
  1. 远处,岛屿轮廓仅依稀可辨。

    Far away the outline of the island is just discernible

  2. 走廊里有4团脏兮兮、破破烂烂的东西,依稀可辨是人。

    In the corridor were four dirty , ragged bundles , just identifiable as human beings

  3. 有一所房子的模糊轮廓依稀可辨。

    The dim outline of a house can be made out .

  4. 但其雕塑技法,盛唐风格依稀可辨。

    But the sculpture techniques , the Tang style vaguely discernible .

  5. 黑暗中只有他们纹章上金属光泽依稀可辨。

    Only the shine of their metal was distinguishable in the gloom .

  6. 这个几何平面图至今还依稀可辨。

    Some traces of this geometrical plan still exist to-day .

  7. 有一座古旧褪色、依稀可辨出是查理二世的铸像。

    There was an old weathered statue barely recognisable as Charles ii .

  8. 虽然铭文的内容已经模糊,仅部分段落依稀可辨,有个翻译版本是这样的:

    The runes are hard to read , but one translation of them reads as follows :

  9. 在几何中截去角使成平面。这个几何平面图至今还依稀可辨。

    Replace a corner by a plane , in geometry . Some traces of this geometrical plan still exist to-day .

  10. 1977年,双塔后面烟雾弥漫,前景中依稀可辨的痕迹,是推土机所留下的梦魇。

    It's1977 , the Twin Towers burn behind a fog , but look careful-ly at these huge tracks in the foreground , left by ghostly bulldozers .

  11. 随着海水上空云朵密度的变化,海水的颜色也变化纷繁,从依稀可辨的松石绿变成深绿再到海军蓝。

    Sometimes the color of the ocean changes from its recognizable turquoise to a bottle green and navy blue , depending on the intensity of the clouds above .

  12. 除了国家轮廓依稀可辨以及首都平壤有少许光亮之外,朝鲜在图片上几乎完全不可见。

    Other than a small spot of light in the showcase capital Pyongyang and the outline of the country , North Korea wouldn 't have been visible at all .