
dōng zhèng jiào
  • The Orthodox Church;the Orthodox Eastern Church
东正教[dōng zhèng jiào]
  1. 东正教文化与俄语教学

    Culture of the Orthodox Eastern Church and Russian teaching

  2. 近代在中国活动的外国宗教主要有天主教、基督教、东正教和日本佛教。

    Foreign religious that are in practice in modern China mainly include Catholicism , Christianity , the Orthodox Eastern Church , and Japanese Buddhism .

  3. 卡鲁佐斯的诗歌表明他对东正教的执着。

    Karouzos 's poetry shows a profound preoccupation with the Orthodox Church

  4. 在一座峡湾穿梭、海象豹横卧、冰川覆蓋的岛上,俄罗斯在一座能俯瞰其研究基地的山丘上建造了南极洲第一座东正教教堂。

    On a glacier-filled island with fjords and elephant seals , Russia has built Antarctica 's first Orthodox church on a bill overlooking its research base .

  5. 长胡子俄罗斯牧师在东正教教堂为大约16个俄国人提供定期服务,这些人在基地过冬,他们大多都是冰川与气象领域的极地科学家。

    Bearded Russian priests offer regular services at the Orthodox church for the 16 or so Russian speakers who spend the winter at the base , largely polar scientists in fields like glaciology and meteorology .

  6. 俄罗斯在南极洲至少有三个正在运行着的站,这是为挑战美国全球位置测定系统统治地位做出的部分努力,在东正教圣三一教堂脚下,新的类似俄罗斯基地的监测站正在筹划中。

    At least three Russian stations are already operating in Antarctica , part of its effort to challenge the dominance of the American GPS , and new stations are planned for sites like the Russian base , in the shadow of the Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity .

  7. 对于许多东正教信徒而言,长相接近浸信会的约翰(John)就会被人认为是良好教养的迹象。

    To many followers of the Orthodox faith , close resemblance to John the Baptist is regarded as a sign of good breeding .

  8. 该剧在新西伯利亚国家学术剧院(NovosibirskStateAcademicOpera)和芭蕾舞剧院(BalletTheater)共演出四场,场场满座,共有1700名观众观看了演出。2月份,当地的俄罗斯东正教教会代表提出抗议。

    It played four performances to sold-out houses of 1700 at the Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater before representatives of the local Russian Orthodox Church complained in February .

  9. Icon特指东正教教堂里的宗教肖像的用法,直到19世纪才在英语中出现.1833年,平克顿教士记述了莫斯科棕枝主日游行中扛着的“六个圣像”.

    The use of icon specifically for areligious image in the Orthodox church hardly appears in English until the 19thCentury . In 1833 the Rev Robert Pinkerton wrote of " six sacred ikons " carried in the Palm Sunday procession in Moscow .

  10. 多数教堂因为无法承受压力而分裂开来:正当罗马天主教组织OpusDei怒视自由派神学家的时候,同样信奉东正教的莫斯科与君士坦丁堡之间却还在疯狂的争吵。

    Most churches are riven by tensions : it is not so long ago that the Roman Catholic Opus Dei glared at liberation theologists , and Moscow 's Orthodox still squabble like mad with Constantinople 's.

  11. 由于初期的20世纪,许多Haredi和其他东正教犹太人穿黑色的帽子,并继续到今天。

    Since the early part of the20th century , many Haredi and other Orthodox Jews have worn black fedoras and continue to this day .

  12. 起源于东仪天主教并且坚持东正教仪式。

    Derived from the Byzantine Church and adhering to Byzantine rites .

  13. 这是希腊东正教大斋期的第一天。

    This is the first day of the Greek Orthodox Great Lent .

  14. 人们不管上哪儿都会佩带希腊东正教的念珠。

    Everywhere people carry the prayer beads of the Greek Orthodox Church .

  15. 同时也深受东正教、基督教和巫术文化的影响。

    However , Orthodox Christianity and Shamanism have also contributed .

  16. 俄罗斯农民的东正教信仰

    Russian Peasants ' Belief in the Orthodox Eastern Church RUSSIA

  17. 埃塞俄比亚东正教教堂已经传授了2000年这样的教义。

    The Ethiopian Orthodox church has taught this for2000 years .

  18. 俄罗斯族中大部分人信仰东正教。

    Most believers amongst the Russian minority are Eastern Orthodox .

  19. 沙尔瓦·凯利亚是在那里200名东正教牧师的其中一人。

    Shalva Kekelia was one of 200 Orthodox priests there .

  20. 事实上在俄国东正教教会内有这样的传承。

    Indeed , there is one maintained in the Russian Orthodox Church .

  21. 东正教与当代俄罗斯青少年的道德教育

    Eastern Orthodox Church and Contemporary Russian Juveniles Moral Education

  22. 俄罗斯东正教是在联邦里占有主导地位的基督教派系。

    The Russian Orthodox Church is the dominant Christian religion in the Federation .

  23. 试论俄国东正教驻北京传教士团文化与外交活动

    On the Cultural and Diplomatic Activities of the Russian Orthodox Mission in Beijing

  24. 艾特玛托夫的《断头台》与俄国东正教文化

    Etmatov ′ s Guillotine and the Russian Orthodox Culture

  25. 宗教沃土上的民族精神&东正教与俄罗斯精神之关系探略

    The national spirits in the fertile land of religion

  26. 我们正在我家开东正教会议!

    We 're holding orthodox meetings in my home !

  27. 今年罗马教会和东正教的复活节日期是同一天。

    This year both Roman Catholics and orthodox Easter follows the same day .

  28. 首先,英法两国教士将俄国东正教妖魔化为一种半异教信条。

    First , British and French clerics demonised Russian Orthodoxy as a semi-pagan creed .

  29. 霍米亚科夫一直把理想的东正教和现实的天主教、新教进行对比。

    Khomyakov always compared ideal Eastern Orthodox Church with Catholicism and Protestantism in reality .

  30. 它是真正的东正教婚礼。

    It 's of an authentic Orthodox wedding .