- 网络efsf;ESM;efsm

The price at which the EFSF would pay for the debt is controversial , but most see it paying the current market price for the bonds , which is below face value .
The EFSF would then forgive the difference in the value of those bonds , essentially giving the peripheral nations a haircut on their debt , allowing them time to get back on their feet .
The revamped EFSF may then be able to take up the bond-buying task from the ECB and a problem may be found to the problem of Finland 's demand for collateral .
The European Financial Stability Facility ( EFSF ), the euro zone 's bail-out fund , must carry out simultaneous injections of capital into the region 's banks as soon as it can .
But the idea for the European financial stability facility to lend money to the Spanish bank recapitalisation fund , known by its Spanish initials frob , does not meet this test .
The ESM would be the tool used if recapitalisation were to be required .
But instead of buying bad mortgages off the books of crippled banks , the EFSF would buy bad sovereign paper .
The ESM could only lend directly to banks if its board were to agree unanimously to change the rules , which is opposed by Berlin .