
  • 网络MasterCard International
  1. 万事达卡国际组织(MasterCardWorldwide)全球经济顾问王月魂(YuwaHedrick-Wong)说曼谷吸引游客的原因之一是到这里旅游物超所值。

    MasterCard Worldwide 's global economic adviser Yuwa Hedrick-Wong cited overall value for money spent for why Bangkok is attractive .

  2. “中国确实在努力加快建设,以创造就业岗位,因此新增机场吞吐能力几乎肯定会超过需求,”万事达卡国际组织(mastercard)跟踪亚太区经济发展的王月魂(yuwahedrick-wong)说。

    " China is really trying to speed up construction to create jobs , so additional airport supply will almost certainly outpace demand , " said Yuwa hedrick-wong , who tracks Asian economic developments for MasterCard .

  3. 万事达卡国际组织并非本活动优惠内容所示之商品或服务之提供者,亦无须为各优惠所提供之商品及服务之质量提供任何保证或承担任何责任。

    MasterCard International is not the manufacturer or seller of the selected products or services , and is not liable for the quality of such products and services .

  4. 据万事达卡国际组织介绍,美国69%的受访者如今使用现金支付的频率低于五年前;而亚洲的比例总体较低,新加坡的这一比例为45%。

    In comparison , 69 percent of Americans surveyed use less cash than five years ago , while in Asia the figures were generally lower , with Singapore at45 percent , said MasterCard Worldwide .