
qí cái
  • wizard;prodigy;wonder;whiz;an extraordinary talent;great talent;miracle worker;unusual talent
奇才 [qí cái]
  • [whiz] 通常在某一方面很内行或很有才干的人

  • 数学方面的一个奇才

  • [great talent] 杰出的才能

奇才[qí cái]
  1. 1984年,著名的赤脚跑奇才佐拉·巴德(ZolaBudd)16岁时在南非创造了田径世界纪录。

    Famous barefoot prodigy Zola Budd set a track world record at age 16 in South Africa in 1984 .

  2. 他始终是一个黑人的奇才,这种奇才弹奏起来粗野而惊人。

    He was always a Negro prodigy who played barbarously and wonderfully .

  3. 马克·莫里斯,被吹捧为他那一代的舞蹈奇才

    Mark Morris , who is trumpeted as the dance talent of his generation

  4. 他不要任何帮忙就把事情样样办妥,真是个奇才。

    He 's a wonder with the way he arranges everything without any help .

  5. 他仅仅上了一个学期的课便从瑞德学院辍学,从此便游历印度寻找灵感,之后才回到硅谷和他的朋友史蒂芬·沃兹涅克,一个工程界的奇才,共同创办了苹果公司。

    Mr. Jobs dropped out of Reed College after only a semester and traveled around India in search of spiritual enlightenment , before returning to Silicon Valley to found Apple with his friend , Stephen Wozniak , an engineering wizard .

  6. 奇才VS凯尔特人,东部时间,下午5:30——A

    WIZARDS VS. CELTICS , 5:30 P.M. ET - A

  7. 看来一位PS奇才将返老还童仙丹运用到了他的新作中不过结果可有点让人毛骨悚然。

    A photoshop wizard appears to have found the elixir of youth for his latest subjects - and the result is slightly creepy .

  8. 2007年加入NBA。2011年NBA停摆期间回到中国,此前效力于华盛顿奇才队。

    He joined NBA in 2007 and played for the Washington Wizards before he came back to China amid the NBA lock-out .

  9. 华盛顿奇才主场对阵休斯顿火箭队的比赛是中国两大NBA球星21场比赛以来首次上演的中国德比。

    China 's two big NBA basketball stars faced each other for the first time in21 months as the Washington Wizards hosted the Houston Rockets .

  10. 这座耗资2亿美元的体育和娱乐中心是华盛顿奇才队(WashingtonWizards,NBA篮球队)的主场,它宣布了东部城区形象和氛围的转变。

    The $ 200m sports-and-entertainment complex , home to the Washington Wizards basketball team , heralded a change in both image and atmosphere for the area .

  11. 至少我觉得易建联跟他之前在奇才时没什么两样,在奇才时他的表现相比他在其余NBA球队时算好的了。

    Yi looks like the same player to me at least when he was on the Wizards where he had more success than some of his other NBA stops .

  12. 这位中国七尺健将曾短期效力于NBA的四支队伍--它们分别是密尔沃基雄鹿队、新泽西网队、华盛顿奇才队和达拉斯小牛队。

    The Chinese seven-footer has played for four different teams in the NBA with short stints with the Milwaukee Bucks , New Jersey Nets , Washington Wizards , and Dallas Mavericks .

  13. 另一个动机是,即使对于Python奇才来说,每次编写新的类初始化器时都得重写管理metaclass钩子的代码也是很不方便的。

    The other motivation is that even for Python wizards it is very inconvenient to rewrite the code managing the_metaclass_hook every time one writes a new class initializer .

  14. 我们已经知道的是:自从作为NBA历史上第一个高中生选秀状元进入NBA以来已经6个赛季了(2001年被奇才选中),阿水也该发掘出他巨大的潜力了。

    What We Already Know : Six seasons removed from being the first high-school player selected number one in the NBA Draft ( 2001 by the Washington Wizards ), Brown has yet to fulfill his massive potential .

  15. 在尼克斯中锋缺席了球队与华盛顿奇才在伦敦的比赛后,NBA总裁亚当肖华说道,“球员的安全和保障永远是第一位。”

    NBA Commissioner Adam Silver says the safety and security of players will always be paramount for the league after New York Knicks center Enes Kanter did not travel to London for his team 's game against the Washington Wizards .

  16. 正如当今联盟的所构建格局,奇才并不是冠军争夺者。

    As constructed today , the Wizards aren 't title contenders .

  17. 瞧她处理事情的办法,她真是个奇才。

    She 's a wonder , the way she arranges everything .

  18. 在文艺界,她是一个奇才。

    She 's a rare talent in literary and art circles .

  19. 查尔斯,你真是个奇才,你总是能镇定自若!

    Charles , you 're a wonder-you always stay so calm !

  20. 他还是个物理学方面的奇才。

    He is also in physics something of a wunderkind .

  21. 这三位互联网商人没有一个没有把自己称作技术奇才。

    None of the three Internet businessmen describe themselves as particularly technical .

  22. 他是该时代的盖世奇才。

    He was one of the most formidable intellects of his time .

  23. 刚来到奇才的前锋特雷沃阿里扎说到了他的想法。

    Newly acquired Wizards forward Trevor Ariza offered his take .

  24. 他在今天表示,他最想去的球队是奇才队。

    He said today that his team is the most wanted Wizards .

  25. 这不是仅仅「计算机奇才」在恶作剧那么简单。

    That is not just a case of computer nerds mucking about .

  26. 首先,创出自己是创造奇才的名声。

    First , make yourself a reputation for being a creative genius .

  27. 布莱斯·洛斯奇才没有迷恋我

    Bryce Loski does not have a crush on me .

  28. 从2001年他短暂的为华盛顿奇才队打过球。

    He played briefly for the Washington Wizards starting in two thousand one .

  29. 天赋勤奋奇才&钢琴演奏家袁彪访谈录

    Talent , Diligence , Prodigy : An Interview with the Pianist Yuan Biao

  30. 他是个钢琴奇才。

    He is a wizard at playing the piano .