
  1. 这幅画中还包含了对蚂蚁的新颖描述,它吸引了欧洲观众,他们更关心的是展现在他们面前的奇异故事,而不是绘制者的性别。

    The image , which also contained novel descriptions of ants , fascinated a European audience that was more concerned with the exotic story unfolding before them than the gender of the person who painted it .

  2. 看似不可能走在一起的两个人,旅途很快就变成了充满欢笑和心碎的奇异故事,一路上碰到了许多奇事和古怪的人。

    The journey of the unlikely pair soon turns out to be a whimsical story of laughter and heartbreak , with a wide array of surprises and odd ball characters met along the way .

  3. 这是一个气氛阴暗、有点令人不安的奇异故事,但我们不会同情亨利·阿姆斯特朗,毕竟,他的心被冷漠所占据,而且好像已屈从于命运的安排。

    A dark , slightly unsettling story which is strange , we do not feel sympathy for Henry Armstrong , after all , he was overcome with apathy and seemed resigned to his fate .

  4. 他常常讲一些奇异的故事来逗乐我们。

    He usually amuses us with strange stories .

  5. 因其奇特的风格,荒谬奇异的故事,小说长期以来困惑着普通读者,他们发现很难抓住故事的实质。

    With its strange style and its fantastic story , it has long baffled the common readers , who always find it hard to get at the essence of the novel .

  6. (心不在焉教授的奇异举止成为所有故事的中心内容。)

    The strange behavior of the absent-minded professor became the nucleus of all the stories .