of the Insured or his representative ;

  3. 承保的风险必须不是投保人的故意行为造成的。

    The peril covered must not result from deliberate actions of the insured .

  4. 也显示有故意行为,比如踩他人的脚。

    They also showed intentional acts , like stepping on another person 's foot .

  5. 法院裁定要求有恶意或故意行为的被告支付的损害赔偿金。

    Damages award by a court against a defendant who have behave maliciously or willfully .

  6. 在责任限制上,船舶不适航并不必然导致船东责任限制权利的丧失,除非不适航是由于船东的故意行为,或者船东的重大过失所造成。

    It is not inevitable that shipowners lost the right to limit his liability even the vessel is unseaworthiness .

  7. 无期待可能性可以作为故意行为的阻却责任事由,并且可以超法规适用,但须严格限制。

    The case that lack of expectant probability can prevent from taking on criminal responsibility over law must been strictly restricted .

  8. 他谴责瑞士法律存在缺陷,需要检方证明洗钱是故意行为,还要证明汇丰知晓通过其账户流动的资金是犯罪所得。

    He decried the weakness of Swiss laws , which require prosecutors to prove money-laundering was intentional and that the bank knew money flowing through its accounts were the proceeds of a crime .

  9. 甲方对该区域内属于乙方的财产的损坏、灭失等不承担责任,除非该损失是由于甲方的疏忽或故意行为造成的。

    Party A shall not be liable for any loss of and damage to the properties that belong to Party B , unless such loss or damages are caused due to negligence or willful misconduct of Party A.

  10. 例如,对于逃逸行为,显然是在过失犯罪中处罚故意行为的情形,因此,可以存在共同犯罪的情形。

    For instance , as for conduct of escaping , it is obvious that its deliberate action is punished within the domain of negligent crime , and therefore , joint crime can exist in conduct of escaping .

  11. 11月25日下午,我首次想到,这可能是某人的故意行为造成的后果。当这种想法从脑海中闪过时,我开始考虑可能的策划人。

    When the thought that this could be a result of somebody 's wilful actions crossed my mind for the first time on the afternoon of November 25 , I started thinking about who could have orchestrated it .

  12. 会计舞弊作为主观故意行为是行为人利用会计的不确定性、内部控制制度的局限性、法制的缺失、外部监督不健全等外部环境因素而实施的违法行为。

    Accountants ' cheating is an illegal conduct of committed by conductors on purpose , taking advantage of outer environment factor , such as indefinite of accounting , limitation of inner control system , defect of legal system , and imperfection of outer control .

  13. 起诉书还接着写道,这些行为主要是BP及Transocean员工决定采取的,可能会构成严重过失或故意失当行为。

    It added that those actions , which mostly relate to decisions taken by BP and Transocean staff , could amount to gross negligence or wilful misconduct .

  14. 美国政府指控英国石油(BP)在2010年墨西哥湾原油泄漏事故发生之前,存在故意失当行为,并争取法庭对BP处以最高数额的罚款和损害赔偿金。

    BP acted with wilful misconduct in the lead-up to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill , the US government has alleged at the start of the trial over the accident , as it pushes for the highest possible penalties and damages .

  15. 结果:①MRBQ可抽取出4个因素:冲动行为、超速及故意违规行为、错误行为和警觉安全行为,这4个因素可解释项目总方差的46.20%。

    RESULTS : ① Four factors were extracted , namely aggressive behavior , overspeed and purposed violation behavior , error and safe riding behavior , which explained 46.20 % of the total variance .

  16. 抑郁症状与高中学生的故意伤害行为

    Behaviors Related to Intentioned Injury and Depression among High School Students

  17. 误收假币后故意使用行为的刑事责任问题初探

    On Criminal Liability of Intentionally Using Counterfeit Money Received Mistakenly

  18. 这种伤害是故意的行为,常与作战及战争有关

    It be a deliberate action , often connected with battle and war

  19. 矿工故意违章行为已成为煤矿事故的主要致因。

    Miners ' deliberate violation behavior has been major cause of coal mine accidents .

  20. 对简单共同直接故意实行行为相关问题的思考

    Thoughts on Simple Joint Direct Intentional Perpetration

  21. 安徽省中学生故意伤害行为及社会心理特征研究

    Study of Intentional Injury Behaviors and Its Social-psychological Characters Among Secondary School Students of Anhui Province

  22. 所有故意侵权行为均需以被告未履行其对原告义务的故意行为为要件。

    All require some willful act in breaching a duty owed to the plaintiff by the defendant .

  23. 结论改善教育教养环境和心理健康状况可降低中学生故意伤害行为的危害。

    Conclusion Prevention of intentional injury behaviors should take into account related social factors and the mental disorder .

  24. 无论怎样,引起的除非严重疏忽或故意不当行为的任何其他缔约方的情况下。

    Howsoever , caused , except in the case of Gross Negligence or Wilful Misconduct of any of the other Parties .

  25. 第三人侵害债权的构成要件包括四个,即故意、行为的违法性、损害和因果关系。

    The important constructive conditions of a third party 's include four , namely intent , action illegality , damage , causality .

  26. 故意伤害行为在日常生活中频繁发生,严重危害社会经济发展和社会的稳定。

    Deliberately harm behavior occur frequently in our daily life , which cause serious damage to social and economic development and social stability .

  27. 根据这种分类方法,侵权行为可分为三种类型:故意侵权行为、过失侵权行为和严格责任制侵权行为。

    By this way of classification , there are three types of torts : intentional torts , torts of negligence and strict liability torts .

  28. 实行过限是共同犯罪中实行犯实施了超出共同犯罪故意的行为。

    The crime exceeds the limit is that the persons , in the complicity , who have implemented beyond the behavior on purpose of complicity .

  29. 瑞信随后发现,一些交易员的“故意违规行为”导致该行错误地估算了其头寸价值。

    Credit Suisse subsequently found it had incorrectly calculated the value of its positions due to " intentional misconduct " by a group of traders .

  30. 比较而言,医疗故意的行为人的主观恶性程度更大,应追究刑事责任。

    Compare and character , the subjective and malign rate of the travel humanness with intended medical treatment is older , should investigate criminal duty .