
chónɡ xīn fàn zuì lǜ
  • rate of recidivism;recidivist rate
  1. 由于推行这些法律政策措施,中国刑满释放人员重新犯罪率是比较低的。

    As a result of the implementation of these laws , policies and measures , the rate of recidivism among prisoners released in China is fairly low .

  2. 在构建和谐社会过程中,加强出狱人安置工作,降低重新犯罪率,对实现构建和谐社会的目标具有重要的意义。

    In constructing harmonious society , improving the employment of the former prisoners released from the prison , reducing the rate of recidivism , have the vital significance to achieve the goal .

  3. 在我国,重新犯罪率不断上升。

    The rate of the recidivism is growing up in China .

  4. 上世纪80年代以来,我国的重新犯罪率上升问题很突出,成为犯罪发展的新动向。

    Recidivism rate in China have been rising steadily since1980s and become significant criminal trency .

  5. 建设和谐社会,尽量降低重新犯罪率是必要的。

    In order to construct harmonious society , it is necessary to try to decrease the recidivism rate .

  6. 西方一些国家的重新犯罪率在20%&30%,有的高达50%以上。

    The reconviction rate in some Western countries stands between 20 and 30 percent , and sometimes as high as over 50 percent .

  7. 中国是世界上刑事犯罪发案率和重新犯罪率最低的国家之一,这与妇女所起的作用是分不开的。

    China is among countries with the lowest incidence of crime and recidivism . This fact is closely related to the efforts of women .

  8. 重新犯罪率和刑事案件发案率的高低,都是衡量一个国家改造罪犯成效的主要标志。

    The rate of recidivism and the crime rate are the main criteria for judging the effectiveness of a country 's efforts to reform criminals .

  9. 如何提高改造质量,降低重新犯罪率,是监狱机关面临的关键问题。

    Therefore , how to improve the quality of transformation and reduce the re-crime are the critical problems setting in front of the organization of prison .

  10. 那么监狱在这方面能做的贡献,只能是提高女性服刑人员教育改造质量,降低重新犯罪率。

    Prison can do some contribution in this aspect , can only improve the quality of education and reform women prisoners , reducing crime rates again .

  11. 1994年,全国重新犯罪率保持在6%&8%,这在世界各国中是很低的。

    In 1994 the national reconviction rate remained between 6 and 8 percent , a very low rate compared to that of other countries in the world .

  12. 中国是世界上重新犯罪率最低的国家之一,多年来一直保持在6%至8%的水平;

    China 's rate of recidivism is among the lowest in the world . For many years , it has been around 6 % to 8 % .

  13. 在我国,尽管1997年刑法将累犯的构成期限从3年延长至5年,但刑满释放人员的重新犯罪率依然呈现持续升高的走势。

    In China , though 1997 Criminal Law prolongs the period of recidivism from 3 years to 5 years , the recidivism rate is still on the rising way .

  14. 而西方一些发达的国家的重新犯罪率,少则20%、30%,有些高达50%、60%以上。

    In contrast , the rate of recidivism in some developed western countries is around 20 % or 30 % with some going as high as 50 % , 60 % and more .

  15. 特别是近几年来,刑满释放人员重新犯罪率随着市场经济的发展连年攀升,在某些地方情况还相当严重,对当地经济产生了恶劣影响。

    Especially in recent years , the re-released crime rate of ex-convict has been rising with the development of market economy . This condition is quite serious in some regions , which have badly impact on the local economy .

  16. 虽然相关职能部门一直以来非常重视这个问题,但刑释人员重新犯罪率一直居高不下,对构建和谐社会,确保社会长治久安造成了严重的影响。

    Although the relevant functional departments have been attached great importance to this problem , but re-released prisoners have been high crime rate , building a harmonious society , to ensure stability in our society caused a serious impact .

  17. 进入20世纪以来,重新犯罪率持续上升,对我国构建和谐社会的大业带来了巨大的威胁,也引起了社会各界的高度重视和警惕。

    Since the 20th century , the re-offending rate continues to rise , which will be a great threat to the building of a harmonious society , the huge social harms of re-crime caused a high degree of attention and vigilance .

  18. 社区矫正风险评估如何建立?如何发挥其在降低重新犯罪率中的作用?如何发挥纽带作用,处理好在提高教育矫正质量和发挥矫正针对性两者之间的关系?

    Risk assessment of how to establish community corrections ? How to play their role in reducing recidivism ? How to play as a bridge to deal with good quality and improving education to play a correct relationship between the targeted correction ?

  19. 自改革开放以来,我国实施严重不良行为、违法行为或犯罪行为的少年数量呈直线上升的趋势,并且伴随着出现了犯罪手段残酷性、犯罪低龄化和重新犯罪率高等新的特点。

    Since the reform and opening up , China commit a serious misconduct , violations or juvenile crime trends in the number skyrocketed , and along with the emergence of criminal means cruelty , crime , high crime rate in younger age and re-new features .

  20. 期望能对维护城市治安环境、保障外来务工人员基本权益,以及减少重新犯罪率和增进社会的整合与稳定,社会顺利转型提供一些有益建议。

    Look forward to protect the maintenance of law and order in city environment and basic rights of migrant workers , as well as reduce the crime rate , and promotion of social integration and stability , and society in transition successfully to provide some useful suggestions .

  21. 而且他们通过服刑改造后在再次回归社会的过程中将遇到更多的社会问题,导致重新违法犯罪率居高不下,成为城市化发展进程的阻碍。

    When they return to society after their prison term they will experience more social problems , high crime rates lead to a new offense , becoming the city of hindering the development process .

  22. 也就是说,刑满释放人员重新犯罪既有个人原因,又有社会原因,不能片面的把重新犯罪率升高这一现象完全归因于刑满释放人员本人。

    In other words , the re-released crime by the reintegrating released prisoners are both for personal reasons as well as social reasons , it is improper for us to entirely attributable to the rising crime rate with ex-convicts .