
kōnɡ zhōnɡ bào zhà
  • air burst;air blast
  1. 这比在空中爆炸中原子云所能达到的高度要低得多。

    This is considerably less than the height attained by the radioactive cloud in an air burst .

  2. 图中表明空中爆炸时发生的球形爆震波向外移动的四个阶段。

    This figure shows four stages in the outward motion of the spherical blast originating from an air burst .

  3. 固态燃料小型FAE装置空中爆炸场效应分析

    Effects Analysis of Blast Field of Solid FAE Device in Free Air

  4. 分析与计算表明:TNT空中爆炸可近似看作球形。

    Analysing and calculating shows that it can be seen as sphere shape of TNT air bomb .

  5. SpaceX此前曾遭受更严重挫折,例如,去年6月一枚火箭在空中爆炸。

    The company has suffered bigger setbacks before this , such as when a rocket exploded in mid-air last June . SpaceX recently won a six-year cargo contract worth as much as $ 14bn from Nasa , along with Sierra Nevada and Orbital .

  6. 本文基于FCT算法,编写了适用于空中爆炸载荷高精度数值计算的一维、二维、三维程序,它在空中爆炸冲击波阵面处达到四阶精度,而且耗用计算资源较少。

    A high-resolution hydrocode including 1D ~ 3D , is presented for air explosion loading based on the FCT algorithm with fourth-order phase accuracy and minimum computing costs . A typical example of shock tube shows that the code is validity and accuracy .

  7. 空中爆炸冲击波地面荷载的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation on ground surface loading of shock wave from air explosions

  8. 火箭好像是在半空中爆炸的,对吧?

    It did look like the rocket broke in mid-air , huh ?

  9. 近地空中爆炸作用下钢框架结构冲击响应

    Shock responses of steel frame structure near the ground explosion

  10. 空中爆炸下舰船桅杆结构动态响应的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of the dynamic response of vessel mast structure under air explosion

  11. 舰用电机空中爆炸动态响应数值仿真分析

    Air Explosion Response Numerical Simulation of Vessel Electric Motor

  12. 空中爆炸大跨度桥梁冲击波荷载初探

    A Preliminary Study on the Blast shock Load of Large Bridge under Air Explosion

  13. 空中爆炸冲击波(Ⅱ)&测量技术

    Explosion waves in air (ⅱ) - measurement techniques

  14. 雷管空中爆炸场超压的近似估算

    The Approximate Calculation of the Overpressure in the Blast Field of Detonater in Air

  15. 在弹着点或空中爆炸(利用引信)。

    Bursts on impact , or in the air ( with fuze time ) .

  16. 空中爆炸冲击波(Ⅰ)基本理论

    Explosion waves in air (ⅰ) basic theory

  17. 去年俄罗斯车里雅宾斯克上空的空中爆炸。

    As a result of that discovery in last year 's airburst over Chelyabinsk , Russia .

  18. 天然气生产商按其如何在空中爆炸的燃料专栏文章中介绍。

    Gas producers are classified according to how the air blast is introduced in the fuel column .

  19. 空中爆炸冲击波作用下薄壁铝球壳体大变形响应的实验研究

    Investigation on the Dynamic Displacement Response of Thin Spherical Aluminium Shell Under Blasting Shock Loading of Explosive Charge

  20. 当然,对于威力更大的空中爆炸来说,相应距离将有所增加。

    For air bursts of higher energy yields , the corresponding distances will , of course , be greater .

  21. 给出了一种舰船结构空中爆炸载荷的高精度数值计算程序。

    A simple and efficient high-resolution hydrocode is presented for air explosion loading assessments in ship structure vulnerability analysis and prediction .

  22. 全面的破坏将由空中爆炸来决定,并且和第四章中讨论的是一致的。

    The overall damage is then determined by the air blast , and is in accordance with the discussion in Chapter IV.

  23. 从空中爆炸和地面爆炸两方面探求壳体位移和变形过程,分析冲击波在壳体内的传播规律。

    Two cases of explosion in air and on the ground are concerned to calculate the displacement and deformation of the structure .

  24. 第二个关心弹体内埋的装料延伸的空中爆炸和当它在当地地形上方扩散时候的改变。

    Of secondary interest is the air blast produced by a buried charge and its modification as it propagates over the local terrain .

  25. 文档称:据报道,几位当地居民都曾目睹两次空中爆炸后飞碟坠毁。

    " Several residents [ reported ] seeing what appeared to be two aerial explosions , followed by falling object ," it said .

  26. 飞机上全是死人飞机在半空中爆炸恐怖主义者的任务完成上百人的事故但是没人会死

    The flight of the dead . Plane blows up midair , mission accomplished for the terrorists , hundreds of casualties , but nobody dies .

  27. 去年2月1日,他本该回到我们的两个孩子和我的身边,却因航天飞机在得克萨斯东部空中爆炸解体而归向永恒的天国之家。

    Last February he was supposed to come home to our two children and me but instead went to his eternal home in heaven when the shuttle broke apart in midair over east Texas .

  28. 孩子看得入迷,只知道是什么东西在空中爆炸。烟花结束了,小男孩抬头看看天空,说道:“上帝,谢谢你。”

    The child sat mesmerized , aware only of what was exploding in the havens . When the fireworks were over , the little boy looked up into the sky and said , " Thank you , God ! "

  29. 应用爆轰理论和聚能破甲威力经验公式,对聚能破甲威力,空中爆炸,水中爆炸和破片杀伤作用等做了计算。

    The calculation of armor-penetrating effectiveness and explosion in the air and underwater burst and fragment effect have been carried out in accordance with the detonation theory and empiric formula for calculation the armor-penetrating effectiveness of shaped charge warhead .

  30. 本文用TVD格式对空中点爆炸问题进行了数值计算。在计算中使用了一种自适应网格算法。

    In this paper , the problem of point source blast in air is computed numerically with a.