
  • 网络fsb;The Financial Stability Board
  1. 金融稳定委员会的报告显示,监管者应鼓励银行利用自己的内部风险模型以及评级。

    The FSB report suggests that regulators should encourage banks to use their own internal risk models , as well as ratings .

  2. 金融稳定委员会及其成员正在制定上述所有方面的措施,相关建议将在11月的g20首尔峰会上提出。

    The FSB and its members are developing measures in all the above areas and will present recommendations to the November G20 summit in Seoul .

  3. 金融稳定委员会(FinancialStabilityBoard)中的全球监管机构也曾强调过监督影子银行的重要性。

    Global regulators on the Financial Stability Board have also highlighted the importance of supervising shadow banks .

  4. 预计金融稳定委员会(financialstabilityboard)将把“自救”机制列为它希望全球监管者都能够利用的一项重要工具。

    The financial stability board is expected to include bail-in as one of the key tools it wants global regulators to use .

  5. 系统性风险的另一可能来源是“影子银行体系”,金融稳定委员会(financialstabilityboard)正在研究对该体系实施监管的办法。

    Systemic risk could also arise from " shadow banking " , and its regulation is being explored at the financial stability board .

  6. 希尔德布兰德还将辞去他担任的其它国际监管职务,如金融稳定委员会(financialstabilityboard)副主席。

    Mr Hildebrand will also step down from his other international regulatory jobs such as the Deputy chairmanship of the financial stability board .

  7. 数周前,金融稳定委员会(FinancialStabilityBoard)发布了一份深思熟虑的报告。报告指出,当前体系中存在一些重大危险。

    A few weeks ago the Financial Stability Board issued a thoughtful report , which noted that there are significant dangers in the current system .

  8. 此外,自2011年起,卡尼开始担任金融稳定委员会(financialstabilityboard)的主席,拥有在最高层从事国际监管的经验。

    In addition , he has experience of international regulation at the very top tier , having since 2011 been the head of the financial stability board .

  9. 今年,金融稳定委员会(FinancialStabilityBoard)将发挥带头作用,要求规模最大、具有系统性重要性的机构提高吸收亏损的资本金比率,以修正这个错误。

    Through this year , the Financial Stability Board is leading the charge to boost loss-absorbing capital for the largest , systemically important institutions to correct this error .

  10. 这个机构还将负责其它国际机构的政治监督,比如世界银行(worldbank)、金融稳定委员会(financialstabilityboard)以及世贸组织(wto)。

    It would also be responsible for political supervision of the other international institutions , including the world bank , the financial stability board , and the World Trade Organisation .

  11. 金融稳定委员会(FinancialStabilityBoard)昨晚公布一个框架,对于这些实体通过以股票或债券为抵押的短期贷款,从银行借入资金时所需的抵押品作出最低要求规定。

    The Financial Stability Board last night published a framework imposing minimum requirements on the collateral needed when such groups borrow money from banks through short-term loans secured by stocks or bonds .

  12. 该名单由监管机构在“金融稳定委员会”(financialstabilityboard)的主持下拟定,旨在预防系统性风险在未来金融危机中向全球扩散。

    The list has been drawn up by regulators under the auspices of the financial stability board , in an effort to pre-empt systemic risks from spreading around the world in any future financial crisis .

  13. 全球监察机构金融稳定委员会(financialstabilityboard)希望,当银行需要分拆时,跨国银行最大的监管者能采取共同行动解决问题,许多银行也希望有这样的协议。

    The financial stability board , a global watchdog , wants the big regulators of cross-border banks to work together in the event that banks need resolving , and many banks hope for such agreements .

  14. 今年早些时候,金融稳定委员会(fsb)开始深入调查这个问题这在一定程度上是受到英国央行(bankofengland)的敦促。

    Earlier this year , partly at the prompting of the Bank of England , the Financial Stability Board started delving into the issue .

  15. 金融稳定委员会主席、英国央行(bankofEngland)行长马克卡尼(MarkCarney)表示,这些规则标志着全球影子银行议程向前迈出一大步。

    Mark Carney , chairman of the FSB and Bank of England governor said the rules marked a big step forward in the global shadow banking agenda .

  16. 欧洲委员会(europeancommission)和金融稳定委员会(financialstabilityboard,成立于2009年的国际协调机构)官员提出的解决方案是建立国家层面的“处置机制”。

    The solution , according to officials at the European Commission and the Financial Stability Board ( an international co-ordinating body set up in 2009 ) , is to create national " resolution regimes " .

  17. 巴塞尔的金融稳定委员会(fsb)也在考虑类似的建议。

    The Financial Stability Board in Basel is pondering similar ideas .

  18. 因此,按照巴塞尔委员会(Baselcommittee)和金融稳定委员会(FinancialStabilityBoard)规定,全球就审慎政策达成一致的进程,是一项极其重要的使命,值得国际社会的全力支持。

    The global process of reaching agreement on prudential policies under the Basel Committee and the Financial Stability Board is thus an extremely important undertaking that deserves the full backing of the international community .

  19. 本文作者是英国央行(bankofengland)副行长,金融稳定委员会(financialstabilityboard)成员,本文的完整版本可见于《investinginchange》一书,该书由afme出版

    The writer is deputy governor of the Bank of England and a member of the financial stability board . A longer version of this piece appears in the book'investing in change ' , published by afme

  20. 金融稳定委员会周二暗示,在11月份向法国戛纳g20峰会提交相关提议之前,不会取得重大进展。

    The Financial Stability Board signalled on Tuesday that significant headway would not be made before November , when proposals will be put before the G20 summit in Cannes .

  21. 在20国集团(g20)的推动下,以及金融稳定委员会(fsb)的协调下,此次危机突显出来的弱点正在得到解决。

    At the prompting of the group of 20 leading economies , and under the co-ordination of the financial stability board , the weaknesses highlighted by the crisis are being tackled .

  22. 国际监管机构协会金融稳定委员会(financialstabilityboard)新任主席马克卡尼(markcarney)周二在伦敦对听众表示,欧元区内部的种种压力正在全球制造金融动荡,很快会开始拖累全球经济增长。

    Mark Carney , the new chairman of the financial stability board , the International Association of regulators , told an audience in London on Tuesday that the stresses in the eurozone were creating financial volatility around the world that would soon start dragging down global economic growth .

  23. 根据全球监管者会议金融稳定委员会(fsb)有关整顿“影子银行”的全面提议,非银行放贷市场正面临空前水平的政府干预。

    Non-bank lending markets face unprecedented levels of government intervention under sweeping proposals to tame " shadow banking " laid out by global regulators meeting as the financial stability board .

  24. 金融稳定委员会(fsb)和巴塞尔银行监管委员会(bcbs)上周发表的两篇报告,给出了清晰的答案。

    A clear answer comes from two papers released this week by the Financial Stability Board ( FSB ) and the Basel Committee on banking supervision ( BCBS ) .

  25. 由金融稳定委员会(fsb)提出的相关规定,首次纳入了有关应以延期偿付形式支付的银行家奖金比例的具体指导方针。

    The rules - developed by the Financial Stability Board - for the first time include specific guidelines on the proportion of bankers bonuses that should be paid in the form of deferred compensation .

  26. 几年前金融稳定委员会(fsb)成立时,它宣称自己的目标之一是对日益迫近的金融问题开发出更好的“预警”系统。

    When the Financial Stability Board was established a couple of years ago , it declared that one of its goals was to produce better " early warning " systems of looming financial trouble spots .

  27. 政府向我们保证,金融稳定委员会(fsb)和20国集团(g20)已要求国际会计准则理事会(iasb)审查自己的标准,为此,后者正提出新的整合规则。

    It assures us that the international accounting standards board ( IASB ) has been charged by the Financial Stability Board ( FSB ) and the group of 20 to review its standards and , as a result , is proposing new consolidation rules .

  28. 负责协调全球监管机构的巴塞尔金融稳定委员会(FSB)和协调美国监管机构的金融稳定监督委员会(FSOC)警告称,他们想对资产管理公司实施更严格的监管。

    The Financial Stability Board in Basel ( which co-ordinates global regulators ) and Financial Stability Oversight Council ( which organises American bodies ) have warned that they want to extend tighter controls over asset managers .

  29. 金融稳定委员会强调,出于审慎,市场参与者应当继续设定高于官方要求的垫头。

    The FSB stressed that market participants should continue to set higher haircuts than the official requirements where prudent .

  30. 这就是金融稳定委员会努力推动美国、欧洲和亚洲达成共识的原因。

    That is why the FSB tried to get the US , Europe and Asia to agree on a common approach .