
qí mài
  • paradoxical pulse
  1. 奇脉、心包叩击音等只见部分病例。

    Paradoxical pulse and pericardial knock etc were present in only part of the cases .

  2. 颈静脉怒张、心音低沉、及奇脉提示心包填塞。

    Cardiac tamponade is suggested by jugular venous distention , muffled heart sounds , and a paradoxical pulse .

  3. 背景和目的:有关奇脉产生机理的研究已逾百年,至今仍未有定论,导致了教科书理论的不统一和临床上对奇脉的错误理解。

    Background and Objectives : Research about the mechanism of pulsus paradoxus has lasted for more than one century .