
fàn zuì fèn zǐ
  • criminal;criminal element;malefactor;mobster
  1. 决不让一个犯罪分子漏网。

    Don 't let a single criminal escape .

  2. 由于我们摆事实、讲道理,那个犯罪分子不得不低头认罪。

    As we set forth facts and reasoned things out the criminal could not but cave in and admit his crime .

  3. 减刑会向犯罪分子发出错误的信号。

    Reducing prison sentences would send the wrong signals to criminals .

  4. 应该强迫违法犯罪分子对社区作出补偿。

    Offenders should be forced to make reparation to the community .

  5. 总统说这一举措对犯罪分子过于宽容,力度太小。

    The president says the measure is soft and weak on criminals

  6. 成群结队的政府军士兵、反叛分子和彻头彻尾的犯罪分子一直在一些街区游荡。

    Bands of government soldiers , rebels and just plain criminals have been roaming some neighborhoods .

  7. 对话已经破裂了,原因主要是因为一些政府成员不愿意和犯罪分子达成协议。

    The talks have foundered , largely because of the reluctance of some members of the government to do a deal with criminals .

  8. 犯罪分子应当迷途知返,悬崖勒马,不要在错误的道路上继续走下去。

    The criminals should stop on the precipice , retract from the wrong path and not go any further .

  9. 我不想让我的儿子同犯罪分子来往。

    I don 't want my son to be involved with criminals .

  10. 坚决改变有法不依、执法不严的现象,毫不手软的依法惩治经济犯罪分子。

    The central government is determined to put an end to non-enforcement and lax enforcement of laws and will relentlessly condemn economic crimes in accordance with the law .

  11. 犯罪分子使用技术手段绕过安保系统的可能性非常小,以至于联邦调查局甚至不屑于跟踪这些数据。

    The odds of a criminal using technical means to bypass a security system are so small that the FBI doesn 't even track those statistics .

  12. 这个光着脚的孩子几年前还生活在贫困之中,被犯罪分子和暴力所包围,如今却在体育史上书写了新的篇章。

    The barefoot kid who just a few years previously had been living in poverty , surrounded by criminals and violence , had written a new chapter in the history of sports .

  13. Hackerazzi(黑客狗仔)指入侵名人的电子邮件帐户以获取并搜寻名人隐私信息的网络犯罪分子。

    Hackerazzi are cybercriminals who hack pictures and sell them to newspapers and magazines . For example :

  14. 有人曾指责这本书在为犯罪分子唱赞歌,但我更赞同艾尔罗伊自己的解释:这本书讲述的是三个男人被自己沉重的罪恶压垮的故事。

    It was accused of glorifying11 criminals , but I prefer Ellroy 's own explanation : this is a story of three men crushed by the weight of their own evil . 4 .

  15. 就是啊,这个世界还是有不少这种卑鄙的坏人。对了,Larry,这个bottomfeeder是不是只能用来形容犯罪分子?

    LL : Unfortunately , there are a lot of bottom feeders in the world .

  16. 计算机取证(computerforensics)正是在这种形势下产生和发展的,它可以对犯罪分子产生威慑作用。

    And the Computer Forensics is developed in this situation , and it has a deterrent effect on criminals .

  17. 《首都安全报》称Tam为全国通辑犯名单上的“危险犯罪分子”。

    The An Ninh Thu Do ( Capital Security ) newspaper described Tam as a " dangerous criminal " on the national wanted list .

  18. 有安全厂商本周做出预计,2010年,Adobe系统公司的Flash和Acrobat阅读器产品将取代微软办公应用成为黑客和网络犯罪分子的首要攻击目标。

    Adobe Systems'Flash and Acrobat Reader products will become the preferred targets for criminal hackers in2010 , surpassing Microsoft Office applications , a security vendor predicted this week .

  19. 有人抱怨说很少有黑客会长成海姆斯沃斯这个样子,曼提起自己的一位顾问——斯蒂芬·瓦特(StephenWatt),他身高七英尺,是一位金发的举重运动员,后来成了网络犯罪分子。

    To the grumble that few hackers look like Mr. Hemsworth , Mr. Mann invoked another consultant , Stephen Watt , a 7-foot blond weight lifter turned cybercriminal .

  20. 幸运的是,目前为止,RSA组织表示他们只目击到一次类似的攻击,而且也没有证据表明有犯罪分子使用这种被窃取的信用卡帐号登录过网银系统。

    So far , RSA said it has only witnessed one instance of the attack and has seen no evidence that stolen credentials are being used to log in to compromised accounts in real time .

  21. 旧金山——帮助数以百万计的美国人从家里上班的同样工具正被网络犯罪分子利用,成为侵入塔吉特百货(Target)和尼曼(NeimanMarcus)等零售商计算机网络的手段。

    SAN FRANCISCO - The same tools that help millions of Americans work from home are being exploited by cybercriminals to break into the computer networks of retailers like Target and Neiman Marcus .

  22. 世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)总干事戴维豪曼(DavidHowman)最近警告称,如今,国际体育界有相当一部分已被犯罪分子控制。

    David Howman , director-general of the World Anti-Doping Agency , warned recently that the underworld is now controlling a significant proportion of world sport .

  23. 这个漏洞存在于SSL3.0协议中,网络犯罪分子能够利用它明文获取本该加密的信息。不过,到目前为止,尚无证据表明曾有黑客利用过这一漏洞。

    Cyber criminals could use the hole in SSL version 3.0 to obtain information that is meant to be encrypted in plain text but - so far - there is no evidence it has been used by hackers .

  24. McAfee报告还显示,随着新的移动平台出现以及犯罪分子发现新的漏洞,移动威胁环境动荡不稳。

    The McAfee report also suggests that the mobile threat environment is fluid as new mobile platforms appear and as criminals explore new exploits .

  25. 随着加入WTO后中国金融业的逐步开放,犯罪分子利用中国经济发展迅速而法律尚不够健全的特点,将中国作为他们洗钱的新据点,中国反洗钱工作将面临巨大的挑战。

    With the gradual opening of China 's financial industry after its accession to WTO , criminals , taking advantage of its rapid economic development and imperfect legislation , regard China as their new base for money laundering , bringing about severe challenges to China 's anti-money-laundering operations .

  26. 该行动开始于2018年,当时装有安全消息平台ANOM的设备被秘密提供给在多个国家活动的犯罪分子。

    It began in 2018 when devices with secure-messaging platform ANOM were secretly provided to criminals operating in several countries .

  27. 无线adhoc网络中匿名通信系统在给节点提供保护隐私信息的同时,也为犯罪分子提供了利用匿名技术进行违法活动的机会,因此在提供匿名服务的同时还应有可控匿名机制。

    While the anonymous communication system in Wireless Ad Hoc network is providing protection of privacy information to nodes , it is also creating opportunities for criminals to conduct illegal activities using anonymous technology . Therefore , providing anonymous services in the same time there should be controllable anonymity .

  28. 周二,联邦调查局发言人约书亚·坎贝尔(JoshuaCampbell)称,该机构的“火速”警告是例行公告,意在“帮助网管提防顽固网络犯罪分子的行动”。最早报道该公告的是路透社。

    Joshua Campbell , an F.B.I. spokesman , said on Tuesday that the agency 's " flash " warning , first reported by Reuters , was a routine advisory intended to " help systems administrators guard against the actions of persistent cybercriminals . "

  29. 多伦多警局一再重复先前在周二所做的陈述,Const.VictorKwong称对Hyndman的死因仍在调查中,暂不做任何评论,因为这场事件没有牵涉到可疑或犯罪分子。

    Toronto Police repeated earlier statements on Thursday , with Const . Victor Kwong saying the investigation into Hyndman 's death is still open , but that no other information will be given because there is no suspicious or criminal element to the incident .

  30. 这个漏洞存在于SSL3.0协议中,网络犯罪分子能够利用它明文获取本该加密的信息。不过,到目前为止,尚无证据表明曾有黑客利用过这一漏洞。

    Cyber criminals could use the hole in SSL version 3.0 to obtain information that is meant to be encrypted in plain text but – so far – there is no evidence it has been used by hackers .