
gù lǐ
  • Hometown;native place;home village
故里 [gù lǐ]
  • [home village;native place] 旧时的门巷故居。指故乡,老家

  • 早思归故里,华发等闲生。--唐. 李中《送人南游》

故里[gù lǐ]
  1. 他挈眷返回故里。

    He went back to his native place , taking his family along with him .

  2. 论蔡伦故里旅游开发

    A Study on the Tourism Exploitation of Cai Lun 's Native Place

  3. 他发迹还乡,荣归故里。

    He came home a rich man , covered in glory .

  4. 经历了11年的自我流放后,他于1974年夏回归故里。

    He returned home in the summer of 1974 after eleven years of self-imposed exile

  5. 每次回到故里,我都去拜访我的中学老师。

    Every time I went back to my hometown I would pay my respects to the middle school teachers .

  6. 郓城县虹美包装有限公司是PVC热收缩膜包装材料的专业生产商,公司位于水浒故里&郓城。

    Yuncheng City , Shandong Province rainbow-U.S.packaging company PVC heat shrinkable film professional packaging materials producers , company is located in the Water Margin Hometown-Yun City .

  7. 基于TOPSIS方法的红色旅游绩效评价&以领袖故里红三角为例

    Red-tourism performance evaluation based on TOPSIS method & taking the leaders ' hometowm red triangle as cases

  8. Gonzalez被派往伊拉克三次后荣归故里。

    Gonzalez is back home after being deployed to Iraq three times .

  9. 整个NBA休赛期,大家谈论的都是勒布朗·詹姆斯的荣归故里。重回克利夫兰骑士队的他发表声明称,他想弥补当初出走迈阿密热火队给家乡造成的伤害。

    The defining story of the NBA offseason could have been LeBron James 's triumphant return to his home state to heal the hurt of his previous defection .

  10. 该墓墓志的发现,为研究东方朔故里提供了宝贵的实物资料。

    The discovery furnishes the valuable material for researching his hometown .

  11. 我怅望南天,心飞向故里。

    As I look southward , my heart flies there .

  12. 关于庄妃故里考证的调查与思考

    On Survey and Thinking for the Zhuang Concubine Native Place

  13. 她退休后迁回故里。

    When she retired , she moved back to her home town .

  14. 此次共有109名中国士兵的遗骸荣归故里,

    This time , remains of 109 Chinese soldiers have been returned ,

  15. 陈寿故里碑引发的两个问题

    " The stele at Chen shou 's native place " educes two problems

  16. 重回故里,还以为会吃日本生鱼片呢。

    Coming back to my hometown , I thought we 'd have sashimi .

  17. 在德孝文化的故里

    At the home village of Morality & Filial culture

  18. 历史上著名的逊让君位的伯夷、叔齐,其故里就在此地。

    Historic Johnson so-Jun-bit Boyi , Shu Ch'i , their hometown in here .

  19. 那也是提利昂希望的那种荣归故里。

    It was the kind of homecoming that Tyrion wished for as well .

  20. 以绿色环保型家饰质料,给你一个康健温馨的故里。

    With green environmental protection decorates material , give you a healthy sweet home .

  21. 白居易的造园活动及其园林思想&兼论洛阳履道坊白氏故里园

    Bai Juyi 's Activities and Thoughts on Gardening

  22. 梦回故里,思念的老家乡!

    Dreaming of home , dear old home !

  23. 东方朔故里新证

    New Evidence about The Hometown of Dongfang Shuo

  24. 这里是戚继光的故里。

    This was Qi Jiguang 's hometown .

  25. 桃花故里景区旅游资源特色与产品开发研究

    A Research on Tourism Resources Characteristics and Related Products Development in Hometown of Peach Blossom

  26. 从司马迁故里看弘扬中华文明

    Viewing the Development and Expanding of Chinese Civilization through the Native District of Sima Qian

  27. 尽管我将死去,我仍将永远把你呼唤,仍渴望重归故里。

    Although I 'm going to die , I 'm longing to return home forever .

  28. 孔子故里曲阜有着浓重的文化色彩。

    Qufu is the hometown of Confucius .

  29. A潘故里市场斟太棒了,但是我便是决定没有了要购甚么。

    Panjiayuan Market is really good , but I can 't decide what to buy .

  30. 他事业成功后荣归故里。

    Having succeeded in his career , he returned in glory to his old home .