
  • 网络Return period;recurrence interval;returnperiod
  1. 本文对以前使用的推算重现期波高的几种概率分布进行了评述。

    Some types of probability distributions previously used for estimating wave height in return period are reviewed in this aper .

  2. 近岸低频波浪的Boussinesq模拟重现期法进行近岸海区风生海流计算的应用

    Boussinesq Modeling of the Surf Beat in the Nearshore Zone ; Application of Wind-driven Current Calculation in Return Period in Offshore

  3. 分析了不同的降雨重现期、参数φb的变化对边坡稳定的影响。对由路堤施工所引起的土体渗水性系数的各向异性对边坡的渗流稳定影响进行了分析。

    Effects of various rainfall events , angle φ b and the anisotropic permeability ratio caused by construction of the embankment on the seepage and stability were analyzed .

  4. 根据台风实测资料,利用PⅢ型分布函数,计算了抗台防灾和工程建筑设计中具有一定重现期的最大风速。

    In accordance with the measured data of typhoon , P - ⅲ distribution function was used to estimate the maximum wind velocity of certain recurrence interval in typhoon prevention and engineering structure design .

  5. 重现期>50a的泥石流被定义为低频率泥石流。

    Low frequency debris flow is defined as that with return period of larger than 50 years .

  6. 用Jenkinson法推算山东年最大日雨量重现期值的初探

    Preliminary study of annual maximum diurnal precipitation for reappearance periods in Shandong Province with Jenkinson method

  7. 通过对Weibull分布进行简单地调整,从而来处理有线性趋势分量的年最高高潮位.这样使得在计算极值水位重现期时能够考虑到线性趋势分量。

    The Weibull method is simply adjusted to cope with the annual maximum water levels having a linear trend component so that it can be used to compute the return period of extreme levels under the consideration of linear trend components .

  8. 本文根据长江河口的吴淞及其支流黄浦公园两个验潮站1912/1915~1985年年最高高潮位序列资料,应用Weibull分布方法计算了极值水位的重现期。

    A series of data of annual maximum water levels observed in the Wusong and Huangpu Park tidal gauge stations over the past 70 years have been analysed . The Weibull method of analysis is used to compute the return period of extreme levels .

  9. 另外,在NNW和SE两个常风向,用PearsonⅢ型和Gumbel两种方法,做了重现期的极值风速分析,其结果基本一致。

    Moreover , with respect to the dominant direction of wind NNW and SE , extreme values of wind speed at the return period are analysed , using Pearson (ⅲ) and Gumbel methods . The results are almost identical .

  10. 重现期为10000年的安全评估地震的峰值加速度为0.35g。

    The safety evaluation earthquake with an average return period of 10 000 years has a peak ground acceleration of 0.35g .

  11. 处理滇池流域重现期为5a的单场降雨,试验床体面积占汇水面积的比例>3.7%时,芦苇床湿地对总磷的去除率高达92%,对总氮的去除率为63%;

    Using the Phragmites communis , the removal rates of TP , TN reach 92 % and 63 % respectively when the storm recurrence interval is 5 years and the treatment system area occupies above 3.7 % of the catchment area .

  12. 利用这些线性方程对工程区短期测风资料进行了延长,并采用极值Ⅰ型分布计算了10m高处重现期10min平均最大风速。

    Short-term wind data for the project region were prolonged according to the linear equations , and by using Extreme Type - ⅰ distribution . Ten minute average maximum wind speeds were calculated at different return periods at 10 meters .

  13. 结果表明,两种方法对不同重现期设计值的估计结果相当,但P-III型分布计算时参数的选取与习惯用法不符,因此,建议采用极值I型分布进行设计潮位计算。

    Results indicate that P-III distribution is compatible to EV-I distribution in estimating designed values . But , the adopted parameters of P-III distribution does not accord with tradition , so , the EV-I distribution was recommended for designed tide level calculation .

  14. 公路排水设施中设计降雨重现期的研究

    Investigation on Design of Rainfall Reappearing Period in Highway Drainage Facilities

  15. 确定桂林漓江历史洪水重现期的探讨

    Probing into the historical flood return period of the Guilin Lijiang river

  16. 水文事件的频率、重现期和风险率之间的关系

    Relations among frequency , return period and risk rate of hydrologic events

  17. 国家体育场屋面雨水系统设计重现期的分析

    Recurrence period analysis in roof rainwater system design of the National Stadium

  18. 粉沙质海岸航道骤淤重现期的确定方法

    Method of calculating return period of suddenly siltation on a silt-sandy beach

  19. 用Pearson-Ⅲ概率分布推算梅州春旱的重现期

    Calculating return period of Meizhou spring dry with Pearson - ⅲ probability distribution

  20. 小流域暴雨量与降水历时和重现期的关系

    Relationship Between Rainstorm Amount and Rainfall Duration and Recurrence Periods in Small Watershed

  21. 不同降雨重现期垃圾填埋场稳定性研究

    Study on the stability of landfill under the different repetition period of rainfall

  22. 城镇雨水管渠设计重现期取值方法探讨

    Determination of design return period for urban storm-drainage systems

  23. 暴雨重现期估算方法的探讨

    Approaching calculation method of storm rainfall return period

  24. 大风重现期的风险分析

    Risk analysis of return period of strong wind

  25. 多年持续干旱的概率分析及重现期的确定

    The Probability Analysis of a Multiyear Persistent Drought and the Determination of Its Recurrence Duration

  26. 各历史洪水年份的重现期采用与坝址洪水取为一致。

    The reoccurrence period of historical floods is in accordance with the dam site floods .

  27. 城市排水与防洪排涝设计中重现期的确定

    On Determination of Return Period in Design of Urban Drainage and Flood Control & Draining

  28. 温室基本雪压的计算:重现期同样定为5~30年;

    Basic snow pressure calculating : 30-yr is also revised into 5 to 30-yr in return period .

  29. 处理历史洪水的关键,在于正确审定其流量数值及重现期。

    Careful examination of discharges and return periods is the key to the treatment of historical floods .

  30. 在公路排水系统设计中,降雨重现期是一个非常重要的参数。

    In design of highway drainage system , the rainfall reappearing period is a very important parameter .