
  • 网络arbitration in law;arbitrage en droit
  1. 当事人可以依法申请调解、仲裁、提起诉讼,也可以协商解决。

    The parties concerned may , according to law , apply for mediation or arbitration or bring the case before the people 's court or may settle them through consultation .

  2. 根据我国现行劳动法律规定,发生劳动争议后,当事人在不愿协商或协商不成的情况下,可以依法申请调解、仲裁、提起诉讼。

    According to the current labor statutes , if the parties are unwilling to negotiate or the negotiation fails after the disputes had arisen , they can apply for mediation , arbitration and litigation in accordance with the law .