
  • 网络TSE;the Tokyo Stock Exchange
  1. 该公司已经在东京证券交易所(TokyoStockExchange)递交了首次公开募股申请书,预计将融资98亿美元。

    The company has filed for an initial public offering on the Tokyo Stock Exchange and is expected to raise $ 9.8 billion .

  2. 亚太地区交易所包括东京证券交易所(TSE);中国在上海、深圳和香港的证券交易所;澳大利亚以及韩国交易所(KoreaExchange)。

    The Asia-Pacific exchanges included the Tokyo Stock Exchange ; China 's bourses in Shanghai , Shenzhen and Hong Kong ; the bourse in Australia ; and the Korea Exchange .

  3. 在东京证券交易所一部上市的日本公司中,超过15%的公司已实施“毒丸计划”(poisonpills),以保护自己免遭敌意收购。

    More than 15 per cent of Japanese companies listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange have implemented " poison pills " to protect themselves against hostile takeovers .

  4. 此前,东京证券交易所(tse)还于周一决定,由于缺乏充分证据,不会将陷入丑闻的日兴证券摘牌。

    It also comes after the Tokyo Stock Exchange decided on Monday not to delist the scandal-tainted securities firm , owing to lack of sufficient evidence .

  5. 一桩丑闻愈演愈烈,伴之以高调的警方突袭搜查,以及随后骇人听闻的自杀事件,而其影响又让位于东京证券交易所(TSE)的近乎瘫痪。

    A growing corporate scandal , with a high-profile police raid and a subsequent apparent suicide , was topped with the near-collapse of the Tokyo Stock Exchange .

  6. 根据这一规定,新华财经必须在6月17日前提交第一季度财报,否则将被东京证券交易所(tse)摘牌。

    This means Xinhua Finance must submit its first-quarter documents by June 17 . If it fails to do so , the Tokyo Stock Exchange will de-list the company .

  7. Corneliu具有编写实时交易平台的技术背景,所服务的项目包括欧洲的EuroNext和Xetra、日本东京证券交易所、TOCOM(东京工业品交易所)、Osaka和纳斯达克等。

    He has a background writing real-time trading platforms for different markets from EuroNext and Xetra in Europe to Tokyo Stock Exchange , TOCOM , Osaka , NASDAQ and more .

  8. 但不管怎样,富士通公司已经同东京证券交易所矛盾重重。

    But Fujitsu has found itself in trouble with the TSE anyway .

  9. 今天东京证券交易所的股价下跌了。

    Share prices fell on the Tokyo Stock Exchange today .

  10. 世界著名证券交易所之一&东京证券交易所

    The world famous stock exchange & tokyo Stock Exchange

  11. 理论上来讲,如果一家公司与组织犯罪有联系,会被东京证券交易所摘牌。

    Such ties could , in theory , get a firm delisted from the Tokyo Stock Exchange ( TSE ) .

  12. 马云现出任日本软体银行公司的董事,该公司为领先的数码信息公司,于东京证券交易所挂牌交易。

    Jack currently serves on the board of SOFTBANK CORP. , a leading digital information company that is publicly traded on the Tokyo Stock Exchange .

  13. 第二大股东东京证券交易所更是抱怨手上的4.9%股权被稀释,且担心两大交易所会对自己的构成冲击。

    Its second-biggest investor , the Tokyo Stock Exchange , has complained about the dilution of its 4.9 % stake and the impact on its own prospects .

  14. 东京证券交易所与大阪证券交易所将合并,以抵御日本低迷的市场行情。

    The Tokyo Stock Exchange ( TSE ) and the Osaka Stock Exchange ( OSE ) have said they will merge to combat slowing market conditions in Japan .

  15. 在联合交易所大证券交易所名古屋证券交易所东京证券交易所美国证券交易所纽约证券交易所或伦敦证券交易所上市的股份

    " Shares listed on the unified exchange , American stock exchange , London Stock exchange , Nagoya Stock exchange , New York Stock exchange , Osaka Securities Exchange or Tokyo Stock exchange "

  16. 日本软银通过东京证券交易所发布的一项声明表明,该公司并未与雅虎进行谈判,也没有购买雅虎在雅虎日本所持股权的意向。

    Softbank , in a statement released through the Tokyo Stock Exchange , said it was not in talks with Yahoo and had no intention to buy its stake in the Japanese business .

  17. 几天后,在东京证券交易所和香港两地上市的迅销集团又增加了一份更详细的回应,称其独立调查发现了超时工作等部分问题。

    In a more detailed response several days later , Fast Retailing , which is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange with a secondary listing in Hong Kong , said its own independent inspection revealed several issues , including long working hours .

  18. 几天后,在东京证券交易所和香港两地上市的迅销集团又增加了一份更详细的回应,称其独立调查发现了“超时工作等部分问题”。

    In a more detailed response several days later , Fast Retailing , which is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange with a secondary listing in Hong Kong , said its own independent inspection revealed " several issues , including long working hours . "

  19. 在东京股价小幅回升之前,东京证券交易所的股价更是暴跌14%。

    Shares on the Tokyo stock exchange plummeted 14 % before recovering slightly .