
  • 网络METALLICA;Heavy metal
  1. 他最新发行的录音室专辑是在2011年与重金属乐队Metallica合作完成的《Lulu》。

    His most recently released recorded album was Lulu , a 2011 collaboration with heavy metal act Metallica .

  2. 现在,你转动头部将会非常顺畅。由于头部受到撞击造成颈部不可挽回的损伤,重金属乐队Metallica的低音歌手经历14年的生涯终于退出乐坛。

    You 'll be turning heads in no time . The bassist from the heavy metal band Metallica quit after 14 years , citing irreparable neck damage from head-banging .

  3. 今年,72000名歌迷将欣赏到重金属乐队的精选曲目。

    This year 72,000 fans will see the cream of the heavy metal scene .

  4. 我有几个国外朋友在北京做一个重金属乐队,他们需要一位会说英语的贝司手以及主唱。

    They need a bass player and a vocalist who can speak English or at least can communicate in English due to music related topics .

  5. 去年六月,百度雇佣了郭怡广,他是互联网权威人士,中国90年代重金属乐队唐朝的吉他手。百度任命他担任国际联络主管。

    This past June , Baidu hired Kaiser Kuo , an Internet pundit and former guitarist of the '90s Chinese metal band Tang Dynasty , to fill the new position of director of international communications .

  6. 除了模仿在瑞典出生、目前定居美国佛罗里达州的摇滚明星英格威•玛姆斯汀,一些年轻僧侣还把他们捉弄同伴或者大声翻唱泰国重金属乐队Bodyslam的歌曲的镜头拍摄下来放到网上。

    Besides rocking out to Mr. Malmsteen , who was born in Sweden and lives in Florida , some monks film themselves playing pranks on other novices or shouting out lyrics to the likes of Thailand 's heavy-metal band Bodyslam .

  7. 然后你只要播放Nickelback(北美重金属摇滚乐队)的音乐……

    And then you just dial a specific frequency of Nickelback and ...