
chóng xiě
  • rewrite;overwrite;repeat
重写[chóng xiě]
  1. BusinessIntegrationServer内容处理器没有重写应用程序添加的信息。

    The Business Integration Server content handler does not overwrite the information that the application adds .

  2. 如果您设置了这个参数,这个WebServices向导将不会备份和重写旧的框架程序。

    If you set this preference , the Web Service wizard will not backup and overwrite the old skeleton bean .

  3. 我敢说她对不得不重写一遍感到恼火。

    I bet she was annoyed at having to write it out again .

  4. 这篇文章得全部重写。

    This essay will have to be completely rewritten .

  5. 但是,平反一件40年的冤案并不意味着历史可以重写。

    Fixing a 40-year-old wrong does not mean , however , that history can be undone .

  6. 要求我们重写那本史书,要一直写到1980年。

    We have been asked to rewrite the history book , bringing it down to1980 .

  7. 重写。一个常见的问题是我们不喜欢重写。

    Rewrite . A common problem is that we don 't like to rewrite .

  8. 重写使我们的写作更好,尽管它需要更多的时间和工作。

    Rewriting makes our writing better , though it takes more time and more work .

  9. 重写笔记并重读信息。

    Rewrite notes and reread information .

  10. 事实上,重写是发现和纠正一些错误的最好方法,比如语法和拼写错误。

    In fact rewriting is the best way to find out and correct some mistakes , like grammar and spelling mistakes .

  11. 应用程序配置文件设置重写计算机配置文件设置。

    The application configuration file setting overrides the machine configuration file setting .

  12. 我认为最好重写这个报告。

    I think it better to rewrite the report .

  13. 属性“{0}”是不可声明的,不能被重写。

    Property ' { 0 } ' is not declarable , and cannot be overridden .

  14. 这篇文章我已经重写了十遍了,可我总是写得一团糟。

    I 've had to restart1 this essay 10 times already – I keep making a pig 's ear of it !

  15. 将类声明为final,这样就不会重写它。

    Make the class final so that it cannot be overridden .

  16. 也不限指异性朋友pusharound驱使(某人)A:Gary,你想你是不是可以把这个报告重写一遍。

    A. Gary , do you think you can rewrite this paper .

  17. 提供了一些新Web应用程序选项,可以重写缺省J2EE身份验证行为。

    There are some new Web authentication options that can override the default J2EE authentication behavior .

  18. 下面重写x方向的,牛顿第二定律。

    So let 's write down now Newton 's Second Law in the x direction .

  19. 基于重写逻辑的UML模型一致性检查方法

    Method of Checking Consistency of a UML Model Based on Rewriting Logic

  20. 配置HTTP重写规则登出到未受保护的URL

    Configure HTTP rewrite rules to log out to an unprotected URI

  21. 它不会重写SQL,也不会以任何方式更改SQL。

    It does not rewrite it or alter it in any way .

  22. 1973年,用C语言重写了它,这使它具有可移植性,改变了这种操作系统的历史。

    Ultimately , it was rewritten in C in 1973 , which made it portable and changed the history of operating systems .

  23. 在创建启动配置后,通过选择启动程序的Target附签,您可以重写要使用的启动。

    When you create a launch configuration , you can override the launch that is used by selecting the Targets tab of the launcher .

  24. 只有彻底重写才能让applet象JavaWebStart应用一样强大。

    A ground-up rewrite was necessary to make applets as powerful as applications launched via Java Web Start .

  25. 基于改进的网重写系统的Petri网逻辑控制器的自重构方法

    Method for Self-reconfiguration of Petri Net Logic Controllers Based on Improved Net Rewriting Systems

  26. UserEnteredValue:允许报表管理器为提示提供一个值,重写仓库模型中指定的任何值。

    User Entered Value : Allows the report manager to provide a value for the prompt which overrides any specified in the warehouse model .

  27. 该请求是无状态的,无cookie或URL重写。

    The requests are stateless with no cookies or URL rewrites .

  28. 选择“Circular”作为日志样式,以持续重用日志文件并重写原来的事务。

    Select " Circular " for the logging style to continuously re-use the log files and overwrite the old transactions .

  29. 因此我们重写了API,在提供相同功能的同时也避免了这些情况。

    Instead we 've written APIs that provide the same functionality in a way we can implement .

  30. ParameterConfiguration对话框允许报表管理器重写每个报表上仓库模型中设置的默认提示行为。

    The Parameter Configuration dialog allows the report manager to override the default prompt behaviour set up in the warehouse model on a per report basis .