
  1. 在英国,曼彻斯特商学院(manchesterbusinessschool)提供一个体育及重大赛事mba课程;利物浦大学(liverpooluniversity)有一个足球方向的mba。

    In the UK , Manchester Business School offers an MBA in sport and major events , while Liverpool University has a soccer-focused MBA .

  2. 7月19日,美国的TomWatson希望成为赢得重大赛事年龄最大的高尔夫球手。

    On July nineteenth , American Tom Watson aimed to become the oldest golfer to win a major event .

  3. 如今,有大约200名NBA员工在北京和上海的办公室工作,nba的球赛都是现场直播的,中国的媒体会报道nba所有重大赛事,比如全明星周末和nba总决赛。

    Now , about 200 NBA employees work in China in offices in Beijing and Shanghai . Games are streamed live and Chinese media cover all the league 's biggest events such as All-Star weekend and the NBA Finals .

  4. 从1994年,她就代表中国队征战于各个重大赛事。

    In1994 she began to fight for China in many important matches .

  5. 他最后一次参加全球重大赛事是2006年的世界杯比赛。

    His last major tournament was the 2006 World Cup .

  6. 2003~2005年世界重大赛事女子跳跃类项目冠军运动员比赛安排

    Competition Arrange of World Champion From 2003 to 2005

  7. 从未赢得过重大赛事冠军的比利时下一轮将面对意大利。

    Belgium , which has never won a major tournament title , will next face Italy .

  8. 棋艺馆以棋艺交流为主,同时也承办象棋界的重大赛事。

    Now Chess House has been a place where hold the significant chess match and chess communication .

  9. 如果你的球队参加重大赛事,新的发布会将关注抽签结果。

    A new press conference following draws for major tournaments if your team are involved with them .

  10. 来自台湾的杨淑君对伦敦奥运会寄予厚望,这将是她参加的最后一次重大赛事。

    Taiwan 's Yang Shu-chun has high hopes for the London Olympics , which will be her last major tournament .

  11. 周日过22岁生日的张凯贞还没有打进过重大赛事的第二轮。

    Chang , who turned 22 on Sunday , is yet to progress to the second round of a major .

  12. 体操科研对体操教学、训练以及重大赛事都起着重要的指导作用。

    Gymnastics to gymnastics teaching , scientific research training and major event was plays an important role in guiding the .

  13. 从每场重大赛事前大概三个星期开始,他会进入一个极其专注的自我世界中去,此时观众甚至都不敢大声鼓掌。

    About three weeks before each big tournament he would enter a bubble of concentration that muffled even the crowd 's applause .

  14. 建立客观、公正、有效的参加国际、国内重大赛事的选拔制度。

    Establish an objective , fair and effective system for the selection of athletes to participate in the major international and domestic competitions .

  15. 迈阿密赛事是大满贯之外的最重大赛事之一,也是红土赛季开始前的最后一场硬地赛。

    Miami is one of the biggest events outside the Grand Slams and is the final hardcourt event before the clay season starts .

  16. 现在有很多选手都有过在重大赛事中击败过你的纪录,而且这些选手通常年纪都比你小。

    Q.There are a lot of players that probably have a winning record against you in big tournaments , especially that are younger than you .

  17. 科利纳执法过的其他重大赛事包括1999年冠军联赛决赛曼联对拜仁的比赛和2004年欧洲杯决赛决赛巴伦西亚对马赛的比赛。

    Collina 's other big matches include the1999 Champions League final between Manchester United and Bayern Munich and the2004 UEFA Cup final between Valencia and Olympique marseille .

  18. 一个运动员经过长时间的训练,最终打入重大赛事的决赛,他就是这种运气的获得者。

    An athlete who puts in long hours of training and finally makes it to the final of a major sporting event is the recipient of earned luck .

  19. 这是1959年梅福基在温布尔顿参赛以来第一次有男运动员代表中国内地打进重大赛事的重要环节。

    It 's the first time mainland China has been represented by a male in the main draw of a major since Mei Fuchi played Wimbledon in 1959 .

  20. 本文以2008年北京奥运会作为研究实体,通过对现有文献的调研和回顾历史上历次重大赛事发生的突发事件,吸取借鉴国外大城市突发事件管理的经验教训。

    Regarding 2008 Beijing Olympic Games as objective , this paper has reviewed current literatures sudden events and sudden events in sports history and learned its experience and lessons .

  21. 这则制作成本不到2000美元的广告在无数重大赛事广告调查中胜出,而比赛前后几周中多力多滋的销售也实现增长。

    The spot , which cost just under $ 2,000 to craft , won numerous big-game ad polls , and sales of the snack increased during the weeks surrounding the game .

  22. 在英国和美国重大赛事上经常出现的英国高尔夫球选手贾斯汀·罗斯荣获高尔夫奥运金牌。这是时隔104年后,高尔夫这个比赛项目首次重返奥运。

    British golfer Justin Rose , a fixture at major championships in his homeland and the United States , won the gold medal in the sport 's return to the Olympics after a 104-year hiatus .

  23. 青歌赛在我国颇具影响力,是我国音乐界的一项重大赛事,也是声乐界推出新人新作的重要途径。

    This contest has significant influence in China , as it is taken as an important contest in the field of music and a valuable means for the promotion of new singers and new musical works .

  24. 在研究范式上是一种新的尝试,即在重大赛事中将运动心理学实践工作者与研究者的身份融为一体,以期研究具有更好的生态学效度。

    This study attempts a new research paradigm : the researcher combines his role with the role of sport psychology practioner together in an important international championship , from which the ideal ecological validity of the study is expected ;

  25. 对影响我国高水平足球运动员重大赛事比赛能力的因素进行了分析,我国足球运动员受到体能、战术、心智、技术、协调等因素不同程度的影响。

    Influence our country high level football player big tournament game capacity factors are analyzed , football athletes in our country by physical and tactical , mental factors , technology and coordination of the influence of different level . 4 .

  26. 2005年全国技巧锦标赛是今年国内举行的一次重大赛事,也是国际体操联合会技巧委员会在今年2月颁布技巧新周期规则后我国的第1次锦标赛。

    The National Acrobatic Championship in 2005 is an important sport event held domestically this year . It is also the first national championship after the skill committee of the International Gymnastic Federation announced its new round of acrobatic rules in February this year .

  27. 电视改变了重大体育赛事观众的规模和其社会阶层构成结构。

    Television has transformed the size and social composition of the audience at great sporting occasions

  28. 魏圣美与耐克(Nike)和索尼(Sony)等公司签署了几百万美元的代言协议,却没有赢得任何一场重大锦标赛事的冠军。

    She has signed multimillion-dollar deals with the likes of Nike and Sony . But she has not won a major championship .

  29. 我观看了过去20年几乎所有的重大体育赛事,而这是我所见过最激动人心的时刻,这位NBC环球(NBCUniversal)首席执行官上周末从北京奥运会返美时这样表示。

    I 've been to just about every major sporting event of the last 20 years and this was as exciting a moment as I 've ever seen , NBC Universal 's chief executive said on returning from the Olympic Games this weekend .

  30. 北京通信与重大国际赛事中的电视传送

    Beijing Telecom and TV Broadcasting of Major International Contests in Beijing