
duō biān tóu zī dān bǎo jī ɡòu
  • multilateral investment guarantee agency;security agency for multilateral investment
  1. 本文除引言外共分为四章:第一章介绍了多边投资担保机构的现状与概述。

    This paper is divided into four chapters in addition to introduction : the first chapter is an overview of Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency and its status quo .

  2. 本文分五个部分对多边投资担保机构、其特权与豁免、其与中国的关系和对中国的影响等问题进行了论述。

    The article which is subdivided into five chapters discusses and makes research on the issues of Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency ( MIGA ), its Immunities and Privileges , its relationship with China and the effect it exerts to China .

  3. 多边投资担保机构(MIGA)做了13亿美元投资担保。

    MIGA issued $ 1.3 billion in investment guarantees .

  4. 多边投资担保机构工作人员JamesBond认为投资者和机构信心到去年9月底已降至新低。多边投资担保机构是世行向发展中国家提供整治风险保险的下属机构。

    James Bond of MIGA , the arm of the World Bank that provides political risk insurance in developing countries , saw investor and institutional confidence fall to a low ebb by the end of September .

  5. 2000年,国际金融公司(IFC)和多边投资担保机构(MIGA)成立了合规顾问/投诉办公室(CAO)。

    The International Finance Corporation ( IFC ) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Association ( MIGA ) established the Compliance Advisor / Ombudsman Office ( CAO ) in2000 .

  6. 世行集团还希望将世界银行集团的各种工具相结合,其中包括国际金融公司(IFC)和多边投资担保机构(MIGA),创造新的融资方案来满足大量的基础设施投资需求。

    The World Bank Group is also seeking to combine the tools of the whole World Bank Group , including IFC and MIGA , for innovative financing solutions to expensive infrastructure investment .

  7. 过电流和逆功率联合保?装置(风险的)逆向选择[多边投资担保机构]

    Combined over-current and reverse power protection adverse selection [ MIGA ]

  8. 确实,多边投资担保机构在向深陷这场危机的国家提供帮助方面采取了迅速行动。

    Indeed MIGA has acted quickly to help countries caught up in the crisis .

  9. 此外,多边投资担保机构也已为缓解尤其会影响基础设施投资的风险做好了准备。

    And MIGA also stands ready to mitigate the risks that typically affect infrastructure investments .

  10. 多边投资担保机构可以提供政治风险担保。

    MIGA can offer political risk insurance .

  11. 合作安排框架[多边投资担保机构]

    Framework cooperative arrangement [ MIGA ]

  12. 多边投资担保机构计划进一步提供广泛支持

    Further Broad-Based Support Planned

  13. 提出索赔[多边投资担保机构]:提供适当的文件,以支持一项对已承保的损失提出的索赔。

    Filing of claims [ MIGA ] : Submitting appropriate documentation to support a claim for a covered loss .

  14. 在向受全球金融危机困扰的新兴和转型经济体提供支持方面,多边投资担保机构致力于强化其作用。

    MIGA is committed to strengthening its role of providing support to emerging and transition economies battered by the global financial crisis .

  15. 多边投资担保机构成立于1988年,主要通过承保政治风险和其它投资促进业务鼓励在会员国之间,特别是向发展中国家进行生产性投资。

    MIGA was formed in 1988 , it insure overseas investment and promote overseas direct investment , especially for those investment in developing countries .

  16. 多边投资担保机构计划在乌克兰和俄罗斯支持的此类项目预计将会提高这些国家金融系统的信心。

    MIGA 's planned support to such projects in Ukraine and Russia is expected to bolster confidence in the financial system in these countries .

  17. 其他举措包括建立基金来促进贸易、加强保障网络和加大基础设施力度、向银行提供政治风险保险(多边投资担保机构)等。

    Other tools include funds to boost trade , safety nets , and infrastructure development , and providing political risk insurance to banks ( MIGA ) .

  18. 与此同时,多边投资担保机构也在寻找创新方法,创造性地通过其他手段来满足投资者的风险融资需求,在深陷金融危机之际尤为如此。

    MIGA is also looking at new ways to deliver other creative solutions to meet investors'risk financing needs , especially in the wake of the financial crisis .

  19. “在帮助通过这种方式迅速启动受重创的金融部门以及传播最佳做法以确保私营部门有效运作等方面,多边投资担保机构也可以发挥关键作用,”邦德解释说。

    " MIGA has a key role to play in helping to jumpstart paralyzed financial sectors in this manner and disseminate best practices to ensure well-functioning private sectors ," explained Bond .

  20. 第四部分对多边投资担保机构与中国的关系、对中国的影响进行了评述。

    The fourth chapter makes comments on the relationship between MIGA and China , as well as the influences that MIGA exerts on China from the factor both the positive and negative aspects .

  21. 抓住朝核问题,推动建立东北亚多极主导多边安全合作机制,中国可以大有作为合作安排框架[多边投资担保机构]

    Exploiting DPRK 's nuke problem to give impetus to establish a multi-pole dominant framework of security cooperation in North-east Asia , China can make lots of accomplishments .