
  • 网络weight unevenness
  1. 通过试验测试发现粗纱伸长率对粗纱重量不匀率和条干CV值影响显著,强调了控制粗纱张力的重要性。

    The test shows that the influence of roving elongation percentage on roving weight unevenness and evenness CV is evident , and the control of roving tension is very important .

  2. 总结出精梳落棉率、精梳棉结、精梳条条干CV值、重量不匀率等质量指标的控制原理及控制方法。

    Control principle and methods of quality indexes such as combing waste percentage , combing neps , evenness CV of combing sliver , weight unevenness and so on were summarized .

  3. FA326型并条机性能先进,自动化程度高,可有效地改善并条的条干不匀率、重量不匀率等质量指标。

    The performance of FA326 type drawing frame is advance and its automation is high , which can improve effectively quality index such as yarn irregularity , weight unevenness etc.

  4. 本文作者为提高非织造布SW-63型气流成网机的成网质量,测试了在不同进风方式下风速与纤维网横向重量不匀率的关系;

    In order to improve the quality of fiber web formed on SW-63 aerodynamic webber , air current speeds through the duct under different entering air controls were measured and their crosswise irregularities were tested .

  5. 清梳联生条重量不匀率影响因素的探讨

    Influential Factor Discussion of Card Sliver Weight Unevenness in Blowing-carding Unit

  6. 织物纬印与细纱重量不匀率的关系

    Relation of Yarn Weight Irregularity to Weft Bar of Wool Blends

  7. 清梳联生条重量不匀率及自调匀整器作用的分析

    Analyses of Card Sliver Weight Unevenness on Blowing-carding-drawing Unit and Autoleveler Function

  8. 降低转杯纺成纱重量不匀率的措施

    Measures for Reduce Yarn Forming Weight Unevenness in Rotor Spinning

  9. FZS-A型纺部试验重量不匀率测试系统

    A Weight Unevenness Measurement System FZS-A for Spinning Laboratory

  10. 关于无纺织物重量不匀率理论公式的探讨

    A Preliminary Study on to Theoretical Formula of Weight Unevenness of Nonwoven Fabric

  11. 清梳重量不匀率的系统控制

    Systematically Control of Weight Unevenness in Blowing-Carding Process

  12. 非织造布气流成网横向重量不匀率的测试与分析

    The test and Analysis on crosswise irregularity of web formation by aerodynamic system for non-wovens

  13. 粗纱伸长率与细纱后区工艺对细纱重量不匀率的影响

    Effect on Weight Irregularity of Yarn by Roving Elongation and Technological Arrangement of Spinning Rear Zone

  14. 提高粗纱质量的重点是降低纱的重量不匀率,提高粗纱条干的均匀度。

    The key to improve roving quality lies in reducing weight unevenness and improving yarn evenness .

  15. 自调匀整装置是棉纺清钢联系统解决生条重量不匀率及重量偏差的重要装置。

    Autoleveller is an important device to solve card sliver weight unevenness and difference on blowing-carding-drawing unit .

  16. 生条重量不匀率是衡量清梳联系统技术优劣的重要依据。

    The weight unevenness of carding sliver is an important basis to measure the goodness and the badness of blowing-carding unit system .

  17. 同时证明了灰关联分析是棉纤维原料品质与成纱重量不匀率因素分析的较佳方法。

    This finding was consistent with practical observations , which confirmed that the grey system analysis provides a better method for parametrical analysis of yarn uneven in weight .