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qí lì
  • Qili;extraordinarily/unusually beautiful
奇丽 [qí lì]
  • [singular and beautiful] 新奇美丽

  • 奇丽的塞上风光

  1. 我们来欣赏西湖的奇丽风光吧。

    Let 's enjoy the wonderful view of West lake .

  2. 气候温和,四季都有奇丽的景色。

    A mild climate , the seasons have Qili scenery .

  3. 他的心里闪现着鲜明奇丽的形象。

    Vivid , beautiful hallucinations flashed through his mind .

  4. 图形丰富多彩,色泽奇丽,花纹亮丽。

    Bubinga is full of drawings on its surface , which with wonderful color and lines .

  5. 她美丽而恐怖,多情而散漫,既是一种信仰对象,也是一个奇丽的文学形象,因而从她身上还可获得对相关民俗事象与小说题材的读解。

    From her , one may have an understanding of correlative folklore facts and fictive themes .

  6. 它反倒是个风光奇丽的地方,堪称动物、植物和人类共同的家园。

    It is a place of spectacular scenic beauty and common home to plants , animals , and even humans .

  7. 九华山是以悠久的佛教文化和奇丽的自然景观为特色的山岳型国家重点风景名胜区。

    Jiuhua Mountain is a scenic spot under the priority protection of the nation , featured by long-standing Buddhist culture and unique natural landscape .

  8. 他自觉地进行文体创新,大胆地尝试用抒情诗的笔调来写小说,在浓浓的诗意中描绘奇丽的风景,美丽的人性和绚丽的生命。

    His consciously stylistic innovation , daring to try to " tone with the lyrics to write novels ," depicted in the thick of the poetic scenery of the strange and beautiful , beautiful nature and beauty of life .

  9. 此外,沈、宋还整合了谢、鲍等人山水纪行诗的写作经验,对岭南及其它游历之地的奇丽风光作了如实的写照,开拓了新的风景审美空间。

    In addition , Shen and Song also benefited from the travel records writing experience of Xie and Bao . They described the beautiful scenery of south of the Five Ridges factually , and exploited new space in landscape tastes .