
  • 网络tsx;the Toronto Stock Exchange;BBD;TSE
  1. 多伦多证券交易所的做市商制度最大限度地提高市场的效率和消除了传统的专家干预的影响。

    TSX 's Market Maker system maximizes market efficiency and removes the interfering influence of a traditional specialist .

  2. 周三,伦敦证交所表示,将与多伦多证券交易所(tse)的运营商tmx合并。

    On Wednesday , the LSE said it would merge with TMX , operator of the Toronto Stock Exchange .

  3. 后一块将包括多伦多证券交易所、瑞典的omx和澳大利亚证券交易所(australianstockexchange)等。

    The latter would include the likes of the TSX , OMX of Sweden , and the Australian Stock Exchange .

  4. 多伦多证券交易所(tsx)首席执行官利时博(richardnesbitt)表示,整合正受到技术的驱动,而技术和员工是所有证交所的两大成本。

    Richard Nesbitt , chief executive of the Toronto Stock Exchange ( TSX ) , says consolidation is being driven by technology which - with staff - is one of the two big costs facing any exchange .

  5. 做市商在多伦多证券交易所(TSX)的作用是增加流动性,同时在价格优先,时间优先的基础上保持订单驱动的连续拍卖市场。

    The role of the Market Maker on Toronto Stock Exchange ( TSX ) is to augment liquidity , while maintaining the primacy of an order-driven continuous auction market based on price-time priority .

  6. 但是在多伦多证券交易所,金华已失去其原有的光彩。

    But on the Toronto Stock Exchange , Golden China has lost its lustre .

  7. 多伦多证券交易所三百综合指数

    Toronto Stock Exchange 300 Composite Index

  8. 走近多伦多证券交易所

    Visit the Toronto Exchange

  9. 上周,伦敦证券交易所和多伦多证券交易所的运营商宣布合并。

    Last week the operators of the London and Toronto stock exchanges announced a deal to combine their companies .

  10. 伦敦证券交易所正对多伦多证券交易所进行收购,而新加坡交易所正试图收购澳大利亚证券交易所。

    The London Stock Exchange is moving to acquire the Toronto Stock Exchange and the Singapore Exchange is moving to acquire the Australian Securities Exchange .