
  • 网络Accomplished crime;completed offence;the Situation of the Accomplishment of Crime
  1. 对犯罪既遂形态逻辑关系的梳理

    The Clarification of Logical Relationships among Patterns of the Crime Consummation

  2. 犯罪既遂、未遂与我国刑法分则之规定&以盗窃罪为视角

    Completed & Uncompleted Crime With Specific Provisions of Criminal Law

  3. 犯罪既遂标准的重构

    The reconstruction of the Standard of Accomplished Crime

  4. 简言之,构成要件说关于犯罪既遂的判定标准不具有合理性。

    In short , " constitution factors " is irrational as criteria to judge crime accomplishment .

  5. 犯罪既遂的标准

    On Standard of Accomplishment of Crime

  6. 作为犯罪既遂形态的两种相互紧密联系的类型,明确行为犯与危险犯之间的界限对于妥当地处罚犯罪人是相当关键的。

    It is important to carve up the bourn between the behavioral offence and potential damage offence .

  7. 危险犯是犯罪既遂的类型之一,这本是学界通行的见解。

    It is a general viewpoint in academy that dangerous offence is a kind of accomplished offence .

  8. 本文对这些观点与论据做逐一梳理,既是对新一轮犯罪既遂标准争论的总结,也为进一步探讨奠定基础。

    This paper combs out all viewpoints and basis for summing up the new argument and further research .

  9. 关于犯罪既遂的再探讨

    Re-Exploration of Crime Completion

  10. 危险犯的特征是:以出现法定的危险状态作为成立犯罪既遂的标志;

    Its characteristics are : Firstly , its consummation is due to legal danger consequence state coming out ;

  11. 完成形态即为犯罪既遂,未完成形态包括犯罪预备、犯罪未遂和犯罪中止三种。

    Unfinished crime pattern lies in three aspects : preparation for a crime , criminal attempt and criminal suspension .

  12. 传统的既遂构成要件说在认定犯罪既遂的标准上面临着理论的困境,应为目的说所代替。

    The traditional doctrine of accomplishment of crime is in a mess and should be replaced by the purpose doctrine .

  13. 犯罪既遂是犯罪成立的具体形态之一,是在犯罪已经成立的前提下表明犯罪已经完成的一种结局状态。

    Different measures should be taken in different situations on the concurrence between the desistance of crime and accomplished offence .

  14. 论我国刑法分则的立法模式&犯罪既遂与犯罪成立模式之争

    A Study on the Legislative Model of the Specific Provisions of Criminal Law-A Controversy between the Models of Crime Accomplishment and Constitution

  15. 由此引出我国当前犯罪既遂、未遂的划分标准、主要学说和观点。

    In our country at present is presented on this crime accomplishment , the division standard , main attempted theories and ideas .

  16. 通过对危险犯的不同理解的观点进行对比,危险犯应当是犯罪既遂的形态之一。

    Through to the dangerous make different understanding of the viewpoint that the contrast , dangerous crimes should be a form of crime accomplishment .

  17. 以及我国当前施行的认定法律和司法实践中的关于犯罪既遂未遂的判定标准和遇到的主要问题。

    The currently implemented in China and the cognizance of the law and judicial practice and meet the criteria to judge the main problem .

  18. 根据既遂的目的说,我国犯罪既遂类型可分为着手犯、行为犯、危险犯和实害犯。

    If taking the purpose doctrine , the types of accomplishment of crime concludes leadoff crime , behavior crime , danger crime and damage crime .

  19. 犯罪既遂后主动悔罪,刑法规定减轻或免除处罚的国内外均有前例可供借鉴。

    Regret after accomplishment of potential damage , the provisions of Criminal law reduced or exempted from punishment at home and abroad have precedent for reference .

  20. 它的特殊性表现在犯罪既遂标准与实害犯既遂标准不一,从而导致危险犯犯罪中止成立和刑事处罚的特殊性。

    Its characteristics lie in its formation and criminal penalty since there are different standards for the accomplishment between actual damage offense and potential damage offense .

  21. 票据诈骗犯罪既遂未遂的界限,以行为人是否非法获得数额较大的票据经济利益。

    The dividing line between accomplishment and non-accomplishment of instrument fraudulent crime should be based on whether the doer unlawfully gets the economic benefits from this instrument .

  22. 首先,通过新旧刑法之间的比较,指出《刑法修正案八》对于非法采矿罪的两点修改:行政前置的废除与犯罪既遂标准的改变。

    Firstly , point out two modifications of illegal mining in the Criminal Law Amendment Eight : the abolition of administration and the change of crime accomplishment standard .

  23. 因此,笔者分别对单一财产控制方式和复合财产控制方式下财产犯罪既遂、未遂的认定进行了探讨。

    Therefore , the Author discusses the recognitions of occurred property crime and attempted property crime under the single property controlling method and the complicated property controlling method respectively .

  24. 犯罪既遂标准存在构成要件说、结果说、目的说三种理论。

    There are three theories about the standard of accomplished crime : the theory of criminal purpose , the theory of criminal consequence and the theory of criminal constitution .

  25. 立法者制定任何一条罪刑规范都有其欲意要保护的法益,只有当这一保护的法益受到侵害时,才能成立犯罪既遂。

    Lawmakers approved any a prescribed standard has its meaning to protect to it , only when the protection of the legal interests are violated , established to crime accomplishment .

  26. 行为人是否控制并能够支配夺取的财物作为区别抢夺罪犯罪既遂与未遂的标准要明确、具体。

    It should be clear and concrete that whether the doer can control and dominate the money or property being seized is considered as criterion to differentiate between an accomplished offense and an attempted one .

  27. 遂后补救行为是指在犯罪既遂后,行为人主动避免紧迫性危险结果或者减轻可逆性实害结果的行为。

    Remedy behavior after accomplishment of crime refers to that the doer takes measures to avoid urgently dangerous result or to lighten reversible harm on his or her own initiative after a crime was accomplished .

  28. 本文从犯罪既遂理论入手,引入大陆法系的法益侵害说,以该说来指导盗窃罪既遂一般标准的认定。

    This paper starts from the theory of criminal accomplished , introducing the theory of violation of legal rights according to the common law system , and using this theory to guide the general standard of theft accomplished .

  29. 但是犯罪既遂说也有缺陷,其缺陷表现在在危险犯立法之初忽略了行为人的主观意志,导致主动排除状态的行为量刑偏重,不利于鼓励行为入主动悔过。

    However , accomplishment of potential damage is not without flaws . The defeats lies in the beginning of dangerous crime ignores the subjective will , lead to active exclusion behavior hanging , is not conductive to encouraging the behavior people take the initiative to repent .

  30. 保险诈骗罪犯罪既遂与未遂形态比较研究为解开这个谜团,大陆法系出现了主观的未遂论、客观的未遂论和折中的未遂论的理论对立。

    A Comparative Study on Two Forms of Insurance Cheat ; In order to solve the basis of bearing criminal responsibility for attempted offense , there existed doctrine of subjective attempt , doctrine of objective attempt and doctrine of eclectic attempt in the continental law system .