
  • 网络crime act;criminal law;Crime Bill;Criminal Justice
  1. 五名雄心勃勃的新人本周出版了一本书,名为“联盟之后”。该书催促政府返还各国涵盖犯罪法、社会政策、经济规范、种植业和渔业等方面的各项权力。

    Five ambitious newbies this week published a book ," After the Coalition ", urging the government to repatriate powers covering criminal law , social policy , financial regulation , farming and fisheries .

  2. 本文涉及了《犯罪学》、《犯罪心理学》、《刑法学》等多种学科和《未成年人保护法》《预防未成年人犯罪法》等法律文件。

    This thesis is the result of a multidisciplinary study of theories in Criminology , Criminal Psychology , Criminal Law , etc. with reference to such legal documents as Juvenile Protection Law and Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Law .

  3. 5月,乔·拜登签署了《反新冠仇恨犯罪法》,加快了司法部对仇恨犯罪的审查,并拨款帮助地方执法机构加强对种族歧视事件的调查、识别和报告。

    In May , Joe Biden signed the Covid-19 Hate Crimes Act , expediting the justice department 's review of hate crimes and making grants available to help local law enforcement agencies improve their investigation , identification and reporting of racially charged incidents .

  4. Surapak还将面临依据计算机犯罪法的相关指控。他也是自上月新政府组建以来因侮辱王室而被捕的第一人。

    Surapak , who also faces related charges under the Computer Crime Act , is one of the first people arrested for insulting the monarchy since a new government took power last month .

  5. 他们反对积极的行动纲领以及更有力的惩治攻击性犯罪法。

    They oppose affirmative action programs and stronger hate crime laws .

  6. 中国古代精神病人犯罪法探析

    On the Law of Psychopath Crime of Ancient China

  7. 关于设立《预防重新犯罪法》的思考

    Thoughts of Legislation of Preventing Recidivism Law

  8. 我从没听说过有人因使用短讯服务而根据电脑犯罪法被起诉。

    I have never heard of anyone who was prosecuted using SMS under the Computer ( Crime ) Act .

  9. 犯罪法份子管用的一个把戏是假装汽车破轮,叫没有产生怀疑心的司机把车停在一旁。

    A common trick among criminals along the roadside is to lure unsuspecting drivers to pull over by faking a flat tire .

  10. 《预防未成年人犯罪法》规定了在预防未成年人犯罪方面各级政府的职责及具体原则;

    The Law on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency stipulates the responsibilities of governments at all levels in the prevention of juvenile delinquency , as well as specific principles .

  11. 鉴于有组织犯罪法,使所有的人谁从非法活动的利润预防方面可被要求归还非法活动的利润。

    In terms of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act , all people who make profits from an illegal activity can be required to return the profits of that illegal activity .

  12. 泰国政府近期表示女性在网上发布“乳带”照片将被判入狱5年,称这样的行为违反了他们国家严厉的网络犯罪法。这一举动引发全球关注。

    The government this week caught global attention for saying women who post " underboob " photos face five years in jail as their actions could violate the country 's strict computer crime laws 。

  13. 笔者根据社会调查的结果发现在预防未成年人不良行为方面存在的主要问题是:1、防范机制的缺位;2、法治观念缺位;3、《预防未成年人犯罪法》的缺位。

    According to the results of social survey found that in terms of prevention of juvenile delinquency , the main problems are : 1.to prevent the Absence ; 2.absence of rule of law ; 3.Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency , the absence .

  14. 我国尚未制定统一的未成年人刑事诉讼法,有关规定散见于《未成年人保护法》、《预防未成年人犯罪法》、《刑事诉讼法》以及一些司法解释中。

    China yet has not formulated a unified code of criminal procedure for juvenile . Some provision can be seen in " Protection of juvenile Act ", " Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency Act ", " Code of criminal procedure " and a number of judicial interpretations .

  15. 货币犯罪的法益既包括国家的货币发行权,又包括货币的公共信用;

    The legal interests of currency crimes include distributing authority of currency and public credit of currency .

  16. 他说,美国在通过仇恨犯罪保护法方面发挥着带头作用。

    He says the United States has been somewhat of a leader in passing hate crimes legislation .

  17. 警官不得而知,但是根据芝加哥反犯罪集团法,警察必须命令他们散开。

    A police officer has no idea , but under Chicago 's anti-gang law , the cop must order them to disperse .

  18. 并且随着社会经济关系的日益复杂化,财产犯罪保护法益的范围也会发生相应的变化。

    Along with increasingly complicated social economic relations , the scopes for safeguarding the legal benefits in the property crimes are also being changed accordingly .

  19. 现代人类中心主义从人的利益出发,关注森林生态安全,认为林木犯罪时法益也以生态安全为核心,兼顾林木的工具价值。第三章:林木犯罪对象的分析。

    Modern Anthropocentrism from the interests of the people , concerned about the safety of forest ecology , forest crimes law that has benefits to ecological security at the core , take into account the value of trees . Chapter ⅲ: Analysis the object of forest crime .

  20. 船员海事犯罪立法的法理性研究

    Research on the Legislation of Maritime Criminal Law Relating to the Seaman

  21. 攻击联合国人员和有关人员犯罪的国际法控制

    International Laws Against the Offense of Attacking UN Personnel , Associated Personnel and Humanitarian Personnel

  22. 未成年人犯罪为何于法不惧

    Why juvenile delinquency dare the law

  23. 日本犯罪被害人保护法制度及其对我们的启示

    The System of the Protection Law for Victims of Crimes in Japan and Its Inspiration to Us

  24. 严严重有组织犯罪和警察法规定霍先生如果一定要在距国会一千米内抗议的话就将被拘留六天。

    The Serious Organised Crime and Police Act said Mr Haw had to give six days ' notice , if you please , of any demonstration within a kilometre of Parliament .

  25. 道格拉斯的犯罪现场分析法和特维的行为证据分析法在美国是应用非常广泛的两种犯罪心理画像方法。

    Crime Scene Analysis and Behavioral Evidence Analysis are two widely used methods of criminal profiling in USA , which are different from basic theories , forming process , construction and practice .

  26. 如果签发空头支票骗取财物的行为情节轻微,不构成犯罪,票据法规定要依照国家有关规定给予行政处罚。

    If the issuing lip-service cheat behavior are minor , does not constitute a crime , the bill law of according to the relevant provisions of the State shall be given administrative punishment .

  27. 关于被害人的种类,笔者主张根据犯罪所侵犯法益主体的不同,将被害人分为具体被害人和抽象被害人。

    Concerning the types of victims , the author advocates the violation of criminal law based on the different main interests , the victims can be divided into the specific victims and the abstract victims .

  28. 首先,犯罪侵害的法益为私人法益是刑事和解适用的实质要件。

    First , the crime against the legal interests of private is the application of substantive elements of the criminal Reconciliation , The benefits of crime against the law for a single legal interests , the sole benefit should be private legal interest .

  29. 另一方面,一般预防在法治条件下的特点在于:一是通过威慑未来可能犯罪发生保障法效力,二是借助法律的逻辑实现其消极预防为基础、并结合积极预防的双面预防主义。

    The realization of legal retribution depends on law-deciding equivalence between crimes and punishment . On the other hand , features of general prevention are preservation legal power through deterrence of potential crimes in the future and dual prevention of fundamental passive prevention as well as positive prevention .

  30. 在日本熏有关犯罪被害人的保护法制度一直是备受关注的。

    The system of protecting the victims has been greatly concerned in Japan .