
  • 网络Crime statistics;criminal statistics
  1. 犯罪统计不实问题一直是倍受社会舆论及学术界关注和批评的焦点。

    The phoniness in the criminal statistics has always been focused and criticized by the academia and the public .

  2. 该项目中的两大法则&等级法则、时空分离法则在很大程度上影响着警方犯罪统计的实践和数据。

    The rule of rank and rule of time-and-space separation affect the practice and data of polices criminal statistics to a great degree .

  3. 最新的犯罪统计数字完全是捏造的。

    The latest crime figures are a complete sham .

  4. 当前的典型mashup包括将GoogleMaps中的地图与位置数据结合,例如犯罪统计数字和给定地区的房地产价格。

    The current stereotypical mashup involves combining a map from Google Maps with location data , such as crime statistics and real estate prices for a given region .

  5. 据印度国家犯罪统计局(NationalCrimeRecordsBureau)的资料,在2014年底,印度尚有85%的强奸案待审,而强奸案的定罪率不超过1/3。

    More than 85 percent of rape cases in India were pending trial at the end of 2014 , according to the National Crime Records Bureau of India , and rape cases had a conviction rate of less than one-third .

  6. 我在催促联邦调查局编制犯罪统计一览表。

    I am speeding up the fbi 's Uniform Crime reports .

  7. 你看到最新的犯罪统计资料了吗?

    Have you seen the latest statistics on crime ?

  8. 一份关于犯罪统计数字的枯燥不堪的案卷。

    A very dull file about crime statistics .

  9. 矫正犯罪统计策略研究

    Research in Rectifying the Statistics of Crime

  10. 犯罪统计是研究犯罪手段、特征和原因,预测未来犯罪,制定刑事政策的重要方法和依据。

    The statistics of crime is an important method of studying criminal means , character and reason .

  11. 最近的犯罪统计导致了人们要求加强警察力量。

    The latest crime statistices have led to calls for the powers of the police to be strengthened .

  12. 由于犯罪统计数据和资料的不实影响了犯罪统计的功能。

    The statistics of crime was affected by inaccurate statistics which ever has existed for all kinds of reasons .

  13. 必须相应地采取措施,综合治理,才能有效解决犯罪统计真实性问题。犯罪统计作假是犯罪统计不实的一个重要原因。

    We should take some measures and settle it . Falsification is one of the most important reasons of the problem .

  14. 到了民国初年,犯罪统计相对来说比较详细具体,对女性犯罪的统计亦趋于明细。

    Since the beginning of the Republic of China , crime statistics tended to be more specified , especially on female crimes .

  15. 根据政府公布的犯罪统计数据,700万人口的香港今年1月至6月间发生了14起凶杀案。

    Hong Kong , a city of 7m , had 14 homicides between January and June , according to government crime statistics .

  16. 根据最新的联邦调查局公布的犯罪统计,1995年暴力犯罪呈下降趋势,其中杀人罪减少了8%。

    The most recent FBI release of crime statistics for1995 revealed a welcome drop in violent crime , including an8 percent decline in homicide .

  17. 通过利用数理统计学原理对犯罪统计不实进行分析和矫正,从统计分析方法角度发现问题和解决问题。

    Therefore , the paper tries to analyze and rectify it by using math statistics theory and solve problems from the view of statistics .

  18. 司法部长引用最新的犯罪统计数字来证明需要加强社会治安的综合治理。

    The judicial minister cited the latest crime figures as proof of the need for strengthening of the comprehensive administration of social public order .

  19. 清末犯罪统计的资料虽然很少,但从中仍可以看出新律影响的痕迹及犯罪女性的一些基本情况。

    Although statistics on crimes are rare in Late Qing Dynasty , the trace of new law influence and the basic information on female crimes are not hard to find .

  20. 应从转变观念、完善立法、加强犯罪统计工作等方面着手,构建和完善我国的犯罪信息公开制度。

    For the sake of actively exploring the construction of the system further , we should change our concept , perfect the legislation and strengthen the work of criminal statistics .

  21. 国内外的犯罪统计都发现青少年犯罪高峰现象,也就是青少年期的犯罪率远高于其他年龄层。

    Statistics on offending at home and abroad have found that the peak phenomenon of juvenile delinquency ; that is , the rate of juvenile delinquency is much higher than other age groups .

  22. 印度国家犯罪统计局的最新数据显示,2010年因嫁妆死亡的案件有8391起,另有九万起女性遭到丈夫或婆家虐待的案件。词汇点津:takeoff:嘲弄性的模仿

    According to latest figures from India 's National Crime Records Bureau , there were 8391 cases of dowry-related deaths in the country and 90000 cases of torture and cruelty toward women by their husbands or family in 2010 .

  23. 你知道,你可能打破了他们十年来的犯罪率统计数据。

    You would have devastated their crime rate statistics for a decade , you know .

  24. 青少年违法犯罪的多元统计分析

    Multivariate statistical analysis of the teenagers broke the law and committed crime

  25. 据非盈利组织委内瑞拉暴力犯罪观察站统计

    according to the nonprofit Venezuelan Violence Observatory .

  26. 从当时司法年报中对女性犯罪的明细统计,亦可以看出女性犯罪已经开始引起了司法界的注意。

    Judicial attentions to female crimes also had been seen from the statistics of female crimes then in judicial reports .

  27. 由于该报告是根据采访到的受害者的第一手犯罪资料,统计局的调查没有包括杀人案。

    Because it is based on interviews with people about their firsthand experiences with crimes , the bureau 's survey does not include homicides .

  28. 根据11年前国会通过的克莱利法案,各大学每年必须公布关于犯罪记录的统计。

    Each year , colleges are required to release statistics on crime as a result of the Clery Act , passed by Congress 11 years ago .

  29. 方法:抽取我院1995年~2000年司法鉴定案例中精神分裂症男性160例,女性43例,用自拟项目对精神分裂症男女犯罪行为进行统计分析比较。

    Meth-ods : Male 160 , female 43 cases with schizophrenia were chosen from judicial appraisal in our hospital during 1995 - 2000 , and given Statistics analysis about criminal act by self-made items .

  30. 不同的犯罪类型、空间统计方法和空间分析方法,获得的犯罪热点分布以及分布的影响因素都存在着差异。

    The distribution of crime hot spots and the influencing factors have a difference in different crime types , different spatial statistics methods or different spatial methods .