
  • 网络dependance;Dependency;feeling of dependency;the feeling of dependence;Place Dependence
  1. 她平静的时候真的是个天使&然后我对她产生了一种依赖感,天哪我这才发现,一种从未有过的情感依赖。

    She is an angel when she calm , then , I make feeling of dependency to her . Gold , I just found it , which you have never seen .

  2. 依据强度差异,将古典园林旅游者划分为地方陌生感旅游者、地方熟悉感旅游者、地方认同感旅游者及地方依赖感旅游者4种类型。

    According to the intensity disparity , tourists of the classical gardens are divided into place strangeness visitors , place familiarity visitors , place identity visitors and place dependence visitors .

  3. 大多数男人宁死都不愿承认有依赖感。

    Most men would rather go to the grave than own up to feelings of dependency .

  4. imf最近的调查显示,较穷的东德持续得到资金援助,这使他们产生了一种依赖感。

    Recent research by the IMF shows that the flow of money to the poorer German states has created a form of benefit dependency .

  5. 安全感、可靠性、可依赖感和对永恒的需要。

    for safety , for dependability , for reliability , for permanence --

  6. 然而,这会引起学生的被动性和依赖感。

    However , this method causes the passiveness and dependence of the students .

  7. 职业女性有着较强的依赖感,在参与形式上,她们大多倾向于结伴参与。

    Professional female have relatively strong sense of dependence , they mostly tend to choose party going.10 .

  8. 性驱动,感受浓烈的浪漫,以及对长期伴侣深层的强烈的依赖感。

    sex drive , feelings of intense romantic love and feelings of deep cosmic attachment to a long-term partner .

  9. 教师为中心的传统教学模式加强了学生对教师的依赖感,使学生成为语言知识的被动接受者。

    The traditional teacher-centered teaching mode increases students ' dependence on the teacher , making them the passive recipient of language .

  10. 虽然依赖感是宗教的基础,但是自我感是宗教的目的。

    Though a sense of reliance is the foundation of religion , a sense of ego is the aim of religion .

  11. 宗教信仰心理缘起于人的依赖感和利己思想,它又具有臆造性等特点;

    Religious faith psyche originates from mankinds reliant sense and egocentric thoughts , it has the characteristic that being in fabrication , etc ;

  12. 人类的依赖感、神秘感、爱恨感、神圣感与信仰活动有密切关系。

    The senses of dependence , mystery , affection and hatred , as well as holiness of human beings are closely connected with belief activities .

  13. 这似乎就是希腊现在的状况,由于强烈的享有社会福利的权利感和依赖感,整个国家都走上了自杀的道路。

    This appears to be what Greece is doing embarking on a course of national suicide , thanks to a gargantuan sense of entitlement and dependency .

  14. 再则,个体的幸福感在社会安宁的层面上就是对社会组织、社会团体的信赖感和依赖感。

    Thirdly , individual well-being means sense of trust and sense of dependence on social organizations and social groups in the terms of peace of society .

  15. 出于对安全和自由的期盼,人们对住宅有强烈的依赖感,这种依赖感是直接导致居住权产生的原因。

    For the expectation of security and freedom , people have a strong sense of dependency on home , this dependence is the direct reason for production of residence right .

  16. 这件作品和旅程有关,不管是实际的或隐喻性的,同时也表达出当对某个地方的依赖感被打破时,那种本能的持续移动。

    My current work is about journeys , both physical and metaphorical , and deals with the constant movement inherent when the sense of attachment to a place has been broken .

  17. 在这个信念下,随之而来的是依赖感和虚弱感,此时你已然忘记,所有你渴求的,都已经存在于你的内心。

    This comes with a sense of dependency and weakness where you forget that what you long for is within and nobody has the power to give or to withhold it from you .

  18. 本文针对当代中国人法律意识的现状和基本矛盾,提出要树立现代法律意识必须树立公民对法律的依赖感;

    This paper discusses the current situation and fundamental problems in modem Chinese people 's law awareness and states that citizen 's dependence on law should be built up before developing modem law awareness .

  19. 本文探讨了在教师培训中小组合作学习的内在条件,包括:(1)小组学习中参与者的心理感受,如安全感、信任感、相互依赖感;

    This paper discusses the internal conditions for successful group learning in teacher training , which include ( 1 ) the participants ' psychological state in group learning such as feelings of safety and security , trust and interdependence ;

  20. 调查发现,原有的体操教育模式的影响是非常深的,长时期依赖感的增加导致学生自己动手能力差;遇到问题就不知所措,相对来讲,体操生态课堂教学在各个方面体现出优越性。

    The survey found that the existing pattern of educational gymnastics is very deep , long dependent on the increase leading to a sense of poor students in their own hands , trouble on the loss , relatively speaking , gymnastics class teaching in all aspects of ecological reflect superiority .

  21. 这促使你依靠自己,吸取教训,不从表面上依赖安全感。

    That forced you back on yourself , and reinforced the lesson not to depend externally on security .

  22. 苯巴比妥滥用和依赖易感个体包括滥用酒精和鸦片及其他镇静-催眠、苯丙胺药物者。

    Individuals susceptible to phenobarbital abuse and dependence include alcoholics and opiate abusers , as well as other sedative-hypnotic and amphetamine abusers .

  23. 首先,如果依赖新奇感来保持生活的趣味,最终可能踩上一部永不停止的跑步机,永远在追寻下一个刺激。

    For a start , if you rely on novelty to keep life interesting , you risk ending up on a perpetual treadmill , always seeking the next thrill .

  24. 在金融城行医的thepriory精神病学顾问尼尔布雷纳(neilbrener)医生表示,工作时间长、目标苛刻、依赖工作获取自豪感,这些因素都会产生压力,导致酗酒。

    Dr Neil Brener , a consultant psychiatrist for the Priory who practises in the city , said long hours , demanding targets and a reliance on work for feelings of self-esteem created stress that led to alcohol abuse .

  25. 在组织文化方面,知识传播主要依赖组织的归属感,知识吸收依赖组织的宽容度、归属感和信任度。

    Knowledge transmitting mostly relies on the sense of affiliation in the organization while knowledge absorbing mainly relies on toleration , affiliation and trust .