
  • Evian;Evian Water;Evian-les-Bains
  1. 中国还禁止进口依云(evian)矿泉水,称其细菌超标。

    It also banned imports of Evian water , claiming that it had too much bacteria .

  2. 在矿泉水品牌依云的最新宣传广告中,跳舞宝宝们又回来啦!该视频在播出不到一周内,就在YouTube网站上吸引了超过2900万的浏览量。

    Evian has brought the dancing babies back for its latest ad campaign , and the video has racked up over 29 million YouTube views in less than a week .

  3. 达能瓶装水包括依云(evian)和badoit在西欧的销量出现下降,奶制品销售也出现缩减。

    Its sales of bottled water including Evian and badoit are falling in Western Europe and it is also battling declines in its dairy product sales .

  4. 但方总却不认为依云是一个威胁。

    But Fang doesn 't see Evian as a threat .

  5. 依云推出新包装产品

    Evian 's new packaging products

  6. 我坚信,九千年原生态达古冰川泉水在不远的将来定将成为中国的依云!

    Fang said his " Nine Thousand Year Dagu Giacier Water " would eventually become China 's Evian .

  7. 水滴款式更像是代表了整个矿水的品类,而不是只属于依云这个品牌。

    The Drop was more a symbol of the category and was not really specific to the Evian brand .

  8. 他们要从依云矿泉水公司列出的一百位候选人中选择他们心中的十大美女。

    They had to choose their top 10 beautiful women from a list of 100 compiled by water company Evian .

  9. 阿尔卑斯山的雨水流到依云变成了高品质矿泉水,流到日内瓦和洛桑却什么也不是。

    Rainwater flowing into the Alps is Evian mineral water with high-quality , flowing into the Geneva and Lausanne but nothing .

  10. 依云是一个水源来自数个靠近法国埃维昂莱班的矿泉水品牌。1991年由达能集团所有。

    Evian is a water source from a number of mineral water near the French Evian-les-class brand.1991 by the Danone Group .

  11. 1935年在法国,依云第一次被推荐为适合宝宝的完美饮用水,自此我们的品牌和宝贝就结下了不解之缘。

    ' The love affair of the brand with babies started in France in 1935 , when Evian was first recommended as a perfect water for babies . '

  12. 2009年该公司为依云设计的滑旱冰宝宝广告,获得了超过6500万的浏览量,至今还保持着观看次数最多的在线广告的官方吉尼斯世界纪录。

    The company 's 2009 spot Roller Babies holds the official Guinness World Record for most-viewed online advertisement to date with more than 65 million views so far .

  13. 在依云没有进入中国市场之前,人们根本不愿意花不菲的价钱去购买一小瓶水喝。

    " In the past , they did not want to pay such a large amount of money to buy a small bottle of water ," he added .