
  • 网络European System of Central Banks;ESCB
  1. 在这一过程中,必然会学习和借鉴国外金融机构成功的做法和经验。欧洲中央银行体系的建立与运作,为世界各国和其他区域性经济组织提供了值得效仿的范例。

    During this process , we must learn from the successful experience of the foreign financial institutes .

  2. 《欧洲联盟条约》为欧洲中央银行体系的独立性提供立法保障;

    The Treaty of the European Union furnishes legislative protection for independence of ECBS .

  3. 欧洲法院则利用其广泛和强制性的管辖权为欧洲中央银行体系的独立性提供司法保障。

    Under its extensive and mandatory jurisdiction , the European Court of Justice will provide solid judicial protection to ensure the smooth operation of the EMU .