
ɡù yì fàn zuì
  • intentional crime;calculated crime;willful crime
  1. 被害人在犯罪事件中的过错,在故意犯罪中,表现为其过错行为引发了犯罪人的犯罪行为;

    Injured party in crime fault among the incident , among the calculated crime , show as its fault behavior cause criminal offence , crime of people ;

  2. 故意犯罪既存在形态,也存在阶段。

    Intentional crime exists crime pattern , also exists crime stage .

  3. 这件事看来是故意犯罪,而不是事故。

    It had more the appearance of a deliberate crime than of an accident .

  4. 间接故意犯罪不存在犯罪中止,肯定论者的观点是难以成立的。

    The desistance of crime cannot exist in indirect intentional crime .

  5. 故意犯罪定义中的若干语词分析

    Analysis of Several Words in the Definition of Intentional Crime

  6. 除故意犯罪外,还有过失犯罪;

    Together with an intentional crimes , there is a negligent crime ;

  7. 这个事故有可能是故意犯罪造成的。

    This accident may have been caused by an intentional criminal act .

  8. 犯罪加重构成与故意犯罪形态的关系是复杂的;

    The relationship between the aggravated crime and the attempted crime is complex .

  9. 故意犯罪,应当负刑事责任。

    Criminal responsibility shall be borne for intentional crimes .

  10. 向未成年人出售烈酒,是商店故意犯罪。

    By selling alcohol to minors , the shop is deliberately flouting the law .

  11. 希望是直接故意犯罪的意志因素,而放任是间接故意的意志因素。

    Wish is the volitional factor in direct intention , while Allow in indirect intention .

  12. 共同犯罪是指二人以上共同故意犯罪。犯罪的人应该带上手铐。

    A joint crime is an intentional crime committed by two or more persons jointly .

  13. 间接故意犯罪的认定

    On Verification of Indirect Intentional Crime

  14. 从一起重大责任事故谈被挂靠企业负责人的责任承担故意犯罪,应当负刑事责任。

    Obligation Of Affiliated Enterprise Liability Accident ; Criminal responsibility shall be borne for intentional crimes .

  15. 故意犯罪是一个过程,由相互衔接的预备阶段和实行阶段组成。

    Intentional crime is a process , by mutual connection of preparatory and implemented component phases .

  16. 间接故意犯罪不存在未遂犯通说之质疑

    The Question to the General View of " No Attempt Crime in the Indirect Intentional Crime "

  17. 对故意犯罪而言,主客观相统一,正是认识因素与意志因素的统一。

    For deliberate crime , the unity of subjectivity and objectivity is the one of cognition and will .

  18. 对于非意欲的结果,不能认为构成故意犯罪的既遂。

    The result out of the intend can not be considered as the accomplished crime of intentional crime .

  19. 我没有意识到得罪了他。故意犯罪,应当负刑事责任。

    I was not conscious of having offended him . Criminal responsibility shall be borne for intentional crimes .

  20. 中止犯是指在故意犯罪过程中,行为人自动放弃犯罪行为或自动有效地防止犯罪结果发生的一种犯罪形态。

    Discontinued criminal is the criminal who gives up the criminal behavior or prevents the criminal effect self-motionly .

  21. 指出所谓牵连犯,是犯罪行为人为实现某一故意犯罪目的而实施的手段行为或由犯罪目的的实现而导致的结果行为又构成了其他犯罪的犯罪形态;

    While the method used to commit the crime and the act of the consequence contravene the other charges .

  22. 不仅仅适用于过失犯罪,也同样适用于故意犯罪的情形。

    Is not only suitable for the reckless crime , is also suitable similarly for the intentional offense situation .

  23. 与共同故意犯罪相对,共同过失犯罪也是共同犯罪形态的一种。

    As the counter-part of joint intent crime , joint negligence crime is also one form of joint crime .

  24. 牵连犯仅存在于故意犯罪之中,且目的罪只能是直接故意犯罪。

    Implicated Offense only lies in intentional crimes , and its aim crime should be a directly intentional one .

  25. 在单位构成单位故意犯罪的前提下,单位内部成员之间不存在共同犯罪关系。

    If units commit intentional crimes , the relations of joint crimes do not exist in natural persons in units .

  26. 被保险人故意犯罪致保险事故发生的法律后果&从公共政策的角度分析

    The Legal Effects of the Insurance Accident Caused by the Insured 's Intentional Crime & Analyzed by the public policy

  27. 在共同故意犯罪中,其核心概念是犯罪人之间的犯意联络。

    The contact of criminal intention between the criminals is the core concept of the problem of the joint offense .

  28. 是故意犯罪四种停止状态中最常见也是最重要的一种状态。

    Attempted crime is the most common form and the most important state in the four halted states of intentional crime .

  29. 所以,犯罪目的只存在于直接故意犯罪之中,间接故意里不存在犯罪目的。

    Therefore , criminal purposes only exist in direct intentional crime in , indirect intentional does not exist in criminal purposes .

  30. 因故意犯罪或者职务过失犯罪受过刑事处罚的;

    He has been subjected to criminal punishment due to an intentional crime or a crime committed because of negligence of duty ;