
hé duì
  • check;verify;collation;collate;check off;tally
核对 [hé duì]
  • (1) [check]∶审核查对

  • 核对数字

  • (2) [check off]∶检查或核实以确认

  • 核对报告人的名单

  • (3) [collate]∶放在一起仔细比较;批判地比较,仔细注意详情细节;对照原文校正

  • (4) [tally]∶逐项开列或核实[船货、车货或装货]

  • 大副监督装货并逐项核对货物

  • (1) [collation]

  • (2) 对比的行动;常指周密、细微详尽的比较;比较性的详审;根据比较而作出的详尽整理

  • (3) 对书籍或散页文稿的校勘;亦指对于一本书的文献学的描述,即用一个公式中的不同符号描述该书的大小、帖码、页码等情况

核对[hé duì]
  1. 请核对你的姓名已正确输入。

    Please check that your surname and forenames have been correctly entered .

  2. 请仔细核对航班时间。

    Please check your flight timings carefully .

  3. 必须再把行李与各位旅客的姓名核对一遍。

    Baggage should be cross-checked against the names of individual passengers .

  4. 我们核对完你的文件之后就还给你。

    You can have your files back after we 've checked them .

  5. 检查核对本来应该是件简单的事情。

    It should have been a simple matter to check .

  6. 用计算器核对一下你的答案。

    Cross-check your answers with a calculator .

  7. 核对你的收据与结算单是否相符。

    Check your receipts against the statement .

  8. 之后会对他的说法与校方的说法进行多方核对。

    His version will later be cross-checked against that of the university

  9. 记下信用卡卡号,核对有效期限。

    Make a note of credit card numbers and check expiry dates .

  10. 你必须仔细检查并多方核对你所听到的每一件事。

    You have to scrupulously check and cross-check everything you hear

  11. 已经对约2,300份植物列表进行核对,并注明了相互参照项。

    Nearly 2,300 plant lists have been checked and cross-referenced .

  12. 登记员核对未来投票人的身份证。

    Registrars checked the ID cards of prospective voters .

  13. 《编辑》杂志对于核对事实这一点采取无所谓的态度。

    The Editor takes a cavalier attitude to the concept of fact checking .

  14. 店员拿起书,核对了一下封底的定价。

    The assistant took the book and checked the price on the back cover

  15. 租户应该认真核对租赁合同。

    Tenants should check their tenancy agreements closely .

  16. 请核对简历中的每个细节,务必准确无误。

    Check the accuracy of everything in your CV

  17. 他们想要通过核对其他记录来确保这种主张是合理的。

    They want to ensure such claims are justified by cross-checking with other records .

  18. 我没有逐一核对过,不过,我可以说差不多是这个数。

    I haven 't checked them off but I would say that 's about the number .

  19. 罗伯茨的很大一部分工作时间都是在核对研究所需的数据。

    Roberts has spent much of his working life collating the data on which the study was based

  20. 用书后的解答核对答案。

    Check your answers in the key at the back of the book .

  21. 饶这么细心核对,还是有遗漏。

    In spite of careful checking , there are still omissions .

  22. 有必要核对一下这些数字的精确性。

    There is need to check the accuracy of these figures .

  23. 请你核对一下火车开出的时间好吗?

    Will you check on the time the train leaves ?

  24. 他们逐项核对了清单上所列的项目。

    They checked off all the items in the inventory one by one .

  25. 请对照原件把抄件核对一下。

    Please check the copy against the original .

  26. 请你核对一下我们这份参考书订购单。

    Please check through this list of reference books which we are going to order .

  27. 核对事实。如果我们想让人们相信我们写的东西,我们必须确保我们的事实准确。

    Check facts . If we want people to believe what we write , we must make sure our facts are true .

  28. 老师核对了学生的答案。

    The teacher unified the answer of her pupil with hers .

  29. 这样填写,行吗?B:请把身份证递给我,我要核对一下。

    B : Pass me your ID card , please . I ’ ll check them up .

  30. 利用核对软件降低MARKIV格式磁带回放数据的误码率

    Reduce the playback error rate of Mark IV tape formats through checking software