
  • 网络efsf;European Financial Stability Facility
  1. 法国希望借由欧洲金融稳定基金将之变为欧洲性的问题并让德国共同承担损失。

    France wanted to draw on the EFSF , both to present the problem as European and to share the cost with Germany .

  2. 而由于欧洲金融稳定基金将要承担首笔损失,这就使它的资本,相比于作为贷款项目时有更大的丧失风险。

    And because the EFSF bears the first losses , its capital is at greater risk of being wiped out than under a loan programme .

  3. 欧洲金融稳定基金(Europeanfinancialstabilityfacility)迄今发行的债券中,日本购买了20%左右,并表示愿意购买更多债券。

    Japan has so far purchased around 20 % of debt issued by the bailout fund , European Financial Stability Facility , and has said it is ready to buy more .

  4. 此轮反弹的中心看来是上周欧洲金融稳定基金(theEuropeanFinancialStabilityFacility)成功扩容至4400亿欧元(6110亿美元)的消息。

    The centerpiece of this rally appears to be the successful enlargement last week of the European Financial Stability Facility ( EFSF ) to 440 billion euros ( $ 611 billion ) .

  5. 人们希望,如果欧债危机恶化,将催生更大规模的救助资金,比如大幅扩大欧洲金融稳定基金(theEuropeanFinancialStabilityFacility)。

    One of the big hopes , if the eurozone 's debt crisis worsens , is that it would force a larger rescue fund , such as dramatic expansion of the European Financial Stability Facility .

  6. 后市交易时段,因为有报道称,美国将愿意通过增加对国际货币基金组织(imf)的投入,来支持扩大欧洲金融稳定基金,市场出现了进一步上涨。

    Further gains came late in the day on reports that the US would be willing to back a bigger European financial stability fund through increased commitments to the International Monetary Fund .

  7. 和联合担保的欧元债券不一样,欧洲金融稳定基金(EFSF)是各国共同出资建立,在欧元区经济体内很重要,一旦其资金有问题,各国会承担很大风险。

    Unlike jointly underwritten Eurobonds , the national guarantees backing the EFSF puts each state on the line for only a share of it , broadly in line with its weight in the euro-area economy .

  8. 德国内阁支持七月份的争议协议,该协议将在欧元区内扩大欧洲金融稳定基金的适用范围。

    The German cabinet backed July 's controversial agreement in the euro zone to expand the scope of the European Financial Stability Facility .

  9. 雷格林是欧洲金融稳定基金首席执行官,他说,中国是该基金的重要投资国。

    Klaus Regling , the chief executive of the European Financial Stability Facility ( EFSF ), says China already is an important investor in the fund .

  10. 大规模扩大欧洲金融稳定基金将有助于使全球市场相信,该基金有能力应对任何问题&甚至是意大利的债务。

    Committing much more money would likely have helped convince global markets that the fund is big enough to can handle just about anything & even Italy .

  11. 雷格林是欧洲金融稳定基金首席执行官。他说,中国是该基金的重要投资国。

    Klaus Regling , the chief executive of the European Financial Stability Facility ( EFSF ) , says China already is an important investor in the fund .

  12. 由于欧洲金融稳定基金本身的信用评级部分与法国相关,法国评级下降就可能会在让救援基金的评级在人们最需要它的时候受损。

    Since the EFSF depends partly on France for its own credit rating , a French downgrade could undermine the rescue fund just when it is most needed .

  13. 他不愿意自主购买政府证券,而且那些通过救助国家证券来增加欧洲金融稳定基金的建议根本不能影响他。

    It is reluctant to keep buying government bonds itself , and is unimpressed by suggestions that it should boost the EFSF 's firepower by lending to it .

  14. 噶里坎诺相信西班牙没有能力立即筹集到这么多的资金,从而不得不求助欧洲金融稳定基金这个欧元区的救援钱罐子。

    Mr Garicano believes Spain wouldn 't be able to raise that much money in a hurry , and would have to seek help from the European Financial Stability Facility , the euro zone 's bail-out pot .

  15. 这就是为什么德国反对法国提出的办法,即中央银行为欧洲金融市场稳定基金进行融资。

    That is why the Germans resist the French idea of central-bank financing of the EFSF .

  16. 欧洲金融市场稳定基金目前的负担更重了,它已经严阵以待,防止这种恐慌蔓延出希腊,并且让其他国家在调整自己国家金融问题的时候,在可承受的范围内贷款。

    The EFSF , now with more heft , is there to stop panic spreading beyond Greece and to give other countries access to credit at a bearable cost while they fix their finances .

  17. 根据方案,欧洲救助基金&欧洲金融稳定基金(EuropeanFinancialStabilityFacility,以下简称EFSF)将通过巧妙的金融工程安排实现扩容,规模将从4400亿欧元扩至约1万亿欧元。

    The European bailout fund , the European financial stability facility , is set to get larger in the plan thanks to some clever financial engineering , going from 440 billion euros to around 1 trillion euros .

  18. 刚一达成拯救欧洲的一揽子计划,欧洲金融稳定基金掌门人克劳斯•雷格林(KlausRegling)就赶快奔赴北京,乞求中国投资该基金。

    Klaus Regling , head of the EFSF , went to Beijing as soon as the European rescue package was put together , begging for Chinese investment in the fund .

  19. 由于无法扩容至必需的规模,欧洲最大的救助基金、高达4400亿欧元的欧洲金融稳定基金(EuropeanFinancialStabilityFacility)昨晚最终宣告无法为欧元区带来稳定,最大的一块创可贴也正式失效。

    The largest attempted fix , the 440 billion euro European financial stability facility , finally fell off last night , after the fund announced that it would not be able to lever up to a level that could actually bring stability to the eurozone .