
  1. 格调说有着深厚的中国古代文化意蕴,其表现主要有三:1.诗乐同源的传统文化意识。

    Literature style theory has a deep Chinese ancient culture intension .

  2. 格调说的文体学意义

    On stylistic Meaning of the literary style Theory

  3. 格调说的文化底蕴

    The culture intension of literature style theory

  4. 沈德潜在诗教统摄下论述格调说,其意义无疑是深远的。它使历来侧重于体现体制声律的格调不至步入形式主义的老路。

    It makes always focus on the " style of poems embody system ," not enter formalist footsteps .

  5. 李东阳格调说的核心是对调的重视,也即以声论诗说。

    The core of the literary style is the great importance of " tone ", that sound on the poem .

  6. 明代诗学以格调说为中心,对中国诗歌的美学结构和风格进行了深入的探讨,成就是巨大的。

    This paper reviews the great achievements made by Ming Dynasty in study area of merical pattern and style of Chinese poem aesthetics , taking the tonics system as a dominant factor .

  7. 对诗话的研究,有利于探讨茶陵派的理论基石,特别是茶陵派“格调”说的形成对整个明代诗话理论产生深远的影响。

    It studies this theoretics can help us to elaborate on their system info , especially the Gediao theory has far-reaching influences on the later theory .

  8. 书中一方面继承了前后“七子”的“格调”说,并将“格调”说作为论诗的主要标准;

    In this book , the author adopted " the theory of artistic style in poetry " advocated by the former and the later seven poets , which he took as the major criterion in poetry criticism .