
dōng bàn qiú
  • the Eastern Hemisphere
东半球 [dōng bàn qiú]
  • [eastern hemisphere] 大部位于大西洋东面垂直纵分的半个地球,包括欧洲、亚洲、非洲和一些小陆块

  • [eastern hemisphere] 地球的东半部,通常从西经20向东至东经160的半个地球

东半球[dōng bàn qiú]
  1. 东半球跨赤道气流季节变化及其在ELNino年的异常

    Seasonal variation of cross-equatorial flow in the eastern hemisphere and its anomaly during the El Nino event

  2. 东半球与西半球相比明显缺震。

    In comparison with the Western Hemisphere , the Eastern Hemisphere clearly had fewer earthquakes .

  3. 梅雨异常年份的东半球中低纬环流特征Java中的异常处理

    Some characteristics of circulation over middle and low latitudes of eastern hemisphere during anomalous droughts and floods in 1981 and 1983 how to handle the exception in Java

  4. 东半球短腿、长嘴、迁移类的丘鹬。向东方国家迁移(S.I.早川一会)

    Short-legged long-billed migratory Old World woodcock . Oriental immigration ( S.I. Hayakawa )

  5. 夏季大气环流对ENSO事件的响应在中高纬地区的变化与冬季不同,东半球大气环流异常与ENSO事件的关系有所增强,而西半球则有所减弱。

    The summer Northern Hemispheric circulation 's reponse to the ENSO events varies in different latitudes . In the mid-high latitudes , relationship between atmospheric circulation and ENSO events in the Eastern Hemisphere improves , but that in the Western Hemisphere diminishes distinctly .

  6. 新加坡前外交官KishoreMahbubani所著的一本书的副标题《世界强国转向东半球,势不可挡》所映射的,似乎比预想中来得要早。

    What the subtitle to a book by Kishore Mahbubani , a Singaporean former diplomat , called " The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East " seems to be happening faster than anyone expected .

  7. 利用EOF、相关、合成等分析方法,对兰州以上黄河上游五测站的月平均流量、东半球的500hPa高度距平场及太平洋海温场资料进行了分析。

    By use of the EOF , correlation and composition analysis , analyzed are the monthly mean discharge rate of five stations on the upper reaches of the Yellow River , the anomaly of 500 ? hPa height fields , and the SST data of the Pacific Ocean .

  8. 东半球的褐灰色鼠,现在成为全世界常见有害家庭动物。

    Brownish-gray Old World mouse now a common household pest worldwide .

  9. 东半球矶鹬,嘴巴弯曲象麻鹬。

    Old World sandpiper with a curved bill like a curlew .

  10. 东半球温暖地区陆栖的小型蜥蜴~agama和agamid中英文定义相同。

    Small terrestrial lizard of warm regions of the Old World .

  11. 东半球与大白喉莺的鸟但体型较小。

    Old World warbler similar to the greater whitethroat but smaller .

  12. 东半球大型黑色松鸡。国际型基金/全球基金

    Large black Old World grouse . International Funds / Global Funds

  13. 地球化学的分布法则广泛分布的东半球白鹭。

    Principle of geochemical distribution widely distributed Old World white egret .

  14. 东半球灰白色鸣禽,喉部和腹部呈白色。

    Grayish-brown Old World warbler with a white throat and underparts .

  15. 东半球普通的红色长腿涉禽。东半球以啼叫闻名的普通鸟。

    A common Old World wading bird with long red legs .

  16. 飞行时发出嗡嗡声的东半球粪金龟子。

    Old World dung beetle that flies with a droning sound .

  17. 东半球沙漠或半沙漠地区的走鸻。

    Courser of desert and semidesert regions of the Old World .

  18. 东半球陆地生杜鹃,后爪长而似剑。

    Old World ground-living cuckoo having a long dagger-like hind claw .

  19. 北半球夏季风时期东半球越赤道气流通道的研究

    A study on the passages of cross-equatorial current during the southern monsoon

  20. 东半球温暖地区的象猫的小型食肉哺乳动物。

    Small catlike predatory mammals of warmer parts of the Old World .

  21. 东半球有特殊的扭脖子习惯的啄木鸟。

    Old World woodpecker with a peculiar habit of twisting the neck .

  22. 东半球短尾巴的穴居鼠,长有大颊囊。

    Short-tailed Old World burrowing rodent with large cheek pouches .

  23. 东半球热带水域长有嵌入式细鳞的几种鱼。

    Any of several New World tropical fishes having tiny embedded scales .

  24. 东半球长肉垂和刺壮物的大型有羽冠的鸻。

    Large crested Old World plover having wattles and spurs .

  25. 家养兔的红色品种;东半球兔和野兔的杂交。

    Red breed of domestic rabbits ; hybrid between Old_World_rabbit and hare .

  26. 产于东半球的小游隼,原训练用于捕食小鸟。

    Small Old World falcon formerly trained and flown at small birds .

  27. 东半球敏捷的灰色灵猫;捕食蛇和啮齿动物。

    Agile grizzled Old World viverrine ; preys on snakes and rodents .

  28. 以其高声的鸣叫而著名的东半球普通的天鹅。

    Common Old World Swan noted for its whooping call .

  29. 东半球一种山罂粟,开白或黄到橙黄色花。

    Old World alpine poppy with white or yellow to orange flowers .

  30. 东半球形似松鼠、尾巴有毛的小型啮齿动物,在寒冷的冬季变得迟钝。

    Small furry-tailed squirrel-like Old World rodent that becomes torpid in cold weather .