
  • 网络nuclear attack;Nuclear Strike;nuclear assault
  1. 挑起核攻击最终是不值得的。

    It would not prove worthwhile to instigate a nuclear attack .

  2. 日本人对2战时美国的核攻击可是记忆犹新。

    Japan has long memory of American nuclear attack on Japan in WW2 .

  3. 没有对付核攻击的防御设施。

    There were no defences against nuclear attack .

  4. 如果美苏开始相互核攻击,孩子们就要蹲到课桌下面。

    If a nuclear exchange began , children were to crouch beneath their desks .

  5. 此外,朝方再次以核攻击发起威胁。

    And it once again threatened nuclear attack .

  6. 丹尼尔斯副总统即将向中东发动核攻击。

    Vice President Daniels is about to launch a nuclear strike against the middle east .

  7. 他们在计划进行一次核攻击。

    They 're planning a nuclear attack .

  8. 对付核攻击的应变计划。

    Contingency plans for nuclear attack .

  9. 但报告随即对这一大胆声明加以限制:如果上述非核攻击具有毁灭性,那么美国有可能展开核报复。

    But this bold declaration is immediately qualified : nuclear retaliation might follow if those non-nuclear attacks would be devastating .

  10. 苏联可发射这种导弹反击来自潜在敌国境内几乎任何地方的核攻击。

    Launch of this missile from USSR territory could respond to nuclear attack from practically any point in possible enemy territory .

  11. 几个星期以来,朝鲜曾多次威胁一次可能的核攻击,包括反对美国。

    For weeks , North Korea has made repeated threats of a possible nuclear attack , including against the United States .

  12. 说到底,互联网是一个强健的通信系统;它能,在理论上,承受一次核攻击。

    After all , the Internet was a robust communications system ; it could , in theory , withstand a nuclear attack .

  13. 丝氨酸蛋白酶是一类水解酶,得名于Ser195对底物的亲核攻击。

    The serine protease superfamily is a subgroup of the hydrolases , whose name comes from the conserved Ser 195 catalyzing the substrates .

  14. 因为这一警告让很多人想起了在美苏冷战高峰期间在美国学校中进行的预防核攻击的演习。

    The warnings remind many people of the nuclear attack drills that were run in US schools at the height of the Cold War .

  15. 有些战略专家提出,事实上,俄国人如果看到美国的决心有所动摇,就可能对美国军事目标发动有限的核攻击,同时保持足够的后备力量来遏制美国的报复。

    In fact , some strategists argued , the russians-spotting softness m u.s.resolve might launch a limited nuclear attack at American military targets and reserve sufficient strength to deter a response .

  16. 奥巴马表示,此举目标是把吓阻核攻击作为美国核武库的唯一用途这一“不首先使用”原则,将成为迈向无核世界途中的一步。

    The aim , says Mr Obama , is to use the Arsenal exclusively to deter nuclear attack the " no first use " doctrine that would be an intermediate step to a world free of nuclear weapons .

  17. 星球大战防御绻统的支持者们希望它不仅能保护一个遭受核攻击的国家,也希望它能成为使核攻击游不发生的足够威胁。

    Supporters of the Star Wars defense system hope that this would not only protect a nation against an actual nuclear attack , but would be enough of a threat to keep a nuclear war from ever happening .

  18. 秋庭俊提出,该秘密地下交通网在第二次世界大战之前就已竣工,但是为什么政府迄今仍然保持神秘,不对外公开。他推测道,这可能是政府为了进行核攻击而准备的工事。

    Shun believes that a secret underground network was first built before World War II but is concerned as to why it remains a secret even today , suggesting that it may be part of government preparations for a nuclear attack .

  19. 该地铁线路还是一个能在国家受到核攻击时给国民提供庇护的场所。人们认为有一巨型堡垒位于莫斯科的郊区拉缅基(Ramenki)底下,可容纳的人数高达30万,同时还是苏联最高指挥部的预备指挥中心。

    The system was also meant to serve as protection against nuclear attack , with a supposed giant bunker built beneath the Moscow suburb of Ramenki that was able to house up to 300000 people along with an alternate command post for the Soviet high command .

  20. 1945年8月6日和9日,也就是第二次世界大战临近结束的时候,美国总统杜鲁门命令向对日本帝国的广岛和长崎发动了核攻击。

    The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuclear attacks near the end of World War II against the Empire of Japan by the United States at the executive order of U.S. President Harry S. Truman on August 6 and August 9 , 1945 , respectively .

  21. 091型潜艇(北约代号汉级潜艇)是中国人民解放军海军的第一代核动力攻击潜艇(SSN),共制造了5艘,全配备于青岛北海舰队。

    Type 091 Han Class ( SSN ) submarines are first - generation nuclear-powered submarines of Chinese navy . All five units of this class were deployed with the North Sea Fleet of Qingdao .

  22. 这一举动使得朝鲜威胁将对美国实施核武器攻击。

    The move had North Korea threatening a nuclear strike against the U.S.

  23. 一次核武器攻击就可能使我们从地球上完全消失。

    A nuclear attack could wipe us off the map .

  24. 记不记得在冷战的几十年间对苏联使用核武器攻击美国人的担忧?

    All those decades worrying about the Soviet Union attacking Americans with nuclear weapons ?

  25. 但战略专家即便是以色列的专家大多认为,伊朗不会下决心用核武器攻击以色列。

    But most strategic experts even in Israel do not think that Iran is bent on nuking Israel .

  26. 克林顿参议员还说,如果伊朗使用核武器攻击以色列,她会对伊朗发动大规模的报复。

    Clinton also said she would launch massive retaliation against Iran if it used nuclear weapons to attack Israel .

  27. 1970年12月26日,中国人自行研制的第一艘核动力攻击型潜艇下水了,这是中国第一艘“汉”级攻击型核潜艇。

    On December 26 , 1970 , the Chinese launched the first nuclear-powered attack submarine , which is the first Han class nuclear-powered attack submarine .

  28. 当中国核动力攻击潜艇计划在1960年后期内进入了全尺寸发展,核动力弹道导弹潜艇计划也产生进步。

    As China 's nuclear-powered attack submarine programme entered full-scale development in the late1960s , the nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine programme was also given go-ahead .

  29. 本周,平壤方面威胁要强硬的切断一支军队,用核武器攻击它的敌人并结束朝鲜战争停火协议。

    This week , Pyongyang has threatened to cut off a military hardline , attack its enemies with nuclear weapons and end the Korean war ceasefire agreement .

  30. 美国旧金山号核动力攻击潜艇在发生致命事故以后,在严密的护航之下返回在关岛的基地。

    A U. S. Navy nuclear-powered attack submarine , under heavy escort , has arrived back at its home port of Guam after a fatal accident at sea .