
  • Marlboro;Round-Up
  1. 欧盟指令(法规)REACH对新宝公司的冲击和应对方案设计在美洲和欧洲万宝路广告上所塑造的是一个身体健强的美洲和欧洲男子汉形象。

    The Impact That European Directive ( Act ) REACH Brought to XinBao Company and Corresponding Solution Design The Marlboro man projects a strong masculine image in America and in Europe .

  2. 此外,他还经常参加来自万宝路的音乐家巡演,并当选为林肯中心室内乐协会的室内乐II项目(ChamberMusicIIprogram)成员。

    He frequently takes part in Musicians From Marlboro tours and was selected by the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center to be a member of its Chamber Music II program .

  3. 黄欣也参加一些音乐节,比如万宝路音乐节、拉维尼亚音乐节(Ravinia’sSteansMusicInstitute)、西雅图室内音乐协会音乐节、卡拉穆尔音乐节(Caramoor)。

    Mr. Huang has also performed as a chamber musician at the Marlboro Music Festival , the Ravinia 's Steans Music Institute , the Seattle Chamber Music Society 's festival and at Caramoor .

  4. 我抽过的香烟品牌从万宝路(Marlboros)换成骆驼(Camels)、肥仔骆驼(CamelWides)、百乐门(Parliaments),一直到我最喜欢的温斯顿(WinstonLights)。

    I went from Marlboros to Camels to Camel Wides to Parliaments to my delicious mainstay , Winston Lights .

  5. 制造JPS的竞争对手利是美公司和制造万宝路的菲利普莫里斯公司证实,它们也进行了类似的提价。

    Competitor firms Reemtsma , which makes the JPS brand and Philip Morris , which makes Marlboro , confirmed similar rises .

  6. 据传,NJOY也即将面临被万宝路品牌的制造商奥驰亚收购的命运。

    NJOY is rumoured to be facing a takeover , perhaps by Altria ( the maker of Marlboro ) .

  7. 万宝路(Marlboro)向来位列前十,在过去五年内,它的品牌价值平均以10%的复合年率增长。

    Marlboro , ever present in the top 10 , has seen its brand value grow at an average compound annual rate of 10 per cent over the past five years .

  8. 世界上卖的最好的香烟是万宝路。

    The best seller cigarette in the world is Marlboro Cigarettes .

  9. 所以我也不会穿印有万宝路字样啲T恤。

    I do NOT wear a T-shirt with a Marlboro logo .

  10. 几年前,这个万宝路男人退休了

    A few years ago , the Marlboro Man was retired

  11. 他说你丈夫曾是万宝路的人。

    He said that your husband was the Marlboro man .

  12. 在美洲和欧洲万宝路广告上所塑造的是一个身体健强的美洲和欧洲男子汉形象。

    The Marlboro man projects a strong masculine image in America and in Europe .

  13. 为什么万宝路的广告总是用牛仔呢?

    Why do Marlboro ads always use cowboys ?

  14. 第1届万宝路杯上海国际足球邀请赛各队进攻情况分析

    Analysis on Each Team 's Attack in the First Marlboro Cup Shanghai International Football Championship

  15. 万宝路的市场占有率为42.6%,在第二季度几乎没变。

    Marlboro 's market percentage at42.6 percent was nearly unchanged from the prior second quarter .

  16. 万宝路广告是霸权文化的代言人,麦当劳广告亦然。

    Marlboro advertisement is the spokesman for cultural hegemony , but also McDonald 's advertising .

  17. 英美烟草是继万宝路所有者奥驰亚集团之后的世界第二大卷烟制造商。

    BAT is the world 's second-largest cigarette maker after Altria , home of Marlboro .

  18. 他说,每包万宝路的平均零售价格为5.42美元。

    Packs of Marlboro have an average retail price of $ 5.42 , he said .

  19. 在第三季度,每包万宝路的平均价格为5.29美元。

    The average price of a pack of Marlboros was $ 5.29 in the third quarter .

  20. 它持有其前母公司的非美国资产,而且这两家公司都生产万宝路卷烟。

    It holds its former parent company 's non-U.S.assets , and both companies make Marlboro cigarettes .

  21. 他补充说,两种新口味将是“基于经典万宝路口味”推出的。

    Two new flavors will be " based on the classic Marlboro flavor ," he added .

  22. 一个万宝路香烟或同等的国际品牌相比,包装成本与食品或衣物。

    The cost of a pack of Marlboro cigarettes or equivalent international brand compared with food or clothing .

  23. 万宝路鼻烟此前试销的扩张是在今年年初,当时它进入了凤凰城。

    The Marlboro Snus test was previously expanded at the beginning of this year when it entered Phoenix .

  24. 经过坚苦卓绝的谈判,2008年万宝路与中国烟草总局达成了全球战略协议。

    After negotiations with China National Tobacco Administration in 2008 , Marlboro entered into a global strategic development .

  25. 位于里士满的奥驰亚拥有美国最大的卷烟制造商、在美国出售万宝路卷烟的菲利普莫里斯美国公司。

    Richmond-based Altria owns the No.1 U.S.cigarette maker Philip Morris USA , which sells the Marlboro brand in the U.

  26. 他就是万宝路男人,把一种默默无闻的香烟变成历史上最畅销的品牌。

    He 's the Marlborough Man , and he transformed an obscure cigarette into the best selling brand in history .

  27. 如何从消费者层面拉动销量、提升品牌形象,是万宝路在中国的当务之急。

    How to pull the consumer level , sales and brand image , is the top priority in China Marlboro .

  28. 这儿就是万宝路之乡,在这里一匹好马的重要性同100年前一样。

    This is Marlborough country where a good colt is as important today as it was a hundred years ago .

  29. 他说,菲莫国际旨在使万宝路今年在欧洲的市场份额“稳定”。

    Philip Morris International aims to keep Marlboro 's market share in Europe " stable " this year , he said .

  30. 不过,如果你能指望的正餐只是两支万宝路香烟和一根芹菜梗,你也会有怨言。

    But you would too if a couple of Marlboro Lights and a celery stick were all you could expect at dinner time .