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yī kào
  • rely on;depend on;support;reliance;backing;look to;recourse;crutch;lean upon;count upon;sth.to fall back on
依靠 [yī kào]
  • [depend on;rely on] 凭借

  • 依靠父母的资助

  • [sth.to fall back on;support;backing] 可以依靠的人或东西

  • 寻找依靠

依靠[yī kào]
  1. 关键时刻,他可以依靠我的支持。

    He can rely on my support when the crunch comes

  2. 依靠这样的证据是草率的。

    It would be rash to rely on such evidence

  3. 我不想过度依靠父母。

    I don 't want to depend too much on my parents .

  4. 并非出人意料的是,当地的大部分生意依靠旅游业。

    Not unexpectedly , most local business depends on tourism .

  5. 你的唯一依靠就是诉诸法律。

    Your only recourse is legal action .

  6. 良好的教育经常依靠良好的经济条件。

    Good education often depends on wealth .

  7. 20世纪初几乎有三分之一的人口依靠种地为生。

    At the beginning of the 20th century almost a third of the population lived off the land .

  8. 那里有多达200万人口依靠食品援助。

    Up to two million people there are dependent on food aid

  9. 他们或许讨厌他的营生,但他们要想活下来必须依靠他。

    They may hate what he does but their survival depends on him

  10. 政府开支依靠征税款和借贷来维持。

    Government expenditure is financed by taxation and by borrowing .

  11. 无生活依靠的单身母亲是福利救济申领者中人数增长最快的群体之一。

    Unsupported mothers are one of the fastest-growing groups of welfare claimants .

  12. 依靠社会救济金生活的家庭将受到严重的影响。

    Families on social security benefits will be harshly affected .

  13. 那是我们村民自己修建的,没有依靠任何人的帮助。

    We villagers built that ourselves , we had no help from anyone .

  14. 主场球队依靠默里·斯特朗的罚球而旗开得胜。

    The home side drew first blood with a penalty from Murray Strang .

  15. 绝不只是依靠救济金生活的家庭的孩子才有纪律问题。

    Discipline problems are by no means restricted to children in families dependent on benefits

  16. 他声称繁重的工作安排使他不得不依靠服药来维持精力。

    He claimed his punishing work schedule had made him resort to taking the drug

  17. 我们完全依靠我们的志愿者。

    We depend solely upon our voluntary helpers .

  18. 这种方法是随着不再单纯依靠官方记录的做法而产生的。

    This approach was concomitant with the move away from relying solely on official records .

  19. 他依靠手腕巧妙地重掌权力。

    He brilliantly manoeuvred himself back to power

  20. 此刻他们正依靠政府发放的养老金维持生计。

    At the moment they are existing on pensions that are subsidised by the government .

  21. 她丈夫并不懂得体恤人,她觉得无人可依靠。

    Her husband was unsympathetic and she felt she had no one to turn to .

  22. 工厂不再依靠机修工在车间里组装织机。

    The factories no longer relied upon a mechanic to put together looms within the plant .

  23. 我们不得不依靠指南针和不错的运气找到这儿来。

    We had to rely on a compass and a lot of luck to get here .

  24. 他立刻明白在这一行业中不能依靠任何东西。

    He learned right off the bat that you can 't count on anything in this business .

  25. 44年来,他一直致力于帮助那些穷人、病人、无人照料的人和失去生活依靠的人。

    For 44 years he had ministered to the poor , the sick , the neglected and the deprived .

  26. 除那些依靠收入补助金的家庭外,被调查的家庭每周的净收入是500.20英镑。

    The families questioned , excluding those on income support , have a net income of £ 500.20 a week

  27. 这次全民公决将会促使波多黎各进一步摆脱对美国的依靠。

    The referendum will bring Puerto Rico one step closer to cutting the island 's umbilical cord to the United States

  28. “我们”艺术中心依靠志愿者在3年内取得的成就超过了大多数雇用受薪员工的机构10年中取得的成绩。

    Apna Arts has achieved more with voluntary workers in three years than most organisations with paid workers have achieved in ten

  29. 这家依靠3,000种食品杂货盈利的公司为其星期天的营业状况烦恼。

    The company , which makes its money on 3,000 grocery lines has its knickers in a twist about Sunday trading .

  30. 虽然女演员琳恩·雷德格雷夫现在依靠自己的能力出了名,但她明白生活在大名鼎鼎的姐姐的阴影里有多不容易。

    Although now a celebrity in her own right , actress Lynn Redgrave knows the difficulties of living in the shadow of her famous older sister