
  1. 空虚的心被阴影填满,因为爱已经褪色。

    Shadows fill an empty heart , as love is fading .

  2. 一颗空虚的心调和着冬季混乱绝望的忧郁坠落的念头开始萌芽为什么你不坚持住呢?

    Empty hearts and winter riot hopeless Blues ideas for falling : why don 't you just hold on ?

  3. 随后,在他的沉思从个人的意念转到普通大众的想法时,他混乱的感情逐渐地平息了,同时一种安闲的忧郁、困惑和脆弱充斥了他痛苦空虚的心。

    And , thus pondering from personal to general thoughts , the turmoil of his feelings gradually calmed , and a restful melancholy , vague and tender , filled the aching void in his heart .

  4. 我准知道我的骄傲会碰壁,我的生命将因极端的痛苦而炸裂,我的空虚的心将像一枝空苇呜咽出哀声,顽石也融成眼泪。

    I surely know my pride will go to the wall , my life will burst its bonds in exceeding pain , and my empty heart will sob out in music like a hollow reed , and the stone will melt in tears .